Ok. So he didn’t really.
I am stalking him though like him. A few weeks ago I realized that I wanted to try standup this summer.
But reading his Times article confirmed it. So, here are the following reasons why Judd Apatow is the truth.
1. Larry Sanders is his mentor. DUDE. I was prolly the only lil black gurl in east oakland watching AND laughing at The Gary Shandling show. Sh*t, I still know the theme song.
2. He is a RIDER. He is “still better known to the executives who run the town for losing a legal battle over a writing credit on Carrey?s ?The Cable Guy? and framing a Time magazine rave of ?Undeclared,? attaching an obscenity-laced note and sending it by messenger to the Fox executive who was about to cancel the show.
3. We both have a cynical yet connected view of the world. “?My way of dealing with the world has always been to make fun of it and observe it but not take part in it,? Apatow told me when we first met in the fall of 2005. ?That?s how I became a writer. But when you have kids, suddenly you have to be part of things. It leads almost to a breakdown because your whole defense mechanism is now really destructive.?
4. He started his career doing standup tooo.
5. And finally. “Apatow and Gary Shandling share a comic sensibility, and at one point, they even shared a therapist.
Jude Wrote the 40 year old virgin. & He has a new movie, Knocked Up, is coming out on tomorrow.
Lets go see it.