Calling Obama the Great White Hope is the Same as Calling him a N-gga.

The word N-gga means something only because Jamestown
means something.

Because because the fact that Black Wall Street got torched
means something.

Because 1968 means something.

Because acting white means something.

Because 40 acres and a mule means something.

Because Black WWII veterans got systematically robbed
and nothing has been done about it.

In 2008, I have become particularly attuned to the notion of burden sharing.
For instance, if you and I decide to go to dinner, but want me to drive
out to the boondocks because you don’t want to pay for gas, or don’t
want to drive, or because it is your favorite restaurant, then that
would constitute me shouldering the majority of the burden for this dinner.

In this dinner called ethnicity/race taking ’08 Presidential elections,
the burden of being a n-gga or even the great white hope, based on this
article, has been shifted clearly to Black folks.

In this piece Mr. Greenberg, is trying to clown Obama for
playing the hand he was dealt. It’s as if he resents the fact that
Obama can be so slick and to have the audacity to try and WIN.

At the same time, Obama doesn’t threaten or discomfort whites. He doesn’t strike them as wronged or impatient, or as the spokesman of a long-subjugated minority group or even as someone particularly culturally different from themselves. As much Kansan as Kenyan, Obama does not descend from families who suffered American slavery or Jim Crow. Note, that if a person got addicted to antidepressants, that on line viagra will hardly resolve their initial depression problem. Similarly, old aged men can start to suffer from a negative reaction to the drug may experience a slight stinging in the eyes, mild nausea, blocked nose, headache and mild dehydration.As with any drug or treatment, it is advised that one should consult his/her doctor before purchasing the product. purchase cheap cialis Whom to consult if these tips couldn’t cialis viagra work? You can tell your partner to consult Dr. Studies show links that there is relevance between smoking and erectilie dysfunction, which is a good motivator for viagra in india loved this young men, who smoke, to stop now. His family tree has fewer slaves than slaveholders, fewer chains than Cheneys.

There would be NO NEED for a great white hope if the
Great Negro
Stereotype weren’t on the other side of the coin.
Willie Horton anyone?

I am all for a critique of Obama, or any of the candidates. Wasn’t
I talking about Huckabee last week? But please, don’t bring out
the magnify glass and forget your mirror. Not this year.
Last year, I wrote a lot about that fact that there is a thin
line between resentment and love and I think that is at work here.

That people want to cheer for you, but simultaneously resent
you when you win. It’s tiring.

Americans (infer garden variety White voters) are NOT going to
for him if he hammers race down their throats.

Americans, get uncomfortable if you talk about race at
happy hour, the lunch hour, or too loudly on the train.


Is David Greenberg simply just hating or does
he have a point?

Obama, the Great White Hope, or the Negro that Hate Produced?
^^^^thats so good and egregious I just surprised MYSELF.
