I have a bit more time on my hands, so I wanted to reach out and ask
you all what you want me to write about.
Here are some of the ideas that I have:
1. Quick Post on Joan Morgan and David Ikard’s interview in the academic journal, Beats, Words and Life. They talk about rap music, the erotic and sex.
2. The history of Hip Hop Blogs post. I interviewed 10 HH bloggers in 2008, and I waited to do the post until I was writing under my own name. #Ummhmm. Its dated but still relevant, in that we get a since of how much the game has evolved from 2005-2008 then 2008-2010.
3. A post on Dating a Giver. I have stumbled across someone who is a giver and a sharer. Part of me was shook by it, part of me enjoyed it. I want to write about that tension.
4. Post on how a Hip Hop Blog showed me that most top 40 Rap music, hates Black women.? in 2009 really don’t give a fuck about Black women, and in many ways Black men as well. How I had been holding on, but I needed to accept that one to the face.
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5. Post on Ice Cubs Death Certificate and Chris Hedges Empire of Illiteracy. The two, in my mind, complement each other.
6. The Crack Project proposal. I wrote a proposal for class on examining the social impact of crack on East Oakland using oral histories and homicide and labor statistics. I wanted to post a version of it here.
Any other ideas?
Let me know.
Ya’ll still down for the book club?
I know I was talking about it way back in 2008.
Oh, and I hope to have an update for 100 Visionaries in a month.? Soon come.
love this blog!
For now, please post no. 1, 3, 5, 6
Peace sis
1, 3, 4, 6
I’m a new reader, in the last 3 months, so pretty much whatever you gonna write about I’m gonna read.
I enjoy your blog and your tweets because you talk about and introduce things 99.5% of people are not thinking or writing or talking about.
I love it!!
Keep up the good work!!
missdailey @gmail.com
Thank you for your kind words. They go really far.
I see you girl. #Ummmhmm. NO Rap posts, eh? Luls.
It’s going on three years now that I’ve been stretched by your observations, insights, and musings. As time went on, you became a window into the background of the joy of my life who I married last year — she happens to be from the flatlands of Oakland
I’ve been caught up in a favorite subject that re-polarized me in Aug., 1971 that I’d like to see explored from your view point because, although we agree fundamentally, we approach it from opposite directions. I’ll sketch it out in an email this week.
Thanks for caring about all you care about.
I was just reading a HuffPo piece titled “What Happened to the Black Literary Canon?” that made me think about a number of your recent posts like:
– The Hyper Marginalization of Black Fiction
– Zora Neal Hurston Had a Fight with Urban Fiction and Lost.
Then it dawned on me that I don’t think there was ever an established or loosely assembled Black Literary Canon for young adults. I know more about the accepted mainstream literary canon and the classics that we are assigned in school with but I rarely came across anything that reflects our experience in school. (Yes, there was Malcom X’s autobio, Raisin in the Sun, Richard Wright’s Black Boy and some others but there was some issues with those books in school – another story.) I’ve often heard people say young folks don’t read but I don’t recall hearing what young folks should read*. Questions:
– Did you ever hear a discussion of an accepted list of books should be passed on to young adults?
– Do we need a black literary canon in these times? I think so.
Maybe this would make a good future post.
* I should mention that my oldest brother, some elders and mentors told me what I should read but I know that is far from the case for many people. Nah, my parents did not guide me in a specific direction they were just happy to see me read.
Thank you for taking the time.
I have been thinking of putting together a Young peoples reading list.
I mean, who else would do it.
Two days ago on Twitter I was having a conversation about how many of us read Sweet Valley High as teenage girls, and I was thinking about the significance of that.
I personally am NOT invested in canons, as they are traditionally known, given the fact that I am into oppositional critical knowledge. Cannons are about maintaining dominatation and keeping those in power IN power.
Black women ain’t been “in Power” in this country…so yeah, canons for the most part have been invested in excluding people who look like me. Even the “BLACK” cannons.
I am interested in Bodies of work. #ummhmm.
Henry Louis Gates did some work around getting Black lit recognized by the White Academic Establishment in the 80’s, so in some ways the work her valorized comprises a kind of canon.
But yeah. A Summer reading list for teen kids might win.
Its funny that you ask me these questions because a month ago I was in Philly for the Black Writers Conference and the organizer said we were invited there because we BRING new readers to the work. In many ways she was on point with that observation.
Any ideas for books for a summer reading list?
I will definitely put a list together. Truth be told, I will and need to produce at least one children’s book in the not-so-near future.
I’m interested in what parents (particularly) young parents are aware of. Do they know what is available? For instance, a while back Facebook friend posted a query about graphic novel that included or featured black girls and boys for her child. I suggested one or two titles but noticed that there were not many responses. I figured that with the internet, it should be really easily to find answers but apparently that’s not really the case. “Who else will do it” . . . I haven’t really seen one and I’m not aware of an ongoing discussion. (Something tells me that I may start a book blog that will cater to people of color leaning towards graphic novels.)
Yeah, I’m sorry, ya’ll ain’t getting no love. Black women are so under-represented. I didn’t really discover black women authors until recently, like the past 4 – 5 years. I was shocked to learn that there is a celebrated Haitian female author in Edwidge Danticatt.
1,3,4,& 6…sound great.
Love your writing and the way you intersect race, gender, and class.