Justin Timberlake’s “In Time”: A Critique of Capitalism?

I saw the new Justin Timberlake last night, In Time a film where time is the currency used to pay rent, pay for bus rides, buy food etc. Everyone has a watch on their arm, that counts down to their last minute.

Timberlake lives in the hood, and by virtue of a come up, he gets HELLA TIME, a century,  but then has to figure out how to use it productivly.

Everyone who has little time lives a similar time-zone, where folks stay running, why? They have little time. So one of the ways in which social class identity markers functions in the film is by simply how fast you move. Low income folks move hella quick, because they are always on the verge of running out of time.

On the contrary, the folks in an alternate time zone, the elite in New Greenwich move real slow, why? Because they come from time.

Typically I stay wanting to walk out of movies, you all KNOW THAT.
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But I really enjoyed this one honestly because I sat down not knowing what it was about.

The critique of capitalism occurred when Timberlake’s character, Will Solace, learns that the folks in zone are kept there living day to day, and dying on the reg (timing out) so that the folks in New Greenwhich can have eons of time. The general idea behind this is that in order for a few to have a lot, many have to die and that this is the natural evolution of things.

This is what we call dependency theory, where we look at the relationship BETWEEN the people who have a lot of money or time and the people who are barely staying alive.

I consider In Time to be Black Feminist win!


He Chose “Bitches” over Me….Musing on My Brother

As many of you know, my brother is one of my most favorite people in the world. He is funny, handsome, has a dark sense of humor think “Black Mike Judge” meets Richard Pryor. Lastly he is extremely charming and tries to be there for momma. As a Black working dad who tries to participate in his children’s lives as much as possible he keeps me grounded in many ways.

As of late, we have been having beef, Why? His anger and how he expresses it.

Now we have been known to dance around our mutual disagreements. Dude is an avid Mike Savage listener. I kid you not.

He would say something anti-immigrant, or homophobic. And I would decide whether or not to engage with him.

If it was a “not engage” I would be like “blood, Imma call you tomorrow, because clearly you are on personality number 252 and I need number 28 today, later”. And that would be that.

If it were an “engage” I would be like “what do you mean by that?” We have blown up at each other, made up, etc.

Well, as of late I have been insistent about him raging at me about shit he does not like in his life, mainly his love bear who he often refers to as “bitch assed bitch” when he is upset. This can be twice, three times a week. o.O

Now deep in my heart, I knew I was going to have to account for this. Meaning I knew that the vitriol he directed at her was going to come my way. How could it not?
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It hurts when standing up for yourself means having less communication with someone you Love.

However, God did not put me here to be someone’s (auditory) rug.

Words can be Love. Words can do Violence.

If they don’t do violence, let a white person call a Black person a “nigger” publicly and see what happens. (And honestly, I historically do not spell out the B word, BUT because of my contention with rap blogs and how they will SHOW women’s bodies but not type out the B word or the N word. Really. Sounds like corporate sponsor bullshit to me).

I hope that my brother is able to see that I am standing up for myself on principal. Even if he doesn’t I have to.

I will call for Thanksgiving, if I am up to it, or Christmas for sure. Other than that, I am all set until I am spoken to like a human being.

I am not an object and neither is he. #LovenAndChangeareAlwaysPossible.


Blogging + Social Media + Dating As a Black Feminist

I had a turning point on my blog when I wrote in Feburary of 2010, How Dilla and Zora Helped Me Claim My Crush.

Not only was the post popular, but by and large on of the reasons what I wrote it is because a reader @mistermattnash chided me for being “so political” and asked me to “take the combat boots off and put on some heels”. Well,  I did not agree with his language around gender representations, and I told him. However, given the fact that he is one of my oldest readers (5 years?) I listened. And I wrote about dating.

Because I date and I write about my dating life on my blog I have a pretty stealth attitude about hollering at boo’s, on being attached to them on social media.

Why? Because I have to deliberate about how I interact with folks because when I come online I do not need to be triggered by 5011 racist, sexist things, nor do I need to see an old boo with a new boo, nor do I need to feel like I am censoring MY VOICE because a boo snack is reading. #AllCity is la femme libre.

Why? Because this is MY space. I create it, I cultivate it, I grow it, it is mine. Well, really it is both mine and ours because I share with you all.

Now this became clear to me when Filthy broke up with me nearly three years ago (time flies) and I wanted to call him and Sbot said, “don’t call.”

Me: I want to call.

Sbot: Don’t call. He broke up with you that means you leave him alone. He is in his space.

Me: Pouting. Then I said, “Well I am going to blog about it instead”.

Sbot: Okay, that is fine YOUR BLOG IS YOUR SPACE.

Me: OHHHH word? Ok, I get what you are saying now.

So, when I am dating someone, and I get the sense that we might be kicking it for a while, it always comes to that point where I have to tell them, for a few reasons.

First, they may find it on their own, and then I would have to back pedal and I would look out of pocket. #nobueno.

Second, I may write about them, and that is the kind of thing you tell someone about. Side bar. Good lawd, I was mortified when #aquemini read AND LEFT a comment on my blog post about him. It felt surreal.

Now, when it comes to Goldy, she ain’t really on social media like that but I made her a tumblr, because there are little links and things that I be wanting to send her throughout the day and I HATE when people send me e-mail spam so I try not to do it to others. She also don’t really mess around on my blog, because guess what, It’s My Space. And honestly, there are probably some things that she doesn’t WANT to read on here, so she doesn’t come around. When I write something I am proud of, she may read it, and then start editing it because that how she gets down. We are not on FB, she may look over my shoulder at my twitter, or at my tumblr, and I will say scoot back jack.

Now this brings me to a recent tumblr experience. You have to understand that after comps I am not really taking shit off of any one. Writing 49 pages in 72 hours with nearly, I don’t know, 80 citations taught me some things. Mainly that if someone ain’t coming correct, they need to sit down. Comps was like academic boot camp; for Marines.
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So, while studying for comps I saw Filthy pop up on my tumblr, and I clicked on it, and was taken to a personal narrative. I was like wooooooah. Too much info. We haven’t spoke in almost two years and I am reading about him. o.O

Now he was my friend and I still consider him to be a friend. I stand by the idea of keeping the door cracked for folks who want to make amends; folks who have grown. I also know that there is an inappropriate way and an appropriate way to do things. So I waited, talked to Court Bear my dating coach about saying something to him, then I decided to wait until he did it again. Well, he did.

So I reached out via email and we had an exchange that was pretty cordial and benign until he said “Well your tumblr is public”.

I flipped out.

Just because a digital space is public doesn’t not mean that it is lawless.

In fact, I have had this conversation with men a few times on the internet, a few of whom I had to block.

The same thinking can be extended to analyzing a woman in public. Well “You did wear that short assed dress outside to go grocery shopping”. So? My body is mine.

My blog is both mine and public.

So let me say two things here.

I wrote anonymously for years. And now because my name is attached to my blog, I have to be prepared to answer for what I say online, in person. Trust me, it happens. It is fine, it forces me to keep it even because a blog post is a record.

Second, I know that if I say something on the internet, that people may or may not respond. I get that. I can also speak back to what they say and do. My digital spaces are not lawless.

Black girls have to deal with enough micro and hyper aggressions in the material world (work, school, the train, the bar) to be subjected to them in the digital world (Tumblr, Facebook, Blogs) as well, and remain silent. Full stop.

So, I had been meaning to write this.

Do you friend boo snacks on social media?

What happens when you stop dealing with each other?

Do you have a social media policy for your boo snacks?

On the History of the Word “Feminist” and How It is Used.

For comps, I read Clarie Moses’s “What’s In a Name?” On Writing the History of Feminism” this weekend.

What is fascinating is that she discusses the history of the word feminism, what exactly do we mean when we use the term feminism to describe women’s organizing activities and is it legitimate to call someone a feminist if they didn’t describe themselves as such? #hmmp!

Think about it this way. Do you call someone Black who doesn’t describe themselves as Black? #Ummhmm.

There seems to be three criteria for women’s organizing to be labeled feminist:

  • A collective focused on advancing women’s cause
  • Organizing separate from men
  • Challenge families/religious ideals of what “women” should be, her proper place.

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She states the the term has French origins circa 1880, and it comes from two words Femme, which means woman and ism which is a political identity. Who knew? That’s kind of awesome.

She also asks is it legitimate to label someone a feminist if the term wasn’t being used yet in a particular space. For instance can we call the women getting together to act for the betterment of women in say the 1700’s, even if they did not call themselves feminist. Good question, no?

I have heard MANY a Black woman say “I am not a feminist, thats for White women” and I understand because popular culture representations of feminism would have someone think that feminism was only for “middle classed White women.”

But, Black women- Black club women, since reconstruction so we are talking the early 1900’s on have been organizing. They have been getting together to build schools and churches, protesting the racially and sexually violent treatment of Black women- in short rape, they protested the lynching of African American men- a violent act of power intended to keep African American’s in their place- don’t get uppity.

Feminism is also defined differently based on you is using it. For some it means, “defending the cause of women”, “believing in the moral and spiritual equality of the sexes” or “believing in the intellectual equality” of the sexes.

There has also been work written that states that Native American Iroquois women influenced early White women feminist and the Founding Fathers of the United States.

Reading this I thought, why has the term feminist persisted over time?

Why is it such a hot button term that triggers a knee jerk reaction where folks feel the need to either embrace it or disavow themselves from it?

Over the years, Moses contends that there have been several kinds of feminist. “Liberal Feminists”, “Socialist Feminists”, “Black Feminists”, “Jewish Feminists”, “multicultural feminists”, “Christian Feminists” and I would add to that “Hip Hop Feminists.”

Moses concludes that the gains for women during the period where “feminism” was so broadly defined were enormous. The gains for women were substantial, however some women gained more than others and this happened across racial lines.

  • Women obtained access to credit  and their right to control property and their job earnings
  • Laws were passed guaranteeing women equal access to higher education

It appears that women made the most striking gains, when the term was used broadly, giving it multiple meanings.

Words are powerful. They help us feel connected to something greater.

What do you think of Femme + Ism?

The Iroquois influenced the Founding Fathers? Word?

You learn something? What? I did.

Walgreens is Going to Sell #WhiteGroceries?- Race, Food and the City

I just came from the local co-op where a half gallon of organic milk was nearly $5.00 and the cereal, much of which looked like granola and berries was $5.00 as well. I like granola in yogurt. I DO NOT like granola as cereal. I had a $5-6 budget for cereal and milk this morning. I walked out and went to the local bodega which of course has a $8 debit card minimum.  She let me slide with $6.50. I should have went to Target yesterday.

All of this brings me to news around food deserts and #whitegroceries. According to Jorge Rivas at Colorlines, because of Michelle Obama’s advocacy around food, health and nutrician Walgreens and Walmart amongst other retailers are going to start to sell fruits and vegetables. Rivas writes,

Last week, Michelle Obama joined a group of large retail chains in announcing a plan to provide access to healthy, affordable food to millions of people in what have come to be known as the country’s food deserts. The retailers plan to open or expand over 1,500 stores over the next five years in rural and urban neighborhoods. The first lady’s high-profile endorsement, as part of her anti-obesity campaign, is the latest in her work with large chains, including controversial companies such as Wal-Mart, which has been greeted with both praise and criticism.

He goes on to say,

A 2010 report published by PolicyLink and The Food Trust found African Americans were nearly four times as likely to live in a food desert as whites.

The largest partnership announced was with Walgreens, the nation’s largest drugstore chain operating 7,773 stores nationwide—45 percent of those are in “underrepresented” communities, the White House said. Walgreens has committed to converting at least 1,000 stores into “food oasis” stores.

You know I Love to eat. I have a green thumb. My favorite room in a house is the kitchen.

I also know that having access to jobs, food and safe and affordable housing is a social justice issue and an issue of economic power.

I have three issues here.

First I would like to say that I am glad that this conversation is happening. However it seems to be lacking vision.

The three issues that are not being address are pleasure, marginalized low income earning bodies, jobs and seeing a corporate model as the only model.

I also know that folks who do work around health with marginalized bodies do NOT take into account how pleasure and education factors into the equation.

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Isn’t it more pleasurable, and albeit worse for your body to grab that Coke and some Doritos?

The second issue is jobs. Why is the main vehicle for addressing obesity only utilizing multinational corporations who could care less about whether or not children of any race get obese or whether or not they work.

Being poor is expensive. Having a minimum wage job is expensive.

Corporations are bound to their shareholders not to chubby children.

Where is the effort to build  national network of year around, indoor outdoor farmers markets with youth led cooking classes.

I remember going to Housewives in downtown Oakland with my grandmother and momma. It was the closest thing to a indoor farmers market I have ever seen.

Young people would be paid to teach OTHER young people how to grow, buy, prepare, food.

Farmers markets could make a direct connection to the people who make their food.

Why the dependency on Walgreens?

Is having banana’s at Walgreens really going to make a big difference to a low income rural White teenager or a low income Black teenager in the city?