Hoods to Woods trailer #2 from Brian Paupaw on Vimeo.
My homie Deka has a new film coming about
being a snow boarder from Bed Stuy, titled from Hoods
to Woods. My favorite part of the trailer was the young buck
backflips off the fence and Dekka says, “If I put them sho’ties
on some snow boards, they ‘prolly tear it up.”
Tear it up and leave it new at the same time.
Last night, I was reading a book about creating Boundaries
in relationships and was blown away by two statements. The first was,
“People with shaky limits are often compliant on the outside,
but rebellious and resentful on the inside.” Amen. The other is
that, “As you develop better boundaries, you have less of a need
for anger. This is because in many cases, anger was the only
boundary you had.” Church.
Please vote for my friend Marquette’s film, “Hero’s Wanted.”
It is in a competition on Channel 13. It takes 45 seconds.
We are Not Quitters. (Can we trademark that shit?)
Did you know that the Blackend part of fish is created by putting
chili pepper on it?
I have found that Gotty’s Google feed is better than most
blogs I read. Weird, no?
I have come to the conclusion that I cannot be a victim
if I say no and move.
Here are some interesting things I have found around the web.
Donwills, McDay job is so simple. I knew it, when I clicked on it
that it had personality and that I would like it. Barry Michael
Cooper is over at Open Salon doing his thing. You know
I love Oakland Goodness (Thank you Ms. Around Harlem.)
Did you know that Salon has started, Open Salon? I will be cross
linking there very soon!
My hands are faster than my mind. And my mind is pretty ‘effin fast.
I saw Medicine for Melancholy. Thinking about a post for it.
My, Black Women, Property Twice, gets a lot of love at Blogher.
What are you marinating on right now?