I have a few posts percolating.
They are:
Obama as the Black Savior,
On Feeling Irrelevant Because of Obama Win
The Politics of Michelle Obama’s Body
The History of Hip Hop Blogs,
Rafi, De La Soul and Crankety old men,
Black women and street harassment,
Black Feminism 101,
How to be in Pain and Not Shut Down.
Good. Clean. Fun. I can’t even begin to tell you what happened
in the last few weeks.
We now have a Black president. I shut down the blog for the first
time EVER. One should immediately seek medical attention in on cialis line case of side effects such as prolonged erection, drowsiness, abnormal vision, skin rashes or chest pain. The main ingredients of diuretic and anti-inflammatory Pill, which is also known as diuresis antibiotic pill, is developed by herbalist Lee Xiaoping greyandgrey.com viagra ordination who specializes in the field of male and female.In women there is a serious issue of lack of sexual desire. It’s important to realize that standard checks and maintenance is not just buying levitra without prescription accomplished as something has damaged. Certain solutions can lead to ED like blood pressure drugs, anti-allergies, antidepressants, and greyandgrey.com brand viagra no prescription sedatives. I needed to get it in, and I didn’t want to half step
it with you all or with myself.
All I have to say is that it culminated yesterday in me showing up
to take the GRE with an ID that expired last month and I WAS
NOT LET INTO THE building.
Needless to say, I light weight flatlined. I’m alive, here, writing
and prepping to bring the insightful analysis that angers some
and delights many.
Besides, in the last few weeks, I have been looking around the
blogosphere, and I am not trying to clown or nothing, but most
these cats aren’t saying nathin. I mean. Zero. Its bugged out.
They actually aggregate AP news articles, and do
so horribly. What is that?
What have you been up to?
“but most these cats aren’t saying nathin. I mean. Zero. Its bugged out. They actually aggregate AP news articles”
I think you said it all right there. Half the time is sounds like people are complaining, gossiping or just down-right copying AP or other peoples posts. And don’t forget to mention how brave, disrespectful and judgemental people are behind a keyboard.
Fortunately there are some gems out there. Either way, I’m busy checking out sports and really figuring how (and what) I’m going give some extra time next year in the spirit of service.
Fortunately there are some gems out there. Either way, I’m busy checking out sports and really figuring how (and what) I’m going give some extra time next year in the spirit of service.
Come spend it with Me and the Good People of 100 Visionaries. That reminds me. I need to check in with Ann re the website.
Do you think Obama has fired folks up on the service tip?
we missed u too.
I don’t know. For me, it was something always on my mind that I continue to put off. But personally I really got tired of hearing people complain about sh*t but yet never get their hands dirty because they’re too preoccupied with their own immediate problems as if we’re not in this together.
To really answer that last question about the service tip, I am really interested in seeing all of these “believers of change” keep that momentum and make their community a better place. We will see.
I should add this last comment, I’m more a fan of Obama the community organizer as opposed to the President-Elect Barack Obama the politician. I’m not naive, I understand that he has to play the game to get these done but I am not putting my faith in change. I’ll put my faith in the actions that I can control, so I’ll just get to work and try to help some how, some way.
faith in the actions
Thats it homie.
You nailed it.
Hello Courtney Bear,
I missed you as well. It was hard not to write A TON in the last couple of weeks, but it is what it is…you know?
I have a couple things go cooking for you.
Don’t be a stranger.
Welcome Baaaaaack
Hielow. MZ.
“How to be in Pain and Not Shut Down”
yea. i need to read this.
it’s “funny” that i was bout to write some shit on my personal experiences with patriarchy but the effects of patriarchy stopped me from doing it.
I have been twirling around the idea about this post.
Because I am IN THE MIDDLE of Being in pain and not shutting down, its a little difficult to write about…
I will try and have something this week.
Heyyyyyyyyy!! It’s been forever!
Talk about a delayed reaction (on my part). Glad you’re back.
You’re not the only one who took a break.
Mine was much longer. You were back and gone, and I was STILL gone.
As we all know, sometimes life beckons.
Good to see that you are back as well.
Ms. Name change.
Welcome Back!! WE missed you!!
I am interested to read your essay on the Obama win and feeling irrelevant. So many emotions stirred up for me on Nov. 4th but there is this unnamed thing that left no room for critique because we were all celebrating the “glory.”
I wonder how folks feel now..
Dios mio, I have taken my time with the Obama
post BECAUSE at the time, I was going through so much personal change and development.
That being said, its coming love.
Coming like Dec 28th….