I Got One Question, Is You Happy?

Remember when T.I. asked, “Is You Happy”
at the end
of “Why You Wanna”?

The issue of happiness has been on my
bird recently.

The day Heath Ledger died,
I was talking to Filthy and he said that
anyone who kills himself ain’t fit to live.

***Insert record scratch HERE.

I responded, saying thats that bullsh-t.

First of all, anyone who takes their own life is in pain
and has been in pain for a long time,

Secondly, people who kill themselves more than
likely reach out to someone. Sometimes the response
is inappropriate.

On top of that, people suffer from mental illness,
which impacts their decision to commits suicide.
I was like, Man, Heath was seperated from and
probably missed his family something terrible.

I would imagine that he was just trying to figure
out how to deal with
it in the way he knew how.

Losing your family will break ANY man down.

Filthy agreed that mental illness most certainly
plays a role and went on to mention that
we as a generation have to come to understand
that PAIN is a natural part of life.

When people ask me about SJ and whether
he is making me happy, I began answer differently.

It has become less about him making me happy
and more about me having someone I can struggle with.

Happiness is a temporary state. I would rather have my
serenity than have happiness.

Don’t get it twisted, happiness feels great,
but I realize that I have to consciously think about
the desire to be happy.

Especially for someone like me, who is ambitious,
and is always coming up with this, that or the third thing
to be involved in, happiness can’t possibly be the goal.

As of late, the goal has been how to become a more human


Why do you think we trip so hard on being happy?

When was the last time you were happy?

That new Jay Electronica has me feeling tre Happy.


The Cuban Secret

Elizabeth Eckford is depicted in this photograph taken by Will Counts in 1957. It is one of the top 100 photographs of the 20th century, according to the Associated Press. Hazel Massery is the white girl seen yelling at Eckford as Eckford attempted to enter the school on her first day.

When ever I have arguments about educating low income folks,
I dead cats in their tracks with one question.

The question is, why is it that Cuba has a 97% literacy rate,
when most of its citizens/residents are cash poor?

A true story: in 1960, less than a year after their victory, Castro’s government decided to wipe out illiteracy. They recruited 120,000 volunteer teachers, most of them young high school students. Armed only with books and Coleman-style gas lanterns, the volunteers entered the most remote areas, teaching peasants of all ages to read. The grim part of the story was that there were still counterrevolutionaries in the hills — and they received support from the CIA. They knew the literacy brigades were helping solidify Castro’s support among the peasantry, so the young volunteers were terrorized and at least one was murdered. But the campaign succeeded anyway. Practically overnight, Cuba’s literacy rate rose to 97%, and it’s now a little higher than that. By the way, the average Cuban’s knowledge of the U.S. and of world events is astonishing.

Just a little something I want you to think about during this election

Something that I want you to think about while you read the newspaper.

Something I want you to think about the next time you read about
colleges with billion dollar endowments, or schools in the hood
that have landed on the No Child Left Behind “closure/failure” list.

I want you to think about the effect that the failure of integration
has had on our current educational system.


What can a new president do to change the
way our children are educated?

Do we need to send our kids to Cuba?

Our Black boys in particular?


Jay Electronica is Basquiat on Wax

I believe in Jay the way ?uestlove belives in Tanya Morgan.

Ever since I read Grace Lee Boggs autobiography I have

been obsessed with the notion of becoming a more human, human.

Jay brings multi-layered samples similar to Doom.

Farrakhan samples
Muhammad Ali samples.
Tribe-esque licks.

Come to think of it, I don’t think The Nation
has been on a rap song since Death Certificate.

His music is haunted by Jay D.
He brings the hunger of an early Jay Z.
He is comfortable with being weird,
like a sorry Ms. Jackson era Three Stacks.

When you listen to his music, you don’t know where its
but you know that you want to go there with him.

In life, you sometimes have to concede that
you don’t know where things are going.
It has become painfully clear to me that
being vulnerable is a sign of transformation.
That sense of not being in control,
of going hard in the paint, of giving it your all
and waiting for the chips to fall. It’s like Tupac at his best.

Pac wasn’t always wasn’t right, he wasn’t always wrong,
but he put his heart on it, and at the end of the day
what more can you ask for?

Jay’s music reminds me of this vulnerability.

When was the last time you heard an emcee with something
to say? With each new song, you wanted to hear more?

Electronica is that dude.


You listen? What do you think of him?

Why is it so hard to be vulnerable?

Why is it so hard for people to accept
being weird?


Thoughts on Lauryn Hill & Britney Spears

I have been thinking lately about the similarities
between Britney
and Lauryn.

Off the top of the dome, it would appear as if they
have nothing in common, but think again.

They are both single mothers, they both have earned
a ton of
money for themselves and their labels, and they
appear to be having a nervous break down
in front of our eyes.

People love talking about them. Its almost as if
they derive a sense of pleasure out
observing the fact that Britney
has lost her children,
has been in a mental facility twice in the last two months
and that her estate is in a conservetorship.

LOS ANGELES (AP) – Britney Spears and her estate were placed under court-ordered temporary conservatorship Friday, a day after the pop star was taken to a psychiatric hospital.

It was not immediately clear who would act as conservator. The singer’s parents, mother Lynne Spears and father James Spears, were in Superior Court for the hearing.

A court creates conservatorships when a person cannot care for themselves or handle his or her own affairs.

The public treatment of Lauryn and Britney tell me
something very particular about society.
Their treatment underscores the fact that our culture
doesn’t take mental illness serious.

Its not like it’s a knee injury or a back injury where the scar
and source of the pain is visible. It’s a a little bit more subtle.
The sad thing about it is that if Britney were to pass away
as a result of her destructive behavior,
I seriously doubt that we would be able to see that she was
in a tremendous amount of pain.


Have you ever had to intervene to help a friend?

Were you successful?

Why don’t people take mental illness seriously?


I Wonder What Malcom Would Think of Obama

I am currently read Grace Lee Boggs’, autobiography and
she is talking
about organizing in Detroit during the
1963 Uprisings. I just left off where
Malcolm has recently
visited Detroit and gave the Ballot or the Bullet speech.

There was one section, in particular that I found surreal in light
of the fact that we are on the eve of nominating a white
woman or Black man as a presidential nominee.
She writes,

“The Black revolution in he North is less than six months old.
Beginning in Birmingham as a sympathy movement for the South it has now begun to work out its own philosophy…The Black revolution of The North is also confronted more directly with economic issue than the revolution in the south. In the South Negros are still fighting for the right to equal access to public accommodations and for the right to register and vote…..But the North already have these rights…”

Boggs goes on summarizing Malcolm saying,

” …A Negro Revolution and Black revolution are not the same thing …..A negro
Negro revolution is the kind which liberal whites could accept because it would simply incorporate the back man into the corruption of existing white society…A Black revolution would center around struggle for the control of land…”


Trillion Dollar Budget. Check.
[How you gonna claim you ride for small government and propose
the largest budget in the history of the country].

President Bush submitted a federal budget of $3.1 trillion on Monday, declaring that the spending plan would keep the United States safe and prosperous and, despite its record size, would adhere to his principle of letting Americans keep as much of their own money as possible.

$125B Stimulus. Check.

Cuts to Medicare. Check. What tha f#%*?

MONDAY, Feb. 4 (HealthDay News) — President Bush’s new budget proposal would cut $196 billion over five years from both Medicare and Medicaid — programs that provide health care to millions of poor and elderly, federal officials announced Monday.

The budget will produce a deficit of 410 billion dollars this year and 407 billion dollars next year, up sharply from last year’s 162.8 billion dollars, a five-year low.

How did WE get here?


Oh. Happy Negro History month.

Civil rights demonstrator attacked by a police dog on May 3, 1963, in Birmingham, Alabama.

Prompted by the revived Ku Klux Klan and by the quickly organized White Citizens Councils, the general reaction of the white South to the sit-ins and other civil rights demonstrations of the 1960s was violence. Bill Hudson/AP


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