Jude Apatow said I Could do Standup.

So he didn’t really.


I am stalking him though like him. A few weeks ago I realized that I wanted to try standup this summer.

But reading his Times article confirmed it. So, here are the following reasons why Judd Apatow is the truth.

1. Larry Sanders is his mentor. DUDE. I was prolly the only lil black gurl in east oakland watching AND laughing at The Gary Shandling show. Sh*t, I still know the theme song.

2. He is a RIDER. He is “still better known to the executives who run the town for losing a legal battle over a writing credit on Carrey?s ?The Cable Guy? and framing a Time magazine rave of ?Undeclared,? attaching an obscenity-laced note and sending it by messenger to the Fox executive who was about to cancel the show.

3. We both have a cynical yet connected view of the world. “?My way of dealing with the world has always been to make fun of it and observe it but not take part in it,? Apatow told me when we first met in the fall of 2005. ?That?s how I became a writer. But when you have kids, suddenly you have to be part of things. It leads almost to a breakdown because your whole defense mechanism is now really destructive.?

4. He started his career doing standup tooo.

5. And finally. “Apatow and Gary Shandling share a comic sensibility, and at one point, they even shared a therapist.

Jude Wrote the 40 year old virgin. & He has a new movie, Knocked Up, is coming out on tomorrow.


Lets go see it.


On Being Outside Your Comfort Zone.

That sandwich look hella good hunh?
I had a childhood desire of becoming a chef.

Food like THIS makes me realize that the desire hasn’t completely left.

I ate four of them this weekend, which was Warm and Delish.

I will say that it was my FURST single MDay in a long @ssed time and that took some getting used to.

Only because I didn’t have jam packed @ss schedule.

Ultimately it comes down to autonomy + passion.

Autonomy is dope.

Passion is essential.

Coming and going as you please. Staying a little later at the spot and not having to worry about “checking in”.
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The other side of THAT coin is: 1.) Waking up without the brunch buddy 2.) Not having someone to go get the ice and beer for the cooler. 3.) Needing somebody to go in the kitchen to refill your lemonade spritzer.

I was outside my comfort zone this weekend.

Having to spend stretch’s of time cooling out, NOT running around.

Yes there was SOME kickin’ it.

But not like it has been in the past.

Plus holidays put hella pressure on your to have plans.

You learn alot about yourself when you take a holiday to the face.

How was yours?


Gemini’s in the building.



Pharrell Swag Kinda Heavy.

[Innerview gets good @ 2 min 30 seconds]

It was the verse in the Kick Push Remix.

I mean b/w them teef and those ears, WE knew he was special.

But I have allways had a sweet spot for the
Kick Push remix verse, as it was the
first time,
in a long time, that an artist cohesivly,
on a HOT Track talked about:

[1] Black identity
[2] Navigating relationships w/ hood dudes
[3] Hood acceptance
[4] Being willing to try something different
[5] Attempting to navigate that space between being
different and being accepted.

Push down with the right, lift up with the left
Push down with both feet man, now land that shit fresh
We used to ride around just doin’ that
With some used Airwalks and Billabong on my back
Happily because my mom couldn’t afford it
When it came to Black validity, I guess they felt shorted
Identity crisis, they scrunched they facial
How we both black and our kid is biracial?

Okay, let me simplify the story yo
I was black but white in the middle like an Oreo
I skateboarded past all the shit I coulda been
I know my dead homies wish they was much gooder then

I mean gooder then, not cuz I’m better than
See, Airs got hooder man, blood got wetter than
I was just tryna bring it home and set a trend
But they would just yawn like it’s Late Night for Letterman
I’m tryna tell ’em, it ain’t no chance it’s a fad
But they look at my Sadplant like a plant that was sad
These niggas count more grants than my dad
From all the cocaine in the grams of a bag
Skateboard P stand for skateboard past
All the bullshit that the devil’s plans had
It grew up happy man, that plant wasn’t sad
So I put it in Vanity Fair and the Zoo York ad
And I cooked it up to a crystalized dream
Take a puff, don’t that taste like ice cream?
My record come out, the store calls your girl
Hate it or love it, I warholled the world


Hi Pharrel.

Its hot.

And its 6:30 am. I am up.

Burds chirpin got me up.
Need to go to Trader Joes anyways.


On Attraction.

Attraction bugs me out. I mean you can be moving right along in a friendship, or just talking to someone and then they so or do something that makes you think “Does John John like me?” Im deading the graduate.

It wasn’t like anything been poppin’. He just came kinda wack a few weeks ago. And because I have been on this mission to realize my gifts and I have 2 count, them 2 B’s (grades so far, collar poppin ya’ll) and counting, I guess I got my swag back. <<<***Winter '07 Swag disease. LOL.

Pet Dectective told me that people come into you life for a reason a season or a lifetime and I feel him on that.

It all goes back to the Warriors. See. The grad and I both like ball. So the theory was to take a lil break and catch a game.

I kid you not, he showed up w/ his lil cuz. Dude is like 19 or 20.

In fact they are more like brothers than anything. Now I don’t mind. I adore lil cuz. But I don’t think I have SEEN the graduate in ’07.

So you bring a third wheel.

AND he ain’t tell me that that he planned on doin. So How in the f*ck you gonna show up to the spot where we ‘posta be gettin our Homer simpson in watching Baron Davis magic.

And the youngin’ sitten there.

I felt like I could TAWK the way I wanted to.<<** mouth is foul. Feel me? Any hoo. That last lil ember of attraction that was simmering just got handled by
a bucket o’ water.



Attraction. Let’s go summer ’07.


Daily Kos, Feminist’s & Frat Boy Esque Politics. I am SO F-CKING Glad I am Black.

This morning I get up.

Check the e-mail the blog.

I clicked on the homies lank.

Read her post.

You know me.

Im innately curious.

So then I was like.

What got her soul sturred up?

Then I started check the lainks.

And realized its Daily Kos and the feminist got some greasy blog founk cracking.

A short summary.

The above youtube ad was linked on Kos’s site.

He “responded”. Then the sh*t his the innernet fan.

White Feminist tripping.

Below a reader attempts to contextualize why Kos responded the way he did.

I don?t think the word ?sexist? makes liberal guys quite as crazy as the word ?racist? makes white people. But sometimes it comes close. Case in point: Some readers (mostly female, mostly feminist, I assume) objected to a sexist ad on the Kos sidebar, and Kos reacted with an over-the-top, condescending attack on the critics. He could have responded respectfully, in a way that didn?t alienate and insult a lot of his readers – but instead, he heard the word ?sexist? and went a little crazy.

God I heart the innernet.

One jawn summed it up nicely when she said.

As feminists we hate it when left-wing men tell us to suck it up about our issues because talking about them is ?divisive?. Why can?t we white feminists get that it?s just as patronising and just as wrong…to ask non-white feminists to shut up about their issues?

You know whats hella funny. I thought of Imus immediatly when I read this comment from a reader at Daily Kos.

Its dope how people, both Black (R.Kelly) and White (IMUS) can explain sh-t away if they wanna participate in something.

I am an older woman, I love this site and spend much time here. Till now, I?ve been able to ignore most of the posts that were blatantly sexist and disrespectful to women, having long ago learned to pick my battles, and not to sweat the small stuff too much.

Have you ever read something and wanted to be a persons friend.

Well thats what happened when I read this.

Like someone above commented, I could basically give a shit about that ad. But the ad becomes a springboard from which to explore the real issues having to do with gender and power in the world.

it is interesting to see the comments of many of the people here, and to see how they would fit quite comfortably into any conservative republican bachelor party of the sort GWB and his cronies probably attend. And yet these same people consider the objections to corporate marketing and control of the female image as a conservatively-based thing. Quite ironic really. A fine example of men banding together to face the common enemy: women. The brotherhood of man, guess it really does ultimately transcend political affiliations.

Jawns talkin’ bout jawns is jealous of THIS feminist
because that one got a book deal.

Jawns talking about women of color issues ain’t takin seriously.

Sh-t . I read this post and felt like I got a masters in woman studies.

Yall thought I stayed on Imus. These jawns be using they innernet wireless to talk!

The good thing about being me is I trip off this sh*t all the time
so I ain’t really pressed when a white jawn or a black jawn for that matter come out
they face.

Par for the course baby. <<<***Cynical. A tad. Protected. Allways! ========= ========= TMR gonna have a coronary. ======== ========