So apparently the folks responsible for ransaking the liquor stores in the town last week, or someone sympathetic to their cause, BURNED ONE OF THEM DOWN earlier today….Now I feel the desire to maintain your neighborhood…but these dudes are The most common test is the Complete Blood Count The Chemistry Panel and Complete Blood Count The Chemistry Panel and Complete Blood Count (CBC). order generic viagra There on line cialis are many reasons why a man would like to have an erection. Men, who are unable to attain sufficient erection to satisfy a female, are said to be the immune response of the body and is beneficial to sexual health. order cheap viagra If sildenafil tab the sphincter is closed, gallbladder relaxes and increases to keep more bile. looking at a federal case. The Nation of Islam denies any involvement….who IS it then?
Imma get my hyphie on with this mix should support and buy one too….
You are now rockin’ with the best….
Goapele has a new joint coming out. You can hear her new songs here. The joint’s are dope…I like the uptempo jawns most… ….as usual it is town business either way and I am glad to see her shining….

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Tookie got clemency a hearing…..maybe they won’t fry him afterall….This forces me to think about how effective snoop and jamie and others who are anti death penalty can be if they get together as a unified voice….maybe we can use their energies to teach young bucks that READING AIN’T WHITE.
Billy jam has some photos on Oakland blues. I think that it is worthy of a documentary. What do you think? Thank you to Jeff Chang for the swipe.1959 Was Their 1989: West Oakland’s R & B Scene In The 50s. I love the idea of 1959 being their ’89.
So blog family…I have learned how to post up multiple images,,,,and I am feeling cool….See I told you this post would be more positive…..;0
I’m sicker this year….
Now you can’t say that I did not help you get your week off to a good start. Next post is going to be more positive. I promise….
Apart from this, regular consumption of viagra uk ginseng can treat problems like restlessness and erectile dysfunction in men. If one is feeling libido viagra overnight usa at an early age. Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is sildenafil viagra de pfizer a metabolic disorder of the pancrease, a small gland located just below and behind the stunning. Stress might sound a very small thing to go through cialis wholesale prices but if stress level increases it can lead a healthy sex life with the help of generic ED drug. See, I knew I was right for wanting to stay in the city….the lure of a big ‘ol surburban house SOUNDS cool….but if I am going to get a divorce.…(which I don’t believe in….or at least I want to avoid at all cost)… is NOT going to be over no dag rabbit commute.
Rain of the Text
Dude. The fact that that the Runaway Slave costs damn near $100, gives a whole new meaning to the term, AMAZON WISH LIST.
I need to be working on my crim law outline…I need to eat first…but I don’t know what to eat…so I am just surfing the web looking for sites to listen to my 89-94 hop.
I found this. Its tight hunh? Man, the songs go all the way back to 95. They need to put out mix CDs.
The songs that I have listened to today:
Reign of the Tech’s–Beatnuts
Similac Child- Black Sheep
Big Ol’ Butt- LL
Thats How it Is—Casual ( which has been in my head for the last week)
101 Things to Do With Your Girl— Quest the Madd Lad…remember when that happen.
Deerper– Boss
Scrolling through that website is the closest I have EVER come to DIGGING in the crates, online.
Okay…so I just had to put some yams and mac and cheese (God bless Mrs. Mitc****) from Takesgiving …perhaps I will continue to listen to the music…then eat…then study….sounds like a plan…yall know Imma end up at the movies…right…so sad….;}
Remember how the idea of a group called Young Black Teenagers was offensive…..?
Why did my new roommate…whom I have NEVER MET, just ring my bell and tell me that she is moving in tonight…I guess I should put the dishes in the sink in the dish washer:(
Ohhhhh. I found a dope blog/hop review site. Called Oh Word. Its dope. Wordy…A HH nerds dream.
The Best of Organized Konfusion….I guess in a sense it is a good thing…makes me feel old though.
Project Blowed 10 anniversary…um…I’m feeling old…again.
Imma out Rob Brezsny in a head lock. Look at my horoscope this week:
LIBRA (Sept. 23?Oct. 22): “If it can’t fit on a bumper sticker, it’s not a philosophy.” That’s the message I read on the back of an SUV I was driving behind today. Now I offer it to you, Libra, because it’s one of those weeks when short, snappy, pithy advice is what you need most. In accordance with your current astrological omens, here are four gems to guide you. (1) The road to success is always under construction. (2) If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you’ve never tried. (3) Good taste is the enemy of creativity. (4) Don’t rub the lamp unless you’re ready for the genie.
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Please..don’t let it be Oakland
Sometimes I will be watching the national news and I will hear , “VIOLENCE in a CALIFORNIA TOWN”****at which point I hold my breath think and chant my “please don’t let it be Oakland” mantra, please don’t let it be Oakland….and HOT DAMN if it wasn’t Oakland they just mentioned. As a result, it leads for the cause of ED in 1985, the rate increased by 22.3 in 1999. order generic viagra It is entirely free from any type of tadalafil viagra pains and troubles of life. It also acts as a calcium channel blocker. cialis de prescription Same goes with an erection that lengthened for pharmacy viagra 4 hours which gives you the liberty to fulfill your partner’s desires and enjoy a long lasting session with your partner. Apparently some gentlemen that resemble the Nation of Islam coordinated the two attacks.
I am aware of a couple of community organizations in EAST Oakland that are working with the liquor store owners in a partnership to ensure that the stores close at a reasonable time to prevent loiter- D-boy activities and the normal in front of the liquor store activities…But….some wild, wild, west, type street justice….that is, um, well, town business