Coming Home is Weird.

I went to my old prep school yesterday, and it was such an
emotional experience.

Largely because it demonstrated to me how strong I was when
I left the Bay to go to undergrad in New York.

In visiting there, it became clear how much of my optimism and confidence of stomped on by l-school.

My old principal, my english teacher and the gym coach was happy to see me.

Hugs were exchanged.

Im trying to f*ck with g**gle so I stopped by to network and get familiar.

Do you know that there was only one other BLACK woman there,
a secretary, and she had to nerve to ASK ME,
EVERYONE, “Well why only two years of school?”


Now ya’ll know me. Im a DAMNED fool.

EVEN MORE of a fool than I was two weeks ago.

I TOLD HER THE TRUTH about the grade conflict.

THAT shut her @ss up.

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people were happy to see me so she had to attempt to pull my card.

Im naive. I like to presume that Black people are *pttp.

But they don’t be. And when they NOT you gotta sett’em straight.

I need to express some gratitude. Some of y’all know me as well
as my “offline” friends, and THAT sh*t is bugged.

In fact, some of yall came through in the clutch for me during and
after the move w/ kind words and DEE DEE cake in a way that the
“offline folks”did not and I will NEVER forget it.

*pttp=power to the people.


When was the last time somebody
BLACK hated and you were like,
dude you ain’t had to go out like that?

Or for my non negro readers,
when was the last time that someone
went out of their way to pick on you,
put you on the spot or otherwise minimized one
of your accomplishments.
