Dissent is Healthy

Martin Luther King Jr., President Johnson, Whitney Young, and James Farmer inside the White House Oval Office.

Dissent is healthy, our nation is rooted in it.

I was at a dinner party the other night and the issue of critiquing
“larger bloggers” came up.

I thought to myself, talking shit about someone is ONE thing. Critiquing their work is something else.

As an athlete and a writer, I understand that I only get better with critique. Some days its easier to take than others. It also depends on whether the person doing the critique is trying to give feedback or trying to humiliate. As a woman, I know that if someone can’t deal with my argument, rather than analyze it, they may want to go personal. Then I just be like #negroimfromthefuturemissmewiththose.

Critique is healthy for democracies as well.

There appears to be an unwillingness for Negros to engage and critique other negros publicly. Where does this leave Black people in general and our democracy specifically?

What if all those Civil Rights jawns failed to critique LBJ around the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act?

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I get it. I was initially really uncomfortable critiquing hip hop publicly, but, I came to learn that a.)the world didn’t blow up b.) a lot of? other people felt similar c.) once I did it I was able to do it again.

What does it mean that Black folks are reluctant to critique other Black bloggers?

As I thought about writing this post, I reflected on my own identity as a writer, and what it means to be willing to offer a critique. I realize that for my world, the issue has to do with wanting to shine, but also being committed to being authentic and trying to figure out how to do so simultaneously. The new shit then is #shineauthentic. Yassuh!

What does it mean that the Congressional Black Caucus is extremely reluctant to critique and or apply pressure on the president? Whose interests are being served by this?

Has any president every done anything specifically for Black people, low income or otherwise without being publicly pressured to do so?

What does it mean that Bobby Kennedy could be the first and last modern president to understand the importance of taking direct action to change (better) the material conditions of lives of low income Americans in general and low income Blacks specifically

You practice #shiningauthntic lately? Why or why not?

Why Your Personal Information is the Future of the Global Economy

Two things have occurred that have had a profound influence on how I see the future global economy. The first was reading the February 27th issue of The Economist (peace to S.bot for giving it to me, I need a subscription) which focuses on “The Data Deluge” and the second was learning about nano technology.

This issue of The Economist gave me a broader context in terms of thinking about data management, the merging of virtual and material realities, and what this means for? negros in the US, women making $2/day in the global south, social justice movements and democracy in general.

There are about six relevant quotes.

On the importance of interdisciplinary statisticians in the future:

CIO’s have become somewhat prominent in the executive suite, and a new kind of professional has emerged, the data scientist, who combines skills of software programs, statistician and storyteller/artist to extract nuggets of gold hidden under mountains of data. Hal Varian Googles, chief economist predicts the job of statistician will become the sexiest around. Data, he explains are widely available:what is scarce is the ability to extract wisdom from them.

How companies profit from our time online, Facebook, Ebay etc:

Across the internet economy, companies are compiling masses of data on people, their activities, their likes and dislikes, their relationships with others and even where they are at any particular moment?and keeping mum. For example, Facebook, a social-networking site, tracks the activities of its 400m users, half of whom spend an average of almost an hour on the site every day, but does not talk about what it finds. Google reveals a little but holds back a lot. Even eBay, the online auctioneer, keeps quiet.

On the data becoming as important to and/or replacing labor and capital:

Data are becoming the new raw material of business: an economic imput on par with capital and labour. “Everyday I wake up and ask ‘how can I flow data better, manage data better, analyzes data better.” says Rollin Ford , the CIO of Wal-Mart

On being bombarded with information daily:

In 2008 such households were bombarded with 3.6 zetabytes of information or 34 gigbaytes per person per day. The biggest data hogs were video games and television. In terms of bytes, written words are insignificant, amounting to less than 0.1 of the total. However the amount of reading people do, previously in decline because of television has almost tripled since 1998, thanks to all the text on the internet.

From exploiting labor to exploiting information, (how Google does it):

The company that gets the most out of its data is Google. Creating new economic value from unthinkably large amounts of information is its lifeblood. That helps explain why, on inspection, the market capitalization of the 11-year-old firm, of around $170 billion, is not so outlandish. Google exploits information that is a by-product of user interactions, or data exhaust, which is automatically recycled to improve the service or create an entirely new product.

On machines taking to machines:
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“Significantly, information created by machines and used by other machine’s will probably grow faster than anything else, explains Roger Bohn of the UCSD, one of the authors of the study on American households. This is primarily database to database information- people are only tangentially involve in most of it”

I mentioned writing this post to an engineer and he told me about nano technology, and how it will have profound implications for labor in the it involves creating machines on a molecular level that can build things such as bridges, cars.

The implications of nanotechnology is pretty straight forward,

Products made with nanotechnology may require little labor, land, or maintenance, be highly productive, low in cost, and have modest requirements for materials and energy.

Dude. Little machines that BUILD stuff?

Which leads me to a few questions:

If machine labor, replaces human labor what does this mean in a society where we derive who we are based on our jobs?

Do the social justice folks, and the data scientists talk to each other, if they did, how would their respective work change, if at all?

Learn more: Center for Responsible Nanotechnology

The social movement folks need to be hollering at the scientist.

For realisies.

Ummm Hmm, Negro

9:12 pm
Undisclosed Bk Location
Me: Ummm. That was quite the look of Appraisal. What does that mean?

Bacon Grits: Just looking, no appraisal happening.

Me: Ummmp. Umm. Hmmp. Yeah okay, Negro. Rocks in seat.

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Bacon Grits: Ok, so I have been looking at you like that because, when you look at me, its like, you see right through me.

Me: ***Dead. Oh. Okay, thank you for being honest.


When was the last time you had to be like, “Umm hmm negro?”

Lightweight Awesome and Stretched

Jump in the…..

Earlier this week I had a profound encounter with a professor.

She recommended that I “approach my work being a little bit more comfortable with uncertainty.” I turned to her and said, “Dr. Rogers, ummmm I work really hard to do that in my “real life”, so you want me to do this in my scholarly life too?”


We were going over my a paper idea and she encouraged me to be more open to exploring the unknown, and letting go or suspending the answers that I felt I already had to my questions.

Which brings me to Slow Dynamite. This cat has me intrigued and is forcing me to stretch. He’s attentive, straight forward, light weight outtapocket, but for the most part, he don’t mean no harm. Actually, means a lot of good,with real. clear. boundaries. Full stop. (Apparently, so do I and so we bump heads. Two stubborn negros.) And states it explicitly. Word?

Its bugged to find a crush then mess around and be someone else’s. I ain’t see that coming. Which brings me back to my
professors comment regarding my being comfortable with uncertainty.

It makes sense, because it totally goes to “I can’t control outcomes.”

You know what it was ya’ll? The negro noticed by blush. Yes, the put it on lay-a-way, NARS bougie ‘ish that highlights the cheek bones and the nose. As Josephine-3:30-Baker “I don’t know Neen’s, a jawn that notices and comments on your blush, deserves at least a second look, a chance.”

Me. “We want two different things.”

Josephine. “Ummmm, yeah, but you could see, I mean, people don’t notice blush girl.”


This combined with work, midterms, figuring out summer plans and getting some really good news (praise God) on two fronts last week,
means my hands are full (on the top, peace to Filthy.)
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I am not going to say that its perfect, but then again what is?

Life is good. I am open to that new, the uncertainty.
If you would have told me that claiming my crush would have brought out another, I would have looked at you like you crazy.

And. Now.

I am learning another way of Being.

It feels good.

To stretch.

Oh, and then there’s this one. Senor Food Sabroso aka Bacon Grits.? Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Food.



This one is for Moya + T.dot + S.bot for Loving + Supporting me.

You push yourself to do something new lately?

Why is it so hard?

How do you deal with the uncertainty in life?

20 Question Wednesday’s

Going through the archive, realized I hadn’t done one of these in a
hot minute.

1. Why is it so clear to me now that Hip Hop is a masculine space?
2. Why am I finally seeing Avatar this weekend?
3. Why am I more comfortable with Black and White, and not the grays?
4. Why is dating fun, scary, exciting and fun?
5. Why negro’s come at happy black girl day sideways?
6. Have you told your momma and/or the person who raised you you Love them recently?
7. How many people will need to be unemployed before we force the government to invest in us, they way they invest in corporations?
8. Why co-workers be so angry?
9. Why does managing whiteness require so much energy?
10. Why it be hard for me to accept a change, then when I do, it be like, what was the problem with the change in the first place?
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12. Why I run into the gorgeous woman who made me stutter?
13. Why salad cost more than a big mac?
14. Why they charge 5 cent for bags?
15. Why One-Two shit go so hard?
16. Why the new Erykah album make me feel like I need to wear a new outfit the first time I listen to it?
17. Why when I wrote it on my blog, I was able to let it go?
18. Why do our girlfriends see our blindspots and call us on them?
19. When will we realize that every word has an impact?
20. Why is March kinda awesome?

You know the deal.

#blackgirlsfromthefuture. So I ask, I know yall got answers.