Hip Hop Nerds for America Annual Conference is August 5th and Im Going.

There is no such thing as Hip Hop Nerds for America,
but if there were
Matthew Birkhold, would be its president.

Peep his article titled, Patriarchy a Primer for Men,
which is in response to, “
“Hip Hop Dogmatism
and Potential Problems for Political Organizing”
and I thought I was nerdy. LOL.

Peep his theory:

In response to “Hip Hop Dogmatism and Potential Problems for Political Organizing” I have received two consistent criticisms, “You haven’t defined patriarchy, and, “You haven’t given us any solutions.” I respond to these very important criticisms below.

What is Patriarchy?

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In other words, patriarchy is a social and political system that gives men privileges, which result from a socialization process that teaches people heterosexual men are superior to women and all non-heterosexual men. Sexism is a consequence and symptom of a society that practices patriarchy.

Hip Hop Nerds for America. *******Bubble cloud
appears over head.
I smell a T-Shirt.

W/ Obama Gore ’08 on the back.

Somebody call Marc Ecko and tell young
to make that sh*t pop off.


Would you go to such a conference, Why or Why NOT?
