Starting a Women of Color Policy and News Blog

I am in the process of laying out the foundation for starting a women of color policy and news blog.

I get sick and tired of the janky way that rape, sexual harassment, the debate around food stamps
and “domestic” violence are framed, discussed, archived and shaped.

I personally think we can do better.

Ann and I are down to do it. One post a day, five days a week. @Latoyapeterson you in? I know you are busy, and you
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@arieswym also said she was down.

Please share, rt and reblog if you know of folks who may be interested in contributing.

#blackgirlsarefromthefuture. We own stories.


  1. says

    Hi, I’d love to be a contributor. I’m a law student pursuing a career in social justice & I’ve been following your blog for about a year now. Feel free to email me!

  2. says

    I am interested. Get at me.

    I do work regarding sexuality, race, gender. I look specifically at US ideological justifications of violence.