Why Do Mainstream Folks Have so Much Rage Towards Teen Mothers?

When I am reading about how parents are portrayed in the media
I put on my critical lens.

Needless to say, any mention of Black
parents and I have the hawk eye on.

Will Okun’s latest blog post has images of Black folks that you
never see in mainstream media.
In fact the shots could have easily been stills from a Juve Video,
or stills from your cousins photo album.

There were also quotes from students stating what they were greatful for.

Real talk. Go get the kleenex.

?We are not out on the streets but in a house under a roof.? ? I.D.

?My family is getting together for a celebration and not for a tragedy.? – D.S.

?My Aunt Ethel and my grandmother who have stepped in as my parents after my mother died. These two women are so powerful and have so much wisdom. They are all I have.? – R.B. ?I am back in school. It took me a year to realize the streets aren?t everything.? ? L.A.

And finally, one of the MOST powerful ones.

?I met my father this year.? T.E.

I was really taken aback by the image of the teenager,
with her
tight turquoise top on, standing diagonal towards the camera,
so as to emphasize her roundess,
face full of pride.

The commenter’s were taken aback by her as well.

The tone of your entries make me sad, Mr. Okun.

You silently condone into every community and self-destructive action by these students since you are afraid of seeming racist, judgemental or both.

So you don?t say a word when a young girl gets pregnant. In fact, you posted a picture in this entry of a pregnant girl who couldn?t be more than 15.

Keep tiptoeing around that giant, self-destructive elephant in the room – your idealism is not manifesting itself in any meaningful action. And by idealism, I mean the vague notion you have of saving black folks from themselves.

? Posted by Dale S.

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Notice how old boy started of his comment with how HE felt.
You noticed how the comments by the students were joyful, thankful,
reflective and appreciative.

I found this to be interesting because it reminds me of gangster rap
debate, which revolves around the notion of at what point is
depicting something, artistically
condoning and perpetuating it.
And furthermore, WHOSE interests are being served by the mere
of such music, and for that matter THESE PHOTO’S
that are appearing in The Times.

Oh, here is another comment.

Dale S., Will Okun made it clear in an earlier column that he is angry, saddened, and horrified by teenage pregnancy.

? Posted by kaleberg

I can see angry, saddened or even disappointed.

BUT HORRIFIED. Why should someone be HORRIFIED by a
Black Teenager that his pregnant?

Teenagers Black, White, Latino, Asian, have been getting
pregnant since er, forever.

Teenagers have been having sex since forever.
And prior to the recent advent of “The Pill”, horrible abortion
killed us, or we dropped out of school, moved to
our aunts house in another state
had our babies, who were
then left to be raised by an aunt, uncle, god mother.


Why the rage towards Black teen mothers?


If You Are Considering Law School, Think About This…..

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The median salary for lawyers is

The graph (shown above) illustrates the distribution of salaries for members of the law school Class of 2006 and is a surprise to many because of its dramatic bimodal peaks. Despite all the publicity about large law firms and their race for talent, the fact is that most new graduates neither take jobs in big firms nor start at salaries that have now reached $160,000 at many large firms. For the Class of 2006, the vast majority of graduates who were employed as of February 15, 2007 (71% of those employed) started work in small firms of 50 or fewer lawyers, or in non-firm settings, such as government, public interest, or business. Just 20% took jobs in firms of more than 100 lawyers.

I had been saving this chart and I knew that it was time to write this post
when I saw the Times article on the perks that lawyers receive at their firms.

In addition, the July bar passage scores were just released last weekend
and my aunt told me that a friend of hers didn’t pass.

She missed it by 11 points.

I told her that a disproportionately number of Black and Brown folks
take the bar multiple times before they pass.

In fact, Black folks being an oral people, I mentioned that if the BAR were
an oral exam, 80% of attorneys would be Black.

“If the glove doesn’t fit, then you must acquit”.

My aunt then asked me why the the Black Lawyers teaching bar classes?

My response was that once folks have made it through the system,
a mindset sets in and they feel that OTHERS should go through
what they went through. That hazing sh*t.

Then I found this article on Black Bar Passage statistics and how
they aren’t even available,

In issuing the report, the commission will be weighing in on two fairly heated controversies over affirmative action at law schools: a debate over the bar association?s diversity standards, which first came under attack by groups critical of affirmative action early last year, and a more recent fight by Richard H. Sander, a professor of law at the University of California at Los Angeles, to try to gain access to data from the State Bar of California showing bar-passage rates broken down by racial and ethnic group.

NOW how are we suppose to help a group of people when we don’t
have the statistics?

Sounds like a classic case of hide the ball to me.

But. You know WHO does have the power to get the stats?
practicing Black lawyers.

And I commented that some Black People take multiple times
to pass the exam.

Now back to the “perks for lawyers” article.

Now peep game.

Top 20 firms offer 140K starting out, and top it off with bonuses
with the knowledge
that they expect you to burn out.

?Money is not the only thing that drives these lawyers right now,? said Marina Sirras, who runs a recruitment firm in New York for lawyers. ?They want to be able to have a family and enjoy their family. This has never been as hot an issue.?

Law firms have been slower than some other businesses to award benefits, in part because of their smaller, and often complex, private structures.

On offer now are concierge services, in which a lawyer can have the equivalent of a personal valet pick up theater and sports tickets, the dry cleaning, take a car to the repair shop or even choose a Halloween costume.

The schools want students to take summer and eventually full time jobs
with these firms because it raises the schools stature.

Once an L-school student receives their summer internship
with a top 50 firm, they are all but guaranteed a job after they graduate
granted they don’t curse out a partner at the weekly Tuesday
night happy hour.

There is a mutually beneficial relationship working here.
The firms offer the students the jobs. The schools are happy
because of the placement. Further ensuring that the pipeline for fresh
meat is available next year.

When a first, second or third year lawyer is making $125/hour
and the firm is billing the work out at $400/hour the partners
split the $275/hr amongst themselves.

And don’t even get me started on the loss of human capital
that occurs when women leave firms to start/raise families.

Lawyers say the conventional system of charging clients by the hour can make for very long days. Firms often require associates to bill 1,800 to 2,200 hours a year – up to 42 hours a week, 52 weeks a year.

Coupled with the time needed for non-billable tasks, that can translate into grueling 10- to 12-hour days, plus weekends.

Gillette said an alternative system could measure performance and set salaries without reference to the number of hours billed, and instead focus on productivity, efficiency and quality of work.

In fact ANY industry that is willing to hemorrhage 10-20% of their employees/
year begs for scrutiny.

But it doesn’t surprise me that current structure is resistant to change.

Many Fortune 500’s are willing to tolerate their employees
racist behavior and risk a institution killing law suit rather
than monitor and discipline those who display soft bigotry.

When I was a young buck. I believed the hype.
Work hard. Get Cake. F*ck A Old (White) Boys Network.

Now, with the scars and years of experience under my belt I can see
that sh*t coming a mile away.


I learned that the Old Boys Network is the Original Affirmative Action.

I was like hold up.

YOu are sitting up her questioning me, and my credentials, when you
got YOUR JOB because your Daddy is one of the firms biggest clients.

F*ck outta here!


What did you believe the hype about when
you were a young buck?

Did you become more cynical when you learned
the truth?

For the folks that have attended or OPTED not to attend grad school,
what role did you future earning potential play in your decision?


M.dot’s Gratitude.

Dearest Model Minorities,

Thank you for helping me learn how to unapologetically call myself a writer.

I now declare it with enthusiasm.

Thank you for coming back and making comments.

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Many people are lucky to have just have friends.

Good ones are hard to come by.

I am fortunate to have an online community where we can talk
about Rap, Feminism, Black Political Thought and NY Times articles
ad nauseam and I am greatful.



What do A-Rod, The Clipse and the WGA Have in Common?

They got 99 Problems and a contract is one.
A Rod is now trying to negotiate with the
Yankees sans agent after walking away from the team
a few weeks ago.

Initially he has a $252M/10 year contract.
It appears to be a stipulation is the new agreement that
allows for him to share in the windfall that will occur
when he breaks Bond’s record.

I think that sh*t is precedent setting.

Its real easy to hate lawyers man.

But please believe, you find yourself in a pinch,
and you are not getting your proper royalties
1-800- Bert-Fields, real talk.

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Now how in the HELL AFTER WU-TANG, does an emcee
sign a contract that stipulates that?

The members of the WGA are picketing because they want
a piece of revenue from online streaming of TV shows.

I ain’t mad.

On the go media is the next frontier. Google phone anyone?

They better stand up now or lay down forever.


Are you angry about the WGA strike?

Any of your shows affected?

Do you think they are being greedy?

Are you currently in a contract that YOU would like
to get out of?



One Hundred Jay-Z’s.

I had such problems with Skip Gates piece in The Times about
Black people, poverty and achievement. My rationale is that if
you are talking about us as a people,
and you have limited or
non existent economic analysis
AND limited or non existent
analysis of White Soft Bigotry then you need to go back to the lab.

When I read sh*t like that, I ask myself, “Who are you writing this for?”
I read the following passage and thought, man if I didn’t know any
better I would think Negros were shiftless, low down, good for
nothings who just couldn’t get it right.

But see. I know better.


The historical basis for the gap between the black middle class and underclass shows that ending discrimination, by itself, would not eradicate black poverty and dysfunction. We also need intervention to promulgate a middle-class ethic of success among the poor, while expanding opportunities for economic betterment.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Because Negros in the country NEVER had they sh*t together.
Never prospered prior to integration.

HAVE been burned to the ground.

The problem with THIS article and for that matter, Cosby’s pieces
we all exist within.

Saggy Pants are being outlawed and rendered illegal.
Popo is using Black men with brushes, q-tips, cell phones
for target practice.
AND, the sentencing commission has finally decided
that there was a problem with the sentencing discrepancy
between crack and coke,

Since 1988, possession of five grams of crack cocaine ? an amount equal to five packets of sugar substitute ? landed a person in jail for five years. But people caught with cocaine powder would have to possess 100 times that amount, or 500 grams, to get the same five-year stint behind bars.

My favorite part of the article is when he waxes poetic about Al Sharpton
handing out books in the hood. Books for, about and BY White Folks.

Imagine Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson distributing free copies of Virginia Hamilton?s collection of folktales ?The People Could Fly? or Dr. Seuss, and demanding that black parents sign pledges to read to their children. What would it take to make inner-city schools havens of learning?

Here is what I think. How about using your post at Harvard to teach
low income parents how to be advocate for themselves and their families.
Instead of outsourcing that shit to Sharpton, and complaining in The Times.

Theresa Perry is a f*cking genius.

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These cats will have you believing that the same issues that affect low
income Whites DON’T affect low income Blacks. Trill talk. Until we
have that discussion, this bullsh*t is moot.

In addition, today The Times was unprintable rhymes with
speculating about Jay-Z’s worth and the fact that he displays Euros in his
new videos.

I could practically hear Mike Nizza foaming at the mouth
“That Jay-Z is one smart negro, just the way he used
his drug money to build
an empire. Downright genius.”

Man. Listen. If we were allowed to keep just ONE of our TWO Black Wall Streets instead of having them torched to a f*cking crisp Rosewood
style we would have, or at least it would be MORE likely that we would have,
4, Jay Z’s
3, Oprah’s
6, Magic’s
2, Baby Bill Gates
5, Madam CJ’s
3, Maya Angelou’s
1, FEMALE Spike Lee

You get my drift?

And while we are on poverty and Black Achievement
peep this.

I was browsing Jawanza Junjufu’s book Think about it.
If poverty were the reason for “low Black achievement”
then why do children in affluent suburbs do SO F*CKING
POORLY at school.

COULD it be because they are the Model Minority in
class and that shit HURTS?

Being in a school system where all your Black friends
are in the regular classes and you are one of two in the
ap/ib/ bullsh*t advanced track.

Kunjufu’s rationale is that African centered educational
philosophy would rendered “reading is white” moot, because
students who know that the first Doctor was Egyptian would
naturally infer that BLACK has meant and
continues to mean being educated.

Could it be that they are not taught about their history, who they are in
respect to the majority. And that is why I am a problem.

Versatile in Insider Trading 14-e-3 deliciousness AND ebonic’s, when I
learned about Dubois’s theory of double consciousness,
I knew that I had found the explanation for my affinity for
Norman Mailer & Ice Cube, Rita Dove & MC Lyte and Fridah & Marvin.


Is Dr. Kunjunfu onto something?

What would it take to create more Black Male Teachers?

What were Black people thinking when they decided that to stop teaching
en mass AFTER integration?

Do you get irritated when you read mainstream sh*t about J
and they treat him like some capitalistic D-Boy Magic Negro
sj, I stole ya sh*t)

How do you deal with the double consciousness
