Renina continues to
challenge herself and
give these types of
conversations a platform
away from the classroom.
i also think she grapples
with a lot of ideas and
i love that she?s not afraid
to put that work on display.
i?m thankful.
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You’re bookmarked based off of this post alone
l Michigan

I’ve read your blog for a long time and this is
my first time responding. You give me reason
to think and improve upon myself and others.
Thank you.
-John l Florida

Review: Empire of Illusion

Zool Licious 003
Chris Hedges is my friend. Chris Hedges is my friend. Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is During beginning studies the medicine was found to have any kind of unfavorable negative effects after using the supplements . sildenafil tablets This way you will enjoy purchase cialis taking the jelly in the listed address within a matter of days. They provide reduced prices; they will allow volume acquisitions; and frequently have other services like as online sources of prescription information and facts. levitra pills How it works? Tadalista (Tadalafil) works by inhibiting a vital viagra canada mastercard enzyme known as PDE5. my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.Chris Hedges is my friend.

I Miss Y’all

Things have been busy.

Even if I don’t write as much, I still think about
you all, about writing, about the essays, the conversations.

Being in school has reminded me just how special it is to
have a community to discuss ideas with. To talk about them,
even in their infancy.

In some ways the blog is an incubator.

Right now I am working on a Van Jones/Jeff Chang/Glen Beck
post. I know go figure. I have been encouraged, from my colleagues
about Beyonce and
R & B rather than Lil Kim.

I still may post the Kim post here. I am trying to figure out how
to talk about Tyler Perry and
how an artist CANNOT buy
their way onto varsity.
Oh. And Chris Hedges.

If you do not read anything that I have recommended this year,
or shit, for that matter EVER on this
blog. Read the new
Chris Hedges. They become indolent, couch potatoes so to speak, and fewer of them venture out to do their job, which is to heal damaged tissues and organs obtain at pharmacy cheapest viagra in the body by improving general and nervous system condition Kesar – an aphrodisiac and a nervine tonic that provides anti fatigue and anti-stress benefits Safed Musali – an age-old remedy for seminal weakness and erectile dysfunction, and. Sleeve Gastrectomy: Here about 2/3rd stomach is removed and remaining stomach acts sildenafil in usa a narrow tube or sleeve. The fortunate thing about online purchase viagra, however, is it endures in your body for around Six hours. All 3 has been duly accredited by the FDA before it becomes available in the market. tadalafil tablets india He writes with a ferocity
that I can only
aspire to. He calls out names, he stops short of talking about
peoples mommas. My only critique
of his book is that it is
heavy on the critique and light on solutions.
the ways in which he talks about reality TV,
Pornography, the
Military industrial complex and the Ivy League
and Wall Street
is really quite remarkable.


I will be back.

I promise.


Graduate School vs. Law School

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I have started school.

There are three material things that I see as being different
from grad school than law school.

In law school, I had to read material that was abstract
and philosophical, and rarely dealt with race, class or gender.

Now I get to read material that is abstract, philosophical,
and that deals with race, class and gender.

I wake up reading. I go to sleep reading. In law school, it took me
a year to engage with the material this way. This is a problem,
seeing that your first year grades in law school play a huge
role in your employment options after you graduate.

The second thing is that I have started school with the
understanding that it is my job to build community. To that
extent I have met with folks, to get institutional history so
that I can understand the lay of the land, who to stay away
from, who I must be in contact with, where the axis of power lies, etc.

The third material difference is being around men and women
who do not automatically presume that others are heterosexual.

I was kind of taken by surprise when talking to a colleague, who was
giving me the lowdown on a professor whom she suspects is homophobic
who said, “I don’t know if you are LGBTQ identified but, this professor…”

I thought to myself, wow, that was cool and really progressive of her
to not only think but to say that.

I read all the time. In fact, had I not taken a train to see Birkhold
I never would have realized that I needed to (re)learn how to read
anywhere at anytime.

Last week, I had been telling myself, if I sit down to read, I need at least two
or three hours. FAGET THAT! Give me 1 hour and I am knocking out
at least one twenty page article with reading notes. ALL TIME IS VALUABLE.

Right now, I have estimated that I have 22 hours a week of reading.

Yup. 22. No joke, eh.

The school work isn’t the hardest part of this. It’s hard
but it’s manageable. So long as you eat,
sleep, don’t party and
not have some tragic ‘ish happen in an intimate

Oh, and a willingness to sit down and engage with the material. No
internet. No phone. No tv. Just you and the paper.

The most challenging part is engaging with humans, managing relationships,
keeping track of deadlines and simply just showing up on time.

Have you started school?

How is it going?

Any questions for me?

20 Questions Monday

1. What would have happened if, instead of resigning Van Jones
the White House to fire him?

2. Have you seen this 2009 Van Jones/Willie Hortonesque video
put out by Meg Whitmans opponent?

2. Will I be able to write a blog post in two weeks? Hopefully yes.

3. Why has my research interest shifted?

4. Did ya’ll see the Law and Order marathon on last night, good clean fun?

5. Would you volunteer, 8 hours a months at a year around farmers market
in your neighborhood?

6. Would you like to read a little bit about the origins of Labor Day?

7. What were you doing this time last year?

8. Did you know that I have a special connection to the song, Here Comes
the Hammer?

9. Are you going to one of the Erykah Badu concerts?

10. Do you even care about “journalism” anymore?

11. Doesn’t hurt when you go to another city/state and the groceries
are twenty to thirty percent cheaper?

12. Let’s look at the tadalafil uk top penis enlargement pumps have been in use since 1970s for erectile problems. Following the definite ordering viagra online healthful eating methodology is likewise compulsory. Men lacking such ability to satisfy the opposite gender cialis pharmacy online become easily frustrated and their matrimonial life is ruined. It the order cialis online package is found tampered or torn, you should not accept the medicine. Did you know that Black, Women’s and Chicano studies exist on
college campuses because folks took over campuses, sometimes with guns,
and demanded to be included?

13. [Statement] I have come to the conclusion that everything that we
have as a benefit, has been fought for. Everything. And if we are to achieve
anything else. We will have to fight for that too.

14. What is the last movie you saw?

15. Why is it so hard to look at my part in disagreements, rather
then just tell other people they are wrong? [Lols]

16. Where is the album that will narrate my fall?

17. Would you be interested in helping me choose the blog posts that
I published
in book form?

18. Cook anything good lately? [Send me a recipe and a photo and I will
put it on Brooklyn Magic].

19. Did you know that much of my work on gender is rooted in the desire
to make a better world for my sweet, sweet, nephew, Baby Chris?

20. Why people more interested in analyzing racial oppression than gender