I am Looking for a College

How many of you have went to school and have managed tograduate with as little debt as possible?I need your help. I have been promising my family that I would put together anewsletter or blog for the college aged teens in my family.However, I am … [Continue reading]

List Serve

I need your help. I started putting together a list of the artists,musicians, photographers, filmmakers, actors, who share ourvision for the "non profit".The working rule that I used is that these are artists who, takeintellectual risks, can use our … [Continue reading]

The Road Less Traveled

Guilt and shame are two of the primary tools that we use to controleach other. Think of the last time you had a conflict with another person.How much of the conflict arose from the fact that they were trying to eitherassert control over you, guilt … [Continue reading]