1. What is it so hard for people to think in terms of the group rather than the individual?
2. Why $100 don’t last?
3. Why Red soda taste so good?
4. Did you read Latoya’s ‘Miss. Nigga’ piece?
5. Why my time with Josephine last fall seem like a blur?
6. Why I tell the man, who is ‘don’t answer, don’t call’ in my phone “I miss you, it ain’t been cool since after the Superbowl, and if you desire to hang out tonight that would be awesome?” Of course after I had called earlier and tried to get my way without being humble or honest
7. When will we realize we need a new system?
8. What does accepting people where they are look like?
9. Why Black people call me a professor and I am still being trained? Why they proud and why do I Love that feeling?
10. Why I was I reminded that I should ask a question rather than make an assumption?
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11. Why that woman think I am scared of her when I knew her when we were 18?
12. Why I tell that man, Kill me or leave me alone?
13. Did you read Rob’s piece on Wisconsin and Michelle Rhee?
14. Why do women call each other “Ho’s” in my tweet stream? Did you know I unfollow them?
15. Why didn’t I plan better so I could have attended the conference this weekend?
16. Why I miss Green Eyes?
17. Why interviews hurt?
18. How did four semesters go by so fast?
19. Why I had to call him a coward for not following his heart?
20. PSK what does it all mean?
2. Why $100 don’t last?
Maybe you should consider saving it? I’m really talking to myself and just saying.
12. Why I tell that man, Kill me or leave me alone?
Oh yeah, that was brand new. Reminds me, I found a solution for easily dismantling the “screw-face” in awkward situations.
14. I’m surprised that N___, B____, H___, and all that is prevalent on Twitter. Yeah, I unfollow. Should I stop friending relatives on FB? I’m tired of seeing that crap.
20. Bump that!
End note, I finally saw that Kanye film. No comments.
I can’t save it. I have to eat. Just peeping how it no longer stretches the way it use to.
I don’t friend people I don’t want to. Full stop. My twitter stream is also hella belligerent
and a liability.
You saw it. What what? I am byrd girl. You have to have an idea. Comoneson.
8. What does accepting people where they are look like?
The first half of true friendship.
“A friend is someone who accepts you as you are and leaves you better than they found you.” (Marvin J. Ashton)
IMO, both parts are necessary — and in that order — for true friendship.
Woke up feeling saucy, so I’m just gonna go for it:
1: bad parents. 2: bad parents. 3: everyone is 25% humming bird (minimum). 4 and 5: I have no idea. 6: cuz deep down, we’re just that sweet? In spite of ourselves? 7: for me, two weeks ago wednesday. 8: It looks like a very essential kindness. 9: I’m so not in a position to answer that. 10: These are words of wisdom, but I still suspect the bosses are lingering about the place. Set your course and punch in FULL SPEED AWESOME POSSOM. Or … don’t. Probably don’t. That’s probably the wiser choice.
11 and 12: No idea, but I’ve had people cross the street rather than tangle with me, and I think it had something to do with shame, every time. 13: Okay, just a minute… yes. 14: It is an ugly, ugly word, and thank you for policing that in your headspace. 15: Human? 16: I miss the reference. 17: No matter how gentle, the interview always has that one errant finger. 18: This past year has just been a flash… *pouts* 19 and 20: I don’t know what either question mean, but I understand how important it is to stay real and human.
So, I hope it is okay if the detritus of my ideas wash up on these shores. Absolutely no offense taken if I am unwelcome.
I don’t like my answer to 6. Not sure what my thought was there. Otherwise, on reflection, *nod*.