A couple of weeks ago Minnesota McGuyver got in my @ss for saying that one of the major distinctions between street dudes and academic/artist dudes is that street dudes are far more likely to be transparent w/ their emotions. (They are also more likely to call you @ 3am talkin’ ’bout can you stash me out?).
In addition he felt that we were breaking down cats into two strict categories, whereas hella cats fall into the gray area. That gray area is where the Academic and the artist dues overlap.
For him, it is offensive to say that street dudes are more emotionally transparent than the academics/artists. He felt that my homies were making that distinction because they have a thug fetish and they were using the “emotional transparency” argument as a convenient justification.
Consequently, women who fetishize the “bad boys” are not taking into consideration that academic cats can have a lil street jawn to them. And, that academic cats can be “emotionally expressive”. Which leaves us with the middle cats in the gray area.
Minnesota McGuyver major funk w/ me was a theory, posited by a couple of my girls, who’s experiences demonstrated that street cats:
a. Are more transparent with their feelings, less passive agressive.
b. Are more likely to let you know where you stand, in relationship to the other women in their lives. They tend not to keep a jawn at arms length b/c they can.
c. Are more likely to treat you, the academic sista, as The Prize, with a captial T.
The artistic cats. The causes of this condition is associated with thrombus formation due to atherosclerosis; atrial fibrillation that causes an embolus to circulate within the bloodstream; on line levitra see this link and hypertension. It is responsible to provide the body sildenafil tablets uk its needed supply of oxygen and blood. You can see the increase of 3-4 inches in penile levitra tab 20mg length. By the turn shop for viagra of the millennium, this number rose has risen to 22.3. Some of them are emotionally expressive. They typically channel their emotional expression into their art. From my personal experience, an artists first love is is ART and everything else tends to come second. (BBC was a scientist, so that was a whole other ball game. ) Lol. So consequently, I came to understand that there would allways be a third entity in our relationship, his art. Mo’Betta Blues has an extreme version of this dynamic.
Which brings me to the new P video, Mac 10 Handle.
Ballerina P aka Pistol Pump P, aka P Lova from Queens.
Now ladies, tell me P, in all his corrupt darkness, ain’t fly.
Physically, not really. Spiritually. Super gulls.
This video reminds me of why a lady checks for dudes who put his sh*t out there.
This is one of those posts that I contemplated for a couple weeks.
Then I hear MP in my head saying, gurrrl, let it dew what it do, so I let the words spill.