Papoose- making me lissen to songs for lyrics again.

photo by Rahav Segev
I treat the booth like a crack spot/ im in an out
— ———————————————
When Slay give me the green light/ Imma start callin’ you nigg@’s out
I would wet ’em up/ but I’ll live it out
because any time you leave a DRY SNITCH wet / then cops RINSE ‘EM OUT/.

Kelefa, at the Times, is waxing about Papoose’s show at S.O.B’s last week. Is that the one you went to Jase?

Its okay Brooklyn. Just b/c fam can’t put on a dope show, YET, does not mean he ain’t nice.

Because trust. He is.

Great performers are cultivated, not born.

Dude in the red hoodie look like he just had some greens w/ rice and peas.

What is the point of writing about an artist like Papoose in the Times.


Can it plausibly help him get a deal?

Do (the majority of) Times readers car about (a) Papoose?
Is that even a requirement for articles? (*That one is rhetorical)

Sexual Politics, can’t live with ’em,

can’t live with ’em.

MSNBC says that nekkid actresses sell magazines. I would add in addition to damn near every thing else.

This post is inspired by the discussion over at Crunkatastic about the Tamala Jones thick booty flicks in the new Smooth Magazine.

Some of the posters asked if Tam will allways be a “Black” C list actress and is the fact that she posed in Smooth indicitive of that?

Or is she a sista’ tryna play the game and get paid, get some actin’ roles in ’06 and maintain her shine?

Interestingly, Scarlett Johansen and Keira Knightly are quasi-NEKKID on the cover of Vanity Fair this month.

For arguements sake lets assume that the both Scarlett and Keira are in the B+ zone, yet are aspirational A listers just the same.

Yahoo news article posed the question, ” Does a Serious Actress have to Take her Clothes Off to Be Taken Seriously?

Apparently, Rachel McAdams from the Wedding Crashers was suppose to be on it also, but decided she did not want to take her clothes off.

My question is Does ANY actress have to take her clothes off to be taken seriously?
If so why?

And where are the nekkid menses?

Specially that Nate Robinson and that Vince. Did I say scrumptious?

Chicken Company gets sued for calling negroes

boys. At least they ain’t callem’ nigg^’s.

Giles Peterson got a fresh ass*d tribute to JD. The most memorable comment was
when Madlib said that Jay D was the MOST soulful cat on production in the game. Fam.
that resonated because it was so honest, sincere and true.

Damn. Havard’s president got the BOOT. So I guess saying, IN PUBLIC, that women are inept isn’t TOLERABLE AFTERALL. At least he let ‘chew know where he was coming from.

Hot sex books for women.

So your tight for cheese. You meet a dude from Craigs list. Cool. This will let y
ou make your rent. You Let him move in.
Problem #1.
Dude is never around. He dissappear frequently.
Problem #2. You break into his room and discover mad credit card applications with your address and HIS name on it. Applications that you had torn up in placed in the trash.
Problem #3. Next thing you know you see this cat on America’s Most wanted. I ain’t lying. And YOU KNOW OAKLAND go something to do with it.

This needs to be an HBO movie, fa real.

See. I knew I wasn’t the only one thata’ mash a face in when it ain’t no ‘mo t.p. in the baffroom.
Especially when you gotta go in the middle of the night. Them corona’s a do that though :Q

So I was extra nerdy and downloaded some Papoose jawns from his myspace page. Gold star for me. That buoy is so nice, it reminded me of the first time I saw Talib Kweli at 59 Franklin in ’97 and was like, Who is that Kat, cuz he can rhyme!

This reminded me that I got a sister (that I don’t ock w/ btw) who likes to put other peoples kids on her Tax return. Dude, you do NOT want IRS Karma. That ish is like STD KARMA. NOT COOL.

First Netlix is penalizing frequent viewers, now the POSTLADY is watchin’ my woody allen and love jones jawns. This is gully. They need to start e-mailing them movies and cut out the middleman.

I need to figure out how to do one of these for hip hop and sex.

So they are running for office. Will they help lil kids want to read? Oh, I forgot that is hip hop’s job.

You think Hip Hop could save Broadway? I think the show has a cool premise, I am MORE interested in who the writers think their audience is.

Deep like The Shinin’, sparkle like a diamond

Sneak a uzi on the island/ in my army jacket linin’/.

Hit the Earth like a comet, invasion/

Nas is like the Afrocentric Asian/ half-man, half-amazin/.

*Dear Nasir,

I have always been fond if you. And I know that people evolve. However, these interviews w/ Jay that are floating around on los internetos. Let’s just say we are watching.
People may say “MM, you are trying to hold an
emceee accountable.” Next thing you know I will stop eating pork and start voting republican. Yes we hold YOU accountable.

You are special.

I know GTFOHWBS. But I digress. Even after I saw you perform at the Berkeley Rep theater in ’93, and you lit up a blunt on stage and stopped performing, my “fondness” of you diminished only slightly.

Yet, throughout the various albums, inconsistent but mostly pleasing, you have allays demonstrated that you are different. Even now I hear you on mix tapes and the lyrics are, inspiring.

Senor Jones do not underestimate OUR intelligence. We understand the necessary evils of the crack, er rap game. But Jay dissed your , baby mom’s, who is quite lovely by the way. But I digress, ah- again. (Note to self, must stay on task during these letters). I know that men war, and then UNITE all the time. My only request is that you acknowledge and demonstrate your that you are aware THAT we are aware.

Can’t wait till the new single:)


p.s. Where is that Nas/Primo album? (figured I would ask while I had your attention)

*This post is inspired the discussion @
the Smoking Section.

This nigg@ Nick Lachey is tryna come up like K-fizzle.
He gon’ divorce Jessica and ask for SPOUSAL SUPPORTAND his jewelry back. White boy gulliness for ’06. Your jewlery dude. TACKEY!
What I learned last week in property:
a. Outside of Cali, what a man and a women brings into a marriage is theirs.
b. What you inherit while you are married belongs to YOU only.
c. What you ACQUIRE as a couple belongs to both of you.
This information convinced me that becoming a DIVORCE attorney is a VIABLE alternative to entertainment law.

Talk about a redistribution of wealth.

I always felt that I did not want to be a apart of the destruction of someone elses family, but shyyyyyt, its startn’ na look good to me. Can help some sist’as and some bro’s get/maintain some cheese.

This book is hella fresh. I wish someone gave it to me right after I graduated.
It ain’t like I can’t use it now. But there is a whole work related lexicon that Negroes are not up on.

Cali is on deck to be the next New Orleans. But they don’t hear me though.

Where in the hell is the Native Tongue video’s boxset? Someone at Universal, Def Jam, City Hall., 125th street, needs to get on that. I was watching the Ralph Mc Daniel jawn last night and saw the El Segundo video for the first time last night. ‘FOHWBS.
And some ol’ Monie Love and Latifah doin’ they thing.

Watching that video reminded me that ain’t nobody HAPPY in videos any more.

They be tippin, they be grilling, they be pimpin’ and they be grinding, but nobody is Happy.

Don’t ever be on the most corrupt country list!
What they all have in common is:
a. Proximity to oil.
b. Unstable economy.
c. Home to “suspected terrorist”.
Muy interesante.

Surrender or Starve helped me get my Tajikistan, genocide, Sudan game up. He is hella fresh in that he travels the places and analyzes them. You gotta respect a dude who will got the north African and Russia just to tell the story right.

Wait. So SUGE suing SOMEBODY ELSE FOR extortion. That’s like G-unit taking Gonzeles to Guantanamo. Or like Busta Rhymes talking to the police. Or like Black kids thinking that reading is Black.

Extortion is the obtaining of property from another, with hisconsent, or the obtaining of an official act of a public officer,induced by a wrongful use of force or fear, or under color of official right.

Please leave messages, b/c love is good in '06 and
stay warm, its real outside.


Michael Jackson will allways be relevent.

They’re Out To Get You/ There’s Demons Closing In On Every Side/
They Will Possess You/Unless You Change The Number On Your Dial/.

Danyel Tagged me.
So here it goes, with the slam dunk competition in the background and a tummy full of T-A-C-O-S.

4 jobs I had

1. Camp counselor, Feather River Camp
2. Sales Assistant, The Body Shop

3. Showroom Assistant , Tommy Hillfiger
4. Intern, U.S. Attorneys Office

4 dvd’s I can keep watching
1. God Father Pt. II

2. Purple Rain

3. Batman Returns
4. Love Jones

4 Places I wish I lived

1. Costa Rica
2. Italy

3. South Africa

4. Detroit (’65)

4 People I would like to meet
1. Condi
2. Zora

3. Frida
4. Marvin

4 Websites I visit daily

1. Yahoo news

2. Crunktasitical

3. CBS Local News (Oakland
4. Humanity Critic

4 Foods I love
1. Tacos, tacos, and more tacos.

2. Slice of Zachary’s pizza (Town Bi’ness).

3. Baked ziti, w/ tofu, portobella mushrooms, bell pepper, and sharp chedder cheese.

4. Veggie Plates from the Uptown Juice Bar

4 Early Musical Influences.

Purple Rain.

Teena Marie.


4 Blogs you should touch
1. Raymond Chiu
2. The Dragon
3. Dallaspenn
4. Start Snitching