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Below you will find a link to yesterday’s podcast on Gentrification
and Black San Francisco.
Choosing to live in the hood, in many ways is like choosing to
send your child to private versus public school.
Given the fact that public schools are tax supported, we often move to neighborhoods
in order to send our children to “better” schools. That being said,
this is an interesting conversation to have in the midst of uncertain
economic times and when many of our high schools have a
50% drop out/push out rate. According to the America’s
Promise website,
A report to be released today [April 1,2008] finds that only about half of all students served by the main school systems in the nation’s 50 largest cities graduate from high school. Cities in Crisis: A Special Analytic Report on High School Graduation released today by the America?s Promise Alliance and prepared by Editorial Projects in Education Research Center further reveals that in the metropolitan areas surrounding 35 of the nation?s largest cities, graduation rates in urban schools were lower than those in nearby suburban communities. In several instances, the disparity between urban-suburban graduation rates was more than 35 percentage points.
There is an important connection between the health of a
community being tied to the health of its schools.
I have been having an interesting conversation with a reader, Ahmed, that I am
working on using as a part of a post. Basically the conversation is about
whether middle class Black people in Harlem, BK, and Chicago, who move to
working class neighborhoods, want to displace the current residence,
more so than White folks who move to the same neighborhoods. And for that
matter do intentions matter in race Capitalism demands that land goes
to the highest bidder.
Highlights from the Podcast:
- Medicine for Melancholy
- The North is as bad as the South, for African Americans
- California is a hot bed for testing Neoliberal Policies even though it is “seen”
as being progressive - Can Black people gentrify Black communities?
- Faith confronted SF Mayor Newsome about Gentrification in SF
- The Civil Rights Industrial Complex
Thoughts, comments and suggestions are always welcome.