Mommas, Artists and Interns: All Expected to Work for Free

On the train a couple of weeks ago, I had an epiphany. I was tripping off of the notion of the student intern, and how that socializes young people to accept working for free.

@RafiKam and I have had several conversations on twitter about who is an artist, who should get paid to be an artist, etc.

So on the train I came to the conclusion that like mommas and interns, artists are expected to work happily for free.

Think about it. People expect artist to create websites, write articles, DJ and do God knows what else for them for free. And I understand that there always times that we do things for people on the strength, however I am talking about the assumption that because you are creative then you are happy to be exploited.

Creative people need MORE dough. We are eccentric as shit, so that tends to mean that we like nice and or absurd things. AND, all this creativity requires food and vices. Okay, not vices but defiantly food, lol. I have two empty plates of food, an empty soda can, and a half glass of coffee on my table right now. Brain cells burn twice as much energy as ALL THE other cells in the body.

More exposure for my work does not pay the cell phone bill.

When folks want cheap or free labor, where do they turn? To students. The assumption is that there are so many of them, why not pay them chump change to do entry level work?

Now Maria Mies helped me to put this all into perspective. I have had this book out, Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale, since September 2010 and so I am happy that I am able to write this post.

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“by defining women as housewives, a process which I then call housewifization, not only did womens unpaid work in the household become invisible, unrecorded in the GDP…but her wage work was  considered to be only supplementary to that of her husband, the so called bread-winner and thus devalued.”

We have to remember that before mass industrialization, the entire family worked to keep a house hold going. Making soap, making food, making clothes, heating lamps, building fires, all this shit took ALL DAY and a squad.

She goes on to say that there is a connection between the work that women do in the home and the ability for men to earn the cake they earn and for corporations to earn the profits they earn. She writes,

It became clear that women’s unpaid caring and nurturing work in the household was subsidizing  not only the male wage but also capital accumulation.

Which brings me to the wages that men earn and the labor situation in Wisconsin. Mies goes on to argue that what has been occurring is that men’s labor is being housewiferized. She writes,

…demonstrated that not just that housework and housewifization were models for womens labor, but that transnational capital, in its effort to break the dominance of the trade unions, and to flexiblize labor, would eventually housewifize male labor:  that is to say, men would be forced to accept labor relations which so far had been typical for women only. This means labor relations outside of the protection of labor laws, not covered by trade unions and collective bargaining, not based on a proper contract – more or less invisible, part of the ‘shadow economy.

Treating working men like women regarding wages and negotiation? How in the hell is any of this sustainable? Removing the right to collectively bargain? Treating men’s labor outside of the home, the way that women’s labor in the home is treated?

This is profound B.

Had you ever thought of the origins of the idea of the housewife?

Are you a momma, artist or intern whom people always expect to work for free?

How do you navigate or negotiate?

I had an Awesome Meeting with my Adviser and…

…we are on the same page and I am hella juiced, because I know that my ability to connect with her means that I will do what I need to do to get everything done.

I am working on an interdiscplinary paper on Black Women’s sexuality and I was on her shit list, two weeks ago. I failed to turn in something at a time that I agreed and rather than say something I was silent, until I collected and created the materials. I won’t be doing that again. I am scared of NARY human being except for her. Trust. Her and God. Lol.

So yesterday, I got my annotations to her, albiet Tuesday morning and NOT Monday Night (progress not perfection) and she blew my byrd.

Basically she helped me to understand Kara Keeling’s ideas of Sensory Motor and how when we view visual images our senses are activated (touch, taste, smell, sight, sound) and then we respond through moving our bodies, and that leaves an imprint on us.

I  understand that bodies have histories and narratives of their own. But I didn’t understand what Keeling was saying until yesterday.

Second, she used Pam Grier as an example. My adviser is from the Caribbean, and she used Pam Grier’s presence in the L Word to show how cliche’s, and sensory motory experiences work together. For instance, in the L Word Grier wasn’t just Kat, there were traces of Foxy Brown, the protector in her character, given the ways in which she was a protector of that community.
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At one point in our conversation my adviser got hella juiced and animated. And I was like, I still don’t get this sensory motor stuff. So she asked me, “Why am I getting so excited talking about Pam Grier?” And I responded, oh, because it reminds you of good time from the past. She responded precisely. This is what Keeling is getting at, how film images trigger sensory motor response and the implication’s that this has for the Black female body.

That is the first way she blew my byrd. The second was I was reading Jaqueline Bobo’s  Black Women as Cultural Readers. In this book, Bobo interviews groups of Black women after they have watched The Color Purple and Waiting to Exhale. My adviser noted that if I notice during the readings that different authors are talking about the same text, then I need to note that. In this case it is Julie Dash’s Daughters of the Dust. So, I mentioned to my adviser that Bobo found that Black women distinguised between Walker’s book and Speilberg’s film and she concluded that Black women negotiate images that are presented to them, that they are not passive recipients.

Well, she blew my byrd when she said that her students last year were not interested in reading Ntozake Shange’s choreo poem, but they really wanted to see the film and she said that contrasted directly with Bobo’s finding. She then went on to say that these are the kinds of connects that she wants me to make when I am reading. That she saw this, and that she wants me to see this is both inspiring and challenging. I don’t know if I can do it, but I am going to try. Besides I am learning how to play chess, so I can pretty much do anything lol.

You have a cool adviser in school?

Why or why not?

Why is it that some people MAKE you want to work hard for them?

On Energy y Energy Conduits

Yesterday I was speaking to a White man neuroscientist, and he said three things that kind of blew me.

First, he said that our brains use up most of the nutrients that we derive from our food. I had always known that low income mommas had babies with birth defects but this totally lays it out for me. The brain needs the complex carbs, plain and simple or it won’t function right.

Second he said that when I am sitting, reading and writing for three or four hours, the intense mental activity means neurons are firing which generates heat. Say word?

Third he said that the brain uses up 10-20% of the bodies total energy.

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Tonight I learned that brain cells use twice as much energy as other cells in the body, because, peep game, they don’t hold on to (sugar) glucose. Because of this they need to constantly be receiving a supply glucose.

Brain is an energy conduit like allcity. Creeepay.

Whats your favorite snack for energy?

Did you know that the brain was this fancy?

Frying Pan into the Fire….

Image Courtesy Allison Achauer


Today, I graded papers, made a mid term spread sheet and emailed it on time. Phew.

Spoke to my college roommate (first person I EVAR shared a room with) and told her I had NO idea how she went to graduate school for a Ph.D at 22. This shit is hard enough as old lady rap. It was nice to hear from her. She is defending in May, and she is going to send me her dissertation introduction and wants to collaborate on a project in the future. Win.

Today I saw the storify for Moya + Lex’s panel  Blackgirlsarefromthefuture x Octavia Butler at CESA, which I was suppose to be in Cali for. The storify had me blown. I was happy to see people be so interested in something we were talking about nearly a year ago. The room was packed. As (young)scholars we often work in isolation so to share the work and have it be appreciated goes hella far.

This evening, I played an awesome game of chess, where I realize I am now thinking two steps ahead AND I used my Rook and my Bishop together. The thing about chess is that its ALL process and I like that. Being trained to be a historian…I have to be into process. Process and context is really what it all comes down to.

Tonight I had a moment of serendipty where I walked out and SD walked in and I kept it moving, based on his facial expression, much to his chagrin, he he he.

Then I walked into the spot and there was Aquemini.

From the frying pan into the fire.

We ain’t spoke. And thats cool. Life happens, but the issue is that I reached out Thursday, and he didn’t respond and then I got an explanation tonight.

Black girls are from the future so they know they are a choice and not an option.

My feelings were hurt and rather than say that, I stayed for minute, spoke with my girl, used the rest room, didn’t see him and bounced.

My mind went to “What would the rook do?”

You and I both know that matters of the heart are not no daggumit chessboard, even though chess principles can be useful in terms of thinking things through.
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I left him a message, and left the door cracked.

Courtbear, my dating coach said two things. First, she said, I be expecting people to do things the way I would do it. And she is right about that, and I am working on it. Second, she said people have to learn how to treat you, that it isn’t innate. I am not going to lie, this process is work honey. But the pay off is that  a Lovebear doesn’t to guess about what allcity likes.

Honestly though blood, I had to process that shit with the quickness, because I have hella work to do tomorrow, and even though I am certainly entitled to feeling my feelings, the outcome isn’t mine.

I realized that I fucked up when I wasn’t honest. I was neither vulnerable nor fearless and it shows.

What ever he did or how HE responded wasn’t any of my business. Looking back there really wasn’t space to have that conversation and you KNOW I am a space bear.

Resolved. I just needed to say my piece, and keep that thang clean. If I don’t keep the path clean then I won’t receive my gifts. AND I love the gifts, especially the human ones.

Energy Conduit.

Speaking to @afrolicious tonight she was like “Dang Gina, you went from furstration to acceptance just like that” and commented that it was probably because I am air sign. I was like how does that figure? She was like “You all  process quicker.”

Two things helped me to go from being angry to acceptance to forgiveness. First it was remembering that accepting people where they are and asking questions makes my life way easier.  That plus, no assumptions. No manipulation. Second was remembering that other peoples actions are none of my business. Nunya. That I need to have the courage to say how I feel and be honest. And so long as I do that God will take are of the rest. Boom.

I also have hella work to do tomorrow and I know that that work must get done and  if  I needed to dance tomorrow, then so be it. When I dance I am free. Boom.

What do you do to feel free?

When was the last time you went from the Frying Pan into the Fire?

Why is it that people who make your heart go thump thump, make your life extra hard?

20 Question’s Wednesday 3.9.11

1. What is it so hard for people to think in terms of the group rather than the individual?

2. Why $100 don’t last?

3. Why Red soda taste so good?

4. Did you read Latoya’s ‘Miss. Nigga’ piece?

5. Why my time with Josephine last fall seem like a blur?

6. Why I tell the man, who is ‘don’t answer, don’t call’ in my phone “I miss you, it ain’t been cool since after the Superbowl, and if you desire to hang out tonight that would be awesome?” Of course after I had called earlier and tried to get my way without being humble or honest

7. When will we realize we need a new system?

8. What does accepting people where they are look like?

9. Why Black people call me a professor and I am still being trained? Why they  proud and why do I Love that feeling?

10. Why I was I reminded that I should ask a question rather than make an assumption?
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11. Why that woman think I am scared of her when I knew her when we were 18?

12. Why I tell that man, Kill me or leave me alone?

13. Did you read Rob’s piece on Wisconsin and Michelle Rhee?

14. Why do women call each other “Ho’s” in my tweet stream? Did you know I unfollow them?

15. Why didn’t I plan better so I could have attended the conference this weekend?

16. Why I miss Green Eyes?

17. Why interviews hurt?

18. How did four semesters go by so fast?

19. Why I had to call him a coward for not following his heart?

20. PSK what does it all mean?