I am Not Sure What to Make of Karl Rove Rapping.

Karl Rove.

Darth Vader.


And does an old white man dance.



I see this as a thinly veiled attempt to distract us from this:

The former aide, D. Kyle Sampson, who resigned two weeks ago, told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Mr. Gonzales?s statements about the prosecutors? dismissals were inaccurate and that the attorney general had been repeatedly advised of the planning for them.

The two men talked about the dismissal plans over a two-year period, Mr. Sampson said, beginning in early 2005 when Mr. You will not get the buy tadalafil online by the quality, appearance and ingredients. Tension Headache Treatment Self-Care at Home Most people with tension-type headache find relief with over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, acetaminophen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), infection with the http://www.icks.org/data/ijks/1482456658_add_file_4.pdf viagra prices bacteria Helicobacter pylori, pernicious anemia (an autoimmune disorder), degeneration of the lining of the stomach from age, or chronic bile reflux. These tablets can help you have an erection in nearly 20 minutes of http://www.icks.org/data/ijks/1482457576_add_file_3.pdf prescription de cialis popping this pill. Since it is made up of attributes regarding teas, it is a good supplement order cheap levitra for a weight reduction plan. Gonzales was still the White House counsel. Mr. Sampson said he had briefed his boss at least five times before December 2006, when seven of the eight prosecutors were ousted.


The White House Post. Excellent.
