Remember when T.I. asked, “Is You Happy”
at the end of “Why You Wanna”?
The issue of happiness has been on my
bird recently.
The day Heath Ledger died,
I was talking to Filthy and he said that
anyone who kills himself ain’t fit to live.
***Insert record scratch HERE.
I responded, saying thats that bullsh-t.
First of all, anyone who takes their own life is in pain
and has been in pain for a long time,
Secondly, people who kill themselves more than
likely reach out to someone. Sometimes the response
is inappropriate.
On top of that, people suffer from mental illness,
which impacts their decision to commits suicide.
I was like, Man, Heath was seperated from and
probably missed his family something terrible.
I would imagine that he was just trying to figure
out how to deal with it in the way he knew how.
Losing your family will break ANY man down.
Filthy agreed that mental illness most certainly
plays a role and went on to mention that
we as a generation have to come to understand
that PAIN is a natural part of life.
When people ask me about SJ and whether
he is making me happy, I began answer differently.
It has become less about him making me happy
and more about me having someone I can struggle with.
Happiness is a temporary state. I would rather have my
serenity than have happiness.
Don’t get it twisted, happiness feels great,
but I realize that I have to consciously think about
the desire to be happy.
Especially for someone like me, who is ambitious,
and is always coming up with this, that or the third thing
to be involved in, happiness can’t possibly be the goal.
As of late, the goal has been how to become a more human
Why do you think we trip so hard on being happy?
When was the last time you were happy?
That new Jay Electronica has me feeling tre Happy.