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I have been tagged by the Change Seeker.
The Rules
1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog
about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight
people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don?t forget to leave them a comment telling them
they?re tagged, and to read your blog.
8 Things You Didn’t Know About Yours Truly.
1. My biggest regret regarding not living in the bay is not
being able to watch my nieces and nephews grow up.
2. I have one friend, D-shot, who I haven’t been cool with for
three years. When our friendship ended, I cried. In fact I think
it was worse than my break up w/ BL. She e-mailed me recently
and I responded. Still haven’t heard from her though.
3. I can eat a pint of ice cream AND drink a pint of beer, to THA
4. When the cash was low in June and I had to choose
between ice coffee and Sunday times, I bought the coffee and
borrowed my neighbors paper.
5. I haven’t had straight hair in hella years and sometimes I
want a shiny, swingy bob.
6. Last November, while watching sitting in a sports bar with
BL watching THE fight, I realized that [many] men resent the fact that
they, themselves as well as others, are willing INVEST RESOURCES
in a lady for the purpose of kicking it with her.
7. I think Rosario Dawson is ummm delish beautiful.
8. My mother recently told me the story of
the last man she was with before my dad, and how
she made her decision to move on and get
married. Talk about grown folks conversation.
Lets just say it involved property and why her
name wasn’t on the deed even though
they had been rockin’ for close to 4 years.
8. Folks THAT I Tag.
1. Minority Reporter. 2. Beauty in Baltimore 3.
Aunt Jackie 4. Mac Jay 5. Slushy Gutter Jeff
6. Neo 7. Trent 8. Tasha
======== That was personal.
Tell me something about yall THAT I DON’T know.