There once were a people who were Black
Their neighborhoods were ruined by crack
they still rapped and danced
there kids never had a chance
There once were a people who were black.
(guess I should leave the poetry to the poets ***hunches shoulders****)
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You ever have ones of those days that are mad serendipitous????? Errie things happen and other things happen real smooth….. Earlier this morning…I was trying to remember the name of the Black economist who writes papers that examine the ECONOMIC IMPACT of crack on the hood and an Economic Analysis of Acting White. His name is Roland Tyler. Later in the afternoon Santana V. put me on to a quote by Jeffrey Wright on THE BENEFITS OF BEING A BLACK ACTOR in this months Esquire. Then tonight I was at Barnes and Noble looking for Jeffrey Wright quote (posted below) in Esquire, and there was an article on the economist in THERE.. Weird hunh?
ESQ: The difficulties of being a black actor are well chronicled. But are there any advantages?
Jeffrey Wright: No. There are no advantages to being black in America. None. Hollywood is much more resistant to supporting the work of a black actor, particularly now. The types of people that Hollywood has responded to are rappers and others who’ve made a name doing anything BUT acting. The public couldn’t name a black actor under 30 who’s not a rapper or a comedian. They’re out there, but they wont be supported in the way that folks who lean toward MINSTRELSY will be supported. Its not getting any better. Actors like DON CHEADLE have laid out really impressive careers but i guarantee you that Don didn’t get one twentieth of the support that COLIN FARRELL got at the beginning of his career. Its insulting.
In honor of my READING AIN’T WHITE CAMPAIGN I AM GOING TO LINK UP TO THE FOUNDERS OF THE KIPP SCHOOLS. These dudes are DOING truth to power in demonstrating to the YOUNG BUCKS that READIN’ AINT WHITE.The cats who wrote at FREAKANOMICS have a blog too…..When I read their blog, work I can feel my brain expand….I GUESS that is a good thing.
I find myself listening to TICAL lately. I guess it is the proper grimey NYC winter head pod music.
I appreciate the jeff wright quotes. I fucks with him and not just cause he used to live in my neigborhood and chatted it up with me one evening at the grocery store. dude is serious talent. I just found out he was married to Carmen Ejogo.
I am glad you feelin’ it Bob. I’ll let me girl S.V. know….she put me on to that ish…..
I think the quote might be darker than a mobb deep [track]. I haven’t checked it in itunes, but I figure I might as well put my ass out there also…
nice blizzy going here though …
Dude…TAN…thank you for the shout…your quote is prolly right…seeing as I like to change the language and shit… glad you feeling the bliz….I am doing me..your hella funny btw….but ykt…..