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When ever I have arguments about educating low income folks,
I dead cats in their tracks with one question.
The question is, why is it that Cuba has a 97% literacy rate,
when most of its citizens/residents are cash poor?
A true story: in 1960, less than a year after their victory, Castro’s government decided to wipe out illiteracy. They recruited 120,000 volunteer teachers, most of them young high school students. Armed only with books and Coleman-style gas lanterns, the volunteers entered the most remote areas, teaching peasants of all ages to read. The grim part of the story was that there were still counterrevolutionaries in the hills — and they received support from the CIA. They knew the literacy brigades were helping solidify Castro’s support among the peasantry, so the young volunteers were terrorized and at least one was murdered. But the campaign succeeded anyway. Practically overnight, Cuba’s literacy rate rose to 97%, and it’s now a little higher than that. By the way, the average Cuban’s knowledge of the U.S. and of world events is astonishing.
Just a little something I want you to think about during this election
Something that I want you to think about while you read the newspaper.
Something I want you to think about the next time you read about
colleges with billion dollar endowments, or schools in the hood
that have landed on the No Child Left Behind “closure/failure” list.
I want you to think about the effect that the failure of integration
has had on our current educational system.
What can a new president do to change the
way our children are educated?
Do we need to send our kids to Cuba?
Our Black boys in particular?