I want to look at crack in East Oakland. But my prof says that if I look for crack, I will find crack. So I tried to broaden it to violence, as there were 130 murders in Oakland that year. The most in 18 years, at that point.
According to Oakland Police Department statistics, in 1986 there were one hundred and thirty murders in Oakland, California, the highest in eighteen years, which can be said to be correlated with the rise of the crack drug trade. Many of these murders occurred in East Oakland. This interdisciplinary project will explore the ways in which the residents in the East Oakland, California neighborhoods within the 94603 area code made sense of the possible political, economic, social, and environmental changes that occurred in their respective neighborhoods during this year.
What do you think?
I am still feeling my way here, and I have? a better idea about the project today then I did two days ago. It was really useful to realize that it would be interdisciplinary.
hey, renina. i’m an urban health grad student, and one of the simple-but-mindblowing things i’m learning is the crazy value in focusing on process over outcome. in the process, lots of bigger picture issues always surface: broken public school systems, corruption in the mayor’s office, racist urban policy that further segregates blacks and whites.
in oakland post-ww2 (50’s, 60’s), the entire racial makeup of the city changed. simultaneously, thousands of people lost their jobs as the city deindustrialized (shipbuilding, lumber, auto industries went into decline, causing mass unemployment). SO. job insecurity mashed up against an INCREDIBLE music culture mashed up the against the gang-controlled drug trade: it was a perfect storm for crack to ravage the city, fuck with people’s health and create an air of desperation, causing drug- and gun-related violence.
i don’t know if i’m making perfect sense here, but if you google “oakland + deindustrialization + crack” or “oakland + planned shrinkage + crack”, there’s a lot of process-related stuff online. good luck! it’s good to know that there are other people on this weekend// school craziness boat.
Hey chile,
Looks good to me. You can tighten by:
1. give a number for how many of those murders occurred in East Oakland
2. Break that first sentence at “eighteen years” and making the rest of that sentence into a second sentence specifying who is correlating the high murder rate with the crack epidemic (you? other researchers? people in the neighborhood? news and media?)
3. Adding a sentence on what methods you will be using–interviews, demographics, archival research, literature–to explore residents interpretation of events
Either way though, it looks like an exciting project. You know Michelle Alexander’s new book, _The New Jim Crow_?
Hey Girl. Thank you. I am totally going to use those google search terms.
Presentation is on Tuesday, will let you know how it goes.
Hey Girl,
Thank you for the clarity. I posted it to elms, but will use your revisions for the presentation on
I will add Michelle Alexanders jawn to my bib.
Oh and that research sentence is awesome. Kinda didn’t know what to do there.
Excellent. You always come through.