I have decided to do the rap corporations chart and I
need some help.
I have the data, but I need someone to either help
me to do the data entry. We can use Many Eyes or another
online mashup program, it can be a flow chart,
a la Power Point, Gliffy, or Flow chart.com.
I am going to have to write a piece (and read two books
in order to write them) to accompany it and I can’t do
both, time does not permit.
I am also thinking doing a legal time line of African American’s
in the United States.
Get at me at m.dotwrites / gmail if you can assist.
I really appreciate it.
***I know there are at least two or three of y’all
that sit at work and have some hours to kill on the
internet.I have received an invitation to use software, Flowchart (which is in
beta) to make a chart in real time & chat with each other.
I think the forces are on our side. Here are the 3 steps:
- I will make the template for the chart
- I will send you the links to the sites that have the
information on corporations- We divide up the work and enter the data into the site.
Presto. Hip Hop, Corporations Chart!
It should take about 45 minutes for three people to cut and pasting info onto flowchart.
Email me if you are willing to help.