Things will be lite around here for the next few weeks as I am prepping for a 72 hour comp exam for the weekend of August 19th.
Pray for me.
We were given a 10 page bibliography that we are expected to write two 20-30 page exam answers over that weekend in August.
We have a reading group that has been meeting for the last few weeks.
On my end, I have organized the readings thematically into: Genealogy’s, Transnational Feminisms, Intersectionality, Transdisciplinary Knowledge Practices and a (build your own) Syllabus question.
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My goal is to write a sample exam answer (15 pages) by July 25th and give it to my adviser or someone on the committee to read. I tend to do better when my work is reviewed before the deadline.
I am also putting the pieces together for NMM 2.0 and the Women of Color policy blog. I have a layout, and some writers lined up, but still no name. #workingonit.
I am going to try and write one post a week, but I will see how that goes.
In the mean time, do you all want me to post a selected archive of posts maybe 20 or so of my favorite NMM posts?
Hey love. Go all in. Do what you’ve got to do. Let us know how we can support.
Hey love. Go all in. Do what you’ve got to do. Let us know how we can support.
I will most definitely keep you in my prayers. I know you will do well. You inspire me. Point Blank. The selective archive is a great idea. Have a great week.
I meant selected archive…lol.
I would love to read what you say are your favorite NMM posts!!