^^Rothko, my favorite.
I miss ya’ll. I expect to post soon.
Since I have been away I have had a birthday, had a lover hurt my feelings, learned that I really enjoy bbq chix snacks, became fully integrated in my google calendar, learned to conduct in depth oral interviews, realized that NO one messes with my Sunday nights, had a peer threaten to NARC on me to a professor, had another professor tell me to find EVERYTHING written about Back women’s sexuality since 1985, made hella amends after hurting a friend, threw myself into Ta’ing and practicing being engaged with my students, realized that I Love fall lightweight more than spring, learned that I Hate Bleek Gilliam because I am Bleek Gilliam, THAT I am really brave because a BOO thang READ the Vulnerable and fearless post on his phone while I sat next to him and I didn’t explode- in fact I felt alive, I refocused on my work,? I learned that while I am attracted to passionate people that basic human relationships skills are hot as well, I feel back from a relationship and let my heart desire it as well.
So yeah.
I been busy.
Looking forward to transcribing my second interview for this paper on Saturday and getting my face and ass grabbed this weekend. #fullmoonhoney.
How you been?
What do you want me to write about?
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Black Voice Online– Where is Black voice online in the age of Obama. In fact, why were most of the bloggers invited to The White House gossip bloggers.
Food Stamps vs. Soda-@rafikam and I went back and forth about this on twitter.
A report on The Black Girl Project– @Superhussy’s awesome film screened in DC on the 25th.
On the Housewifization of Male Labor– Maria Mies argues that the unpaid caring work that women do subsidizes the male wage but capitalism as well (ix). ‘The construction of woman as mother, wife and housewife was the trick by which? 50% of human labour was defined as? free resource.”
Is Hip Hop Political?– People argue it is, others argue it isn’t. I went back and forth with Jay Smooth about it earlier this year.
Finish up the Nixonland Conversation?- We started reading Nixonland last summer. Perhaps we can finish it.
Anything else I haven’t written about other than #NWNW. Peace to @racialicious.
It’d be nice to finish Nixonland lol. I’m still in the same spot.
Luls. Word. I guess we can work on that. You have reading time avail around Thanksgiving? Luls.
hey ‘nina bear!!
miss u, luv.
I’d like to hear your thoughts on whether hip hop is political.
I can make the time, I work better under the gun so that weekly progression kept me honest.