Black Love Rocks!

So yall know Im obsessed w/ the Sunday Times Marriage Section.

I was looking through that sh*t a coupla weeks ago
came across and an old school homies’ wedding announcement.

I BE HELLA JUICED when I see negroes up in that sh*t.

Salud. Fam!


Congress is going at Gene Upshaw regarding the
I stand by the notion that what happens to the players
matters to All of us.

Whether Congress will ultimately consider action, or whether the hearing served merely as its public relations warning to the league and union to improve a disability system that the panel depicted as drawn-out and draconian, remained unclear one day after the hearing. But three members of the committee reasserted in telephone interviews yesterday that they would consider legislation should they not see improvements to the treatment of retired players, of whom 317 received disability payments of about $63,000 apiece last year.

Health care is a human right that YOU WILL HAVE TO FIGHT

Football is a violent, brutal sport. It’s even more violent and more brutal when played by the biggest and best players.

The retired players should have understood that when they joined the league. They didn’t. Because when you’re 25 you think you’re indestructible, and the future seems a long way away.

That future is now for some 10,000 former players, and it’s more painful than they ever imagined. Just 317 are receiving disability payments, and most of the others believe they should be getting far more in pension pay than they do.

Its f*cking expensive and necessary.

I love the fact that current players don’t really give a f*ck about the OG’s.

Upshaw knows where his loyalties lie, even though he falls in the same group of retired players the union is so wary of giving money to. He’s employed by current players, who have made it clear they are more concerned with keeping money in the fund for their future than paying it out for those who went ahead of them.

The thing about it is, the current players may one day in the future be pickled and crushed in the cranium. And who are they gonna ask for help then? The same retired
players union that they thought was irrelvent when they were active
in the league?




Hip Hop.

This effect is augmented by the soundtrack, much of it by the Haitian-American hip-hop star Wyclef Jean (who appears in the film and takes an executive producer credit), and also by Mr. Leth?s slick, speedy editing.

Bily and 2Pac, who aspires to be a rapper as well as a warlord, live a gangster lifestyle that exceeds the wildest fantasies of an American hip-hop video. Their mixture of nihilism and sentimentality ? the way they combine loyalty to home turf with a ruthless appetite for violence ? is undoubtedly authentic. Whether they deserve to be treated as outlaw pop-culture heroes is a question Mr. Leth declines to explore.

I could think of only few other BETTER ways to spend
a Friday night.


Oh and speaking of sports.

The NBA draft is upon us and the one and done “high schooler’s must sit out a year rule”
gets analyzed by

One and done? is a dramatic change from the system put in place in 1976, when the ?Oscar Robertson rule? ? a court settlement between the N.B.A. and its players association ? removed all restrictions from the N.B.A. draft. I believe that policy should still be the case. If an 18-year-old can fight and die in the military, why can?t he pursue an N.B.A. career if he?s good enough and someone is willing to offer him a contract?

— ———–Raises hand. MEME ME ME MEMEMEMEE. I have an answer. Because, a dead n*gga in Iraq is much less of a threat than a rich young n*gga in the NBA.

American sports are crazy paternal to young black men.

Think about it.

What other sports have an age pre req before one is eligble to turn pro?


Here is a nice tidbit that I really trip off of all at the same time,

There are hundreds of other teenage athletes who have been mistakenly led to believe they?re ready for the N.B.A. Once they enter the draft and find out they?re wrong, it?s too late: they?re not allowed to attend or return to college on an athletic scholarship.

In no other line of work is someone penalized for leaving or delaying school and returning later. Besides, college coaches ? who can make millions of dollars ? negotiate with other colleges, or with N.B.A. teams, all the time. They don?t forfeit their employment if they decide to stay put.

Penalized if you leave, eh?
Damned if you do. Damed if you do.


Given how big hip hop is around the world,
shouldn’t their be more documentaries?

How many wedding invitations you got for this summer?

Is the NFL players union scandless, or just keepin’ it real?

Should young bucks be able to leave high school and go to the Lakers?


Are N*ggas Really That Homophobic?

I was reading the Village Voice interview with DJ Khaled and he shouted his brothers b-day saying,

“Man, I’m feeling good,” Khaled says as he goes live on Orlando’s 102 Jamz. “I’m on my way to Orlando ’cause it’s my brother’s birthday. Mayne: Happy birthday. I love you. No homo.

I noted to myself, that was interesting. This dudes notion of masculinity
is so thin, that saying he loves his brother potentially constitutes being gay.


Don’t get me wrong.
I get it.

Alledging a mans homosexuality- a man who is NOT gay
is emasculating, and IT IS a cornerstone of hip hop and American culture.

I get that being soft is a surefire ticket to beatdown city in the hood.
Soft being gay, soft being feminine. Gay being feminine.

^^^^I think I covered enough cultural/sexual landminds?!?!?!?!!?

So I went to Dallas Pens house tonight and I came across
an analysis of whether Jay Z was gay and realized, there is
something amiss

Why is being gay such a threat?

Now here is what I know.
Black people have been exposed to gay folks.

Black people got gay folks in they family.

Yet, there are men walking around typing/saying
no homo this or that AND GOT gay folks in they family.

I mean, we are talking the gay uncle, auntie or cousin, brother or sister.
So its not like we haven’t been exposed it and that we don’t know no

In addition, Black men get locked up. And consequently,
there are men who identify as being hetrosexual and they
have sex with men while they are in prison.

Where do these men fit into the spectrum?


My question is why the fear?
And why the lack of discussion about it?

Why, for Black men, and men in general, the fear
of gayness?


Laffy Taffy, Tiggolo Pain and the End of Hip Hop.

The dope thing about spending long swatches of time
by yourself
is that you can a.) get hella work done
you feel like a freed slave once you get to go outside and play.

Ladies, gentlemen, and trannies.

Fri, Sat, Sun. I saw the sun come up.

Even tho’ I been in NYC for a minute.

There is been something so, regal, delish and serenity
inspiring about BK sun rises in June.

In fact, from 2-6am, it never really gets pitch black dark.

I imagine its because these are the longest days of the year.


My big sister T took me out on Saturday in her new fancy car.

I had no idea that sports cars draw n*ggas like flies t to sh*t.

Driving down Atlantic, three different sets a cats in cars tried to pop.

Its was surreal for me.
I was riding shot gun. SAWED OFF SHOT GUN HAND ON THE PUMP.

[[[[[[[[[Uh. Wiley. Lemme hold your um, Cypress Hill. That sh*t knock]]]]]]].

We finally landed at a party in Flatbush.

I heard every laffy taffy esque song.

3. BUY YOU A DRANK, which actually has an interesting arrangement.

Only on missing was A BAY BAY!

You know what I realized? Seeing erry body all dressed
up and beautiful and dancing.

These songs are constitute a POP RAP DANCE music.
They give black people, young and old, an opportunity to kick
it in they back yard function, or at a club and dance some
worries away. I ain’t mad at that.

It is rap music. It is a certain category.
But IT IS rap music.

I mean that bass line in Pop Lock and Drop It is kidney

I like the video too.

5 Reason’s Why The Vid is Fresh.
1.] IT actually has a Concept and errie death like Line.
2.] The WOMEN ARE NOT AIRBRUSHED. They look like gurls on the
train. THEY ARE the gurls from the train. LOL.
3.] It is VIXEN free.
4.] The Free “Shonta, Monte….” T-Shirts. LOVE HIP HOP SUBVERSIVENESS.
5. @ 3:26secs. I haven’t seen such delish Zombie coordination since Thriller.

It reminds me of Juveniles, Huh? jawn.

[[[[[[[ I needs to put that jawn on my run easy mixxxx]]]]]

Dope thing about the mid west, and the south, is the landscape, housing and architecture itself becomes a character in the video.

All those wide shots panning houses, streets and alleys.

I went from Extra P to Tiggalo P.

All in the same day.



From Sean P to Tiggalo Pain.
Sounds like a Bad VH1 IDEA for a Hip Hop show.


The Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival is B-Girl Heaven.

When I went to sleep on Saturday morning,
at 7:13am,
I did not have a ticket to the
Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival.

By 12:30 pm. I did. THANK YOU JASE.

You ever go to a function and the energy just crackles.

Like YOU KNOW you are about to have the time of your life.

Thats how it went down.

I gets there.

Firmly plants my @ss up front.

I wanna be so close to the speaker

that when they play the Bridge is Over,
I feel my kidneys jiggle.

Couple people I ran into were like, you here by yourself?

I was like, Yessir.

A few weeks ago, Your boy the liberterian introduced
me to classmates parent and described me as someone
who has , ” a 5 foot party periphery around her at all times.”

At first I thought he was being funny. Then I realized that sh*t was true.

Dolo ain’t a problem.
I mean its a HH festival in BK. I ain’t alone!

Without further adieu, I present to you, my BK HH Festival Rundown.


The crowd was like democracy on crack.

White Folks. Babies. Old school Bronx b-boys.
Young bucks w/ tribe t.shirts.
Fly ladies.
Frat Boys.


Just straight LOVE.

In fact in observing the crowd, I began to wonder if

is the unifying nature of Hip Hop why Pac is dead.

I can’t think of any other thing could bring
this mixture of people together.


These cats were on stage when I arrived.

They are some charismatic, Hip Hop loving dudes.


EMCEES, who are HAPPY to be rapping.

They have an exciting stage presence.


Peep SITTIN AT THE BAR. It go <------as the hyphy kids say it. SH*T is life affirming.

In fact. Their energy reminds me of Pharcyde.

This jawn has some pipes.

Her voice is like teena marie’s lil
b-girl sister.

Fly style. Check.

Plays guitar. Check.

Crazy B-girl swag. Double check.

Emily is a winner.

Buy her music.


So old boy is in my lane. I have an affinity for
the horn rimmed, malcom X glass wearing cats.

His set was short. Yet perfect.

The Bug out, is that he had salt and pepper in his beard.

Grown Man Emcee!

And I think his daughter was on stage. Posted up, taking
pictures. Awishhh. Hip hop. A family affair.

These cats BLEW MY MIND.
Their music is like Fela meets Tower of Power.


My favorite part of their set was “Guess the Wu Tang beat”.

They played WU instrumentals, LIVE.


The moments after they played the tune,
you could see almost feel hip hop brain waves
rippling through the crowd
trying to figure out, WHAT BEAT IS THIS?

After the first 10 or 20 seconds, we would figure out
and folks would shout out OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH’s.
That sh*t was like church.

Skills is a rappers rapper.
A performers performer.

I been new about him.


To witness him is another experience.

You know what it is?


And smart as sh*t.

I mean. It has been so long that \
an emcees rhymes were so fly that
I just wanted to be their friend.

“i feel that hip hop if it isnt careful will
maybe go the same route that jazz music went..after a while the people
wont care…they wont support it or come see it… Same shit…different music”

Artist do that. You know?

He engages with the crowd.

He’s comical.

Works the stage.

Asks for and expects crowd participation.

I would actually PAY to go see him.

Like somma that outta pocket 2007 Hip Hop show
in Manhattan ticket prices.

Feel me?

Ol’ boy stopped by and did the water song.

He wasn’t even on the line up. Just popped by.


Can you imagine. Sunny day.

74 degrees. Perfect periwinkle blue sky.

And hearing the little,

Bloomp, Bloomp, Bloomp, Bloomp… You wanna buck whhhhat?

Buck Shot popped by and did “I gotchu opin.”

He wasn’t scheduled either.

Dres did a Fever for the Flavor,
and some new songs.

By this time it was 5 something.

Ghost was scheduled for 7.

I had been standing up for about 3.5 hours and wanted
to go get some carbs and a nap and come back.

My boy Jase was like,

“Ghost isn’t coming on till 9.”

I was like word.

I thought about it.

DRES was on stage performing his new sh*t.

I was like. Ummm. Laters on these.

M.Dot was ty-yerd.

So I bounced.

So im sitting in the middle of lemonade refill,
a twenty minute walk away from the festival
and I get a text from Jase,

“Ghost is performing”.

Dude. It was 7:41. I was piiiiissssssed.


I kept it moving.

I went home.

Got dressed and got scooped by my
gurl, and went to ,Jamaica Flatbush
and then to a party in Fort Greene where I danced
so hard my feet were ’bout to declare mutiny.


In hindsight.

I missed Ghost.

But I got Extra P.

So Im happy.


Did you go to the festival?

If you could choose the line up,
who would you add?


New York Times Speculates on Surge of Oakland Murders

You and I both know.

It get hot.

Somebody dying in Oakland this weekend.

Thats how it is. Thats how it’s allways gonna be.

The Times devoted 2 pages to assessing why so many cats
are getting murked in the ‘Town.

I almost was going to type the headline:
“Hip Hop Responsible for
Increase in Oakland Murders”.

Then I decided not to.

Ironically, while I am reading the article and simultanously preparing this post,
I get to this on the second page.

Respect for traditional social norms was on the decline, Mr. Patterson said, in the face of a growing hip-hop culture that puts an emphasis on street credibility for respect.

The COMEDY is that it took the author, 17 short paragraphs, and
the 2nd of two pages to get to THE quote that blames Hip

The shootings are part of a cresting wave of violence in Oakland, which recorded 148 homicides in 2006, a 57 percent increase over 2005 and the highest number in 11 years. As of last week, 43 people had been killed in 2007, fewer than the 60 killed over the same period last year, but still far short of a turnaround.

My first question is how many n*ggas gotta day for the government to realize that
this is a statewide emergency.

You know whats gonna have to happen. Will a series of white
Oaklander’s have to die
in order for the politicans, police
and the government to grasp the seriousness of the

Murders have an materially adverse affect on city life.

1. Investigating murders take diverts police from investigating other crimes.
2. Murders impact the quality of life of the neighborhoods, of the working folks,
of the victims families.
3. Young bucks coming up seeing so many people they love die young, get desensitized to murder at a young age.
3. It affects business owners perception of Oakland as a place to avoid investing in.

Here is a voice that I would like to hear from. Dr. Javid Sadjadi, of Highland Hospital:

Dr. Javid Sadjadi, an emergency room doctor at Highland Hospital, Oakland?s main public trauma center, said doctors there treated 425 shooting victims last year, some of them several times.

?We?re starting to see the same people getting shot several times in several different incidents,? Dr. Sadjadi said, recounting a 14-year-old shooting victim who died recently after being admitted to the hospital, his third admission for having been shot.

Dr. Sadjadi recalled one day last summer when the hospital treated more than 10 victims of shootings.


The Good old prison explanation,

Possible explanations include large numbers of violent parolees returning from prison, increasing gang violence, the availability of guns, a growing methamphetamine trade and police recruitment shortfalls. But some of those factors also exist in San Francisco and San Jose, which has a comparable number of parolees and, arguably, a larger and longer-standing gang problem than Oakland.

The town has something both cultural and voilatile.

There is a wild wild west, F*ck the Police, I am going to handle it my way
attitude in ‘The Town.

And UNTIL the Police, Policy makers and Educators
these murders ARE only gonna get worse.

The variable and somewhat mysterious homicide rates in the Bay Area mirror a national pattern in crime data for 2006 released earlier this month by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The data show killings increased significantly in some cities, including Atlanta, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington, and decreased in others, including Dallas, Los Angeles and Miami, with no definitive explanation for the difference

Reading articles like this give me survivors guilt like a mug.

Here I am tripping off working strategizing to work for
a Judge, the SEC or Target, NEXT SUMMER and being
angry at myself for not better planning THIS SUMMER
(cake is wobbely ‘yall) and in the mean time, my people are dying.

God really knows how to put sh*t in perspective for you.


Why do you think so many cats are getting murked inna ‘Town?
