David Banner is going hard in the paint c’hall. Apparently he started some millennial funk w/ Sharpton saying:
“The next time you see Al Sharpton, tell him I said @#*$ him and he can suck my @#*$,” an animated David Banner exclaimed. “I might change the name of my album from The Greatest Story Never Told to @#*$ Al Sharpton. I hate Al Sharpton. This is the kind of @#!* that I’m talking about. They’re killing kids in New Jersey and all across the country and all a @#*$% got to talk about is rap lyrics? @#*$ that about they’re our elders and we gotta respect them. I’m tired of this. They’re like the parents, but the parents are crucifying the kids.
This is what I notice. The articles about this founk tend to focus on the more sensational aspects of Banner said. Suck my *&% who?
You want media attention from THE ESTABLISHMENT. Tell a Black Civil Rights Leader to check for you Jimmy. On paper. On the internet.
Banner has a point.
What if NAACP/Sharpton redirected their Bury-a-N*gga resources to calling NATIONAL attention to the insidious level of murders in Oakland/ New Orleans/ Philly/ Newark?
I find it muy interesante that the alleged victim in the R-Kelley rape case is testifying on the behalf of the defense.
The judge also ruled that both the jury and media will be allowed to view the entire 26-minute video that allegedly shows Kelly, among other things, urinating on an under-aged girl. Lawyers for the prosecution apparently asked the judge to reconsider the decision, alleging that it may re-victimize the girl in the video. But judge Gaughan upheld his decision, saying the young woman that prosecutors say is featured on the tape has denied it is her.
As previously reported by SOHH, the alleged girl in the tape is set to testify in the R&B superstar’s defense, denying she is the young girl in the video. She is identified as the daughter of a man who played bass in Kelly’s band, and Kelly refers to the girl as his “goddaughter” in the liner notes of his TP2.com album. She will be turning 23 in September.
While she is a witness for the defense, prosecutors are expected to counter those claims by calling to the stand the young woman’s relatives, friends, parents of friends, and others, to testify that she is the girl in the video, and that she was about 14 when it was made. One key witness refuting the claim is the girl’s aunt, former R&B artist, and Kelly prot?g?, Sparkle, who confirmed that it is indeed her niece in the video.
Black Sexuality and the Courts has always been a combustible
Kobe anyone?
Doug E Fresh’s Harlem House of Waffles.
They gone beat box while they fry yo’ chicken?
Ain’t Ol boy a Scientologist?
In the middle of September, E. Fresh will be welcoming to Harlem his Doug E.’s Fresh Chicken and Waffles, which will be located on 132nd and Adam Clayton Powell. I’m not sure if Pan Pan ever recovered from that fire. It’s been a couple of years since it happened and I haven’t been up Lenox too much, so I’m not sure of the status.
Holy sh*t.
Remy Goes AT Joe in the first three bars.
Do you think that it is a good strategy for the alleged
victim in the R Kelley case to testify for the DEFENSE?
What Hip Hop you listenin’ to today?
Should Remy be worried, going at Joe all public like and
what not?