Photo by Danielle Scruggs
This post is Dedicated to #JermthePerm aka #OldManRap
A couple of Fridays I got a call, my homie said “What are you doing tomorrow, you want to go to the Little Dragon show?”
I responded yes and immediately began to think about my outfit. I have to have my priorities in life, lol.
I had heard of Little Dragon, but but I had never heard their music. It sounds like a combination between Radiohead meets Prince.
More so than there music, or perhaps because of their music, the audience was incredibly queer. By queer I mean comprised of a room full of marginalized bodies who don’t normally hang out together. By queer I mean bursting with radical potential. In the essay “Punks, Buldaggers, and Welfare Queens: The Radical Potential of Queer Politics” Cathy Cohen states that “queer theory focuses on and makes central not only the socially constructed nature of sexuality and sexual categories, but also the varying degrees and multiple sites of power distributed within categories of sexuality, including the normative category of heterosexuality.”
Cohen goes on to state that queer means “to fuck with gender. There are straight queers, bi queers, tranny queers, lez queers, SM queers, fisting queer in every single street of this apathetic country of ours.”
The Little Dragon Audience had White folks, Black folks, Latino folks, Asian folks, young people ages sixteen to twenty one, older folks ages forty to fifty, folks in between.
The people in the room reminded me of folks who were no interested in assimilating into dominant structures but instead, as Cohen states, “seeking to transform the basic fabric and hierarchies that allow systems of oppression to persist and operate efficiently.” Glen Bleck would have lost his little Loving mind at the sight of it all.
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Same sex couples holding hands, boo’d up in the corner looking like they needed a bed and some pillows. Young clusters of White women
were dancing their little hearts out. Mad black girls with mohawks, afro’s and a sprinkle of ladies with perms.
Give the various different kinds of people gathered at The Black Cat for The Little Dragon concert, gender was certainly being addressed.
I don’t believe I have seen so much diversity within a space since the first time I went to Coney Island 4th of July 2006. There were also the all ages rap shows that I attended as a teenager in Berkeley and San Francisco.
The space was magic in that I wasn’t prepared for the sexual energy in the air. I just kinda stood around in the middle of the room, seeing friends I hadn’t expected to see, taking it all in. Getting my #ErkahBaduApb in #leggingsOldNavyShirtfrom2002AndBoots! Peace to @unkut.
You see Little D in your city?
How was the audience?
Were you already a fan? Whats your favorite song?
I feel some kinda way that you ain’t never heard little dragon’s music before you went to the show. guess that’s my fault so I’ll take that as an ubber fan and all. I’ve seen them 4 times, 3 different venues. this time was last week in atl, and the crowd was mostly black, but definitely featured all the groups that you described. What i love is how there music is like beyond good, so even though they are all the rage with the cool kids now, their shows have for real fans that represent such an amazing spectrum of humanity.
And I live for Yukimi’s non hand clap!
Moya….Girl…it just happened…I am kinda glad that the first time I heard them was live. It was hella sexy. Lol.
Why does LD draw such a broad crowd. You know what it is blood. Rap music USE to do that…or maybe I am romanticizing it.
Perhaps rap’s hyper masculine $75 ticket crowd…is just kinda bugged out to me, in comparison.
R&B doesn’t even do that. But LD does. #Buggedout.