Rodney King Almost Got Killed By Popo 15 Years Ago.

Two Words.

Rodney King.

Feels like a lifetime ago. No?

In honor of this momentus occasion I have assembled a list of my top 10 favorite RACE CONSCIOUS RAP SONGS & POP CULTURE MOMENTS.

1. Burn Hollywood Burn.


As I walk the streets of Hollywood Boulevard
Thinin’ how hard it was to those that starred
In the movies portrayin’ the roles
Of butlers and maids slaves and hoes
Many intelligent Black men seemed to look uncivilized
When on the screen
Like a guess I figure you to play some jigaboo
On the plantation, what else can a nigger do
And Black women in this profession
As for playin’ a lawyer, out of the question
For what they play Aunt Jemima is the perfect term
Even if now she got a perm
So let’s make our own movies like Spike Lee
Cause the roles being offered don’t strike me
There’s nothing that the Black man could use to earn
Burn Hollywood burn

2. 20 Mothfucka 20.

3. It takes a Nation of Millions.

4. “All the Peckerwoods Better Hide Tonightwas the hook of a song Askari X. This came out DURING THE HIEIGHT of the Rodney King Era. I can’t find it. Even though I did find Askari’s Myspace page. Creepy!

5. Love’s Gonna Getcha, KRS One.

6. We Don’t Have a Plan B, Red Head Kingpin and the F.B.I.

7. Cross Over ain’t nothing but a double Cross, 5 Heartbeats.

Record Executive: We’ve decided to change the cover a little bit because we see the big picture. Negroes and white folks buying this album. Everybody’s going to know who this group is. We just felt that the picture wasn’t as important as it was that we succeeded in crossing over.

Five Heartbeats Member: Crossover ain’t nothing but a double-cross. Once we lose our audience we ain’t never gon’ get them back. They’re trying to change our style.

8. “A White Man with a Negro Sound” Nice!

Sun Records founder Sam Phillips, who had already recorded blues artists such as Howlin’ Wolf, James Cotton, B.B. King, Little Milton, and Junior Parker,[22] was looking for “a white man with a Negro sound and the Negro feel,” with whom he “could make a billion dollars,” because he thought black blues and boogie-woogie music might become tremendously popular among white people if presented in the right way.[23] The Sun Records producer felt that a black rhythm and blues act stood little chance at the time of gaining the broad exposure needed to achieve large-scale commercial success.”[24]

I only got to 8. I know you all can give me two’mo.


While researching this post, I found my cousin. De.Li.SH.

I also found this. Who knew that the innernet was such a delish treasure trove
of late nite coming down on caffeinated goodies?
