I have a few posts percolating.
They are:
Obama as the Black Savior,
On Feeling Irrelevant Because of Obama Win
The Politics of Michelle Obama’s Body
The History of Hip Hop Blogs,
Rafi, De La Soul and Crankety old men,
Black women and street harassment,
Black Feminism 101,
How to be in Pain and Not Shut Down.
Good. Clean. Fun. I can’t even begin to tell you what happened
in the last few weeks.
We now have a Black president. I shut down the blog for the first
time EVER. I needed to get it in, and I didn’t want to half step
it with you all or with myself.
All I have to say is that it culminated yesterday in me showing up
to take the GRE with an ID that expired last month and I WAS
NOT LET INTO THE building.
Needless to say, I light weight flatlined. I’m alive, here, writing
and prepping to bring the insightful analysis that angers some
and delights many.
Besides, in the last few weeks, I have been looking around the
blogosphere, and I am not trying to clown or nothing, but most
these cats aren’t saying nathin. I mean. Zero. Its bugged out.
They actually aggregate AP news articles, and do
so horribly. What is that?
What have you been up to?