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news + tidbits

Powell admits,that when he began to focus “all of my attention on this Congressional race, it quickly became very clear to me that I simply did not have the time and energy needed to put together a machine-like infrastructure, nor to tap into the massive national network I’ve developed over two decades in the worlds of politics, entertainment, finance, the arts, hip hop America, and elsewhere.”


It was fun putting those together. Wacha’ll think?


I got ‘cho back, You Best Getcha Front!

I have one of those brains that will think about something. Plan on doing it. Get distracted, file it away. Search for it again when I have more time.

For example a few months ago I remembered seeing someone use Amazon wish lists are used to fetter out ?subversives?.

Peep how Lars Toomre explains how works. He says,

While subconsciously I had been aware of how much personal data is freely distributed as we go about our daily lives, this post was an eye-opener for how ?an individual with access to the internet can still develop a fairly sophisticated profile of hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens using free and publicly available resources.? The author, Tom Owad, then develops an example of how possible subversives can be identified using public baby names data, key phrases and books titles/subjects, the Amazon book wish list functionality, and the free Google Maps API. This example is truly impressive just for what Tom created as a demonstration.

Tonight, I found myself blogging and editing my book list so I decided to search the amazon list.


This dude searched and downloaded 15 thousand amazon wish lists.

He choose some right leaning books, some left leaning, and the bible.

He then:

-Sorted 10 of them using their ip addresses.

Located their lat/alt coordinates.

-Then he yahoo mapped him.

The process is called datamining. Which is fitting.

I felt intrusive reading it.

One day you could be reading Orwell, next day you could wind up in Guantanamo.

But the truth is that all this info out and available to the public

Why didn?t I become an computer engineer again?

In looking for a photo on spy’s I came across. This. This company, which shall remain nameless because I want to keep my blog, is really protective about their brand. Seek medical advice in viagra price case of blurred vision or priapism or erection longer than 4 hours. Sildenafil Citerate increases probe viagra the level of CGMP which Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate another enzyme that is essential for circulation of blood. This drug is an approved solution for treating Erectile cheap levitra india find here Dysfunction (ED) and it is highly recommended to consult doctor prior to using this male enhancement pill. A very rare side effect called priapism – prolonged erection online prescription viagra – is reported in few cases, which need immediate medical attention. I can’t believe these photos are up. Privacy is Officially deaded.


See yall didn’t know m.dot could flip it on the techology side. That must be the silicon valley in me coming out, har har har.

This weekend was so dope. BL’s family had a jump off at Bear Mountain, which is about 1 hour from NYC. Then he ran me around like a slave at Ikea and BJ’s.

Long live the weekend warriors right. Oh. Please believe, renting a Ford Exlplorer rental for the weekend, is THAT SH-t. Who KNEW cars/suv’s could be that much fun!?!?!?!


10 Ways Crack Changed the Hood.

In honor of OhWords crack week, I have decided to contribute 10 ways Crack Changed the Hood.

10 Ways Crack Changed the Hood.

1. Aiesha’s, from next doors, cute brother, went from being a scrawny 8th grader with a crooked smile to an aspiring d-boy who was ready willing and able to pop a fool for grinding on his turf.

2. There was an explosion of Crack Zombies in the Hood. In every neighborhood, there were allways your garden variety of wino’s, crazy ladies, and bad boys that steal cars. But crack changed the game so dramatically, because of the explosion of Crack Zombies.

3. Crack made funeral homes in Detroit, Oakland, LA, New Orleans, Philly, D.C. hundred thousandares.

4. Crack made getting a decent education in a public school in a major city impossible. For instance, if the teacher is spending 6 percent of her time, discipling children born addicted to crack, or children wilding out because their families wild out at ho
me because some one is smoking crack, then it is going to be hard for a teacher to convey his 5th grade lesson plan.

5. Crack gave rappers something to talk about. What would Jay-Z, 50, Mobb Depp, NAS, Snoop, E-40, Scarface or TI talk about if it wasn’t for crack?

6. Crack contributed to sneakermania. Who other than D-Boys could afford $150 Jordans in ’91.

7. Crack meant a whole new Genre of flicks. Boyz in the Hood. Menance to Society. Sugar Hill. Colors. Straight Outta Brooklyn. The list goes on and on.

8. Crack ensured that the New York Cities real esate industry would remained depressed until Guilani jumped off his quality of life initiative.

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9. Crack is responsible for the comfortable middle class lifestyle that many police officers enjoy. In NYC you start at 35k. But, if you put in work, and manage not to get murked, then you can earn upwards of $80k. Think about it. If
you have murder murder murder, kill kill kill, po po has to patrol extra. If they patrolling around the clock or on some crazy 20 hour shifts, the financial result can make a $60K/year job into a $95K/year job.

10. Crack meant the task force. They were super police. Those black jackets and the yellow writing. They were not to be f-cked with.


Did I miss anything blog fam? If so, lemme know?
I think I am going to do 10 crack related books next.
The heat wave is over tomorrow. Thank my angels:)


M.Dot does Sex (ual_ Politics)

Nothing like vintage Pam Grier to set off a post about sexual politics.

I was just thinking that for a blog about hip hop real estate and sex, I sure am skimpy on the latter. Consider this post an effort to address that wrong.

Last months article in Essence magazine about women that date their pastors stood out to me. I have allways been interested in how the relations
hip women have, or don’t have, with their fathers, affects how they select men to date.

The article pointed out why a woman is interested in dating her pastor. It said that the church is,

“… the one place in this country where the often demonized and disillusioned Black man can still reign supreme. Add to that the fact that the leader who occupies the Big Chair is usually charismatic, articulate, charming and emotive, and you have a presence that?s near-irresistible. For some sisters, the pastor is nothing short of a messenger sent by God to deliver the heavenly hope and healing that too often elude us in our earthly existence.”

“It’s not unusual for women to become attracted to a pastor who is counseling them simply because they are receiving validation from him,? he observes. That attention is something they wish they were getting from their husbands or the men in their lives?”

I wager that something bigger is going on here. Women and men for that matter like the rush of going after something that they, perceivably cannot have.

  • The Bad Boy. Can’t have him, his first love is his baby momma or the streets or both.

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  • The Married Cat. Can’t have him. He’s married.
  • The Nice Guy. Can’t have him. He’s too nice. And we all know that if he is nice, then there is something wrong with him.

In NYC, I have witnessed an interesting phenomenom. A woman will date your man. Not in the conventional sense, but in the soft sense.

For example, BBC was messing with this woman, “mean witch”, who openly referred to her male friend as “work husband”, I kid you not. Now a grown @ssed woman should NOT be referring to ANOTHER WOMANS HUSBAND as her “work husband”. It’s tacky, disrespectful and not very pro woman. Here is a woman, dating BBC, and talking about her “work husband”. Clearly they did not work out. But what part of the game is a work husband? You know we travel in language here.

Calling A MAN your work husband is pretty loaded language. Women will date him, right under your nose. For instance,

  • They will invite your man to their work christmas party.
  • They will try and go on vacation with your man b/c he is her “best friend”.
  • They will try and have long assed conversations with him when the three of you are out.
  • They will never bring around their s.o’s or potential s.o’s out of a desire to never have the shoe on the other foot.
  • They will not necessarily be attracted to, or want your s.o., but they will enjoy the attention that HE gives her. That becomes a slippery slope because you don’t want your s.o. looking are your homie side ways.

Now granted yall, I am possessive. But I am also reasonable. Depending on the dynamic between my s.o. and another woman, I ain’t gon’ trip. We all grown. But let me feel like she ain’t respecting. Please believe it. Because the dynamic between said woman and my s.o. will be rendered null and void and the behavior will be addressed with the quickness. I have learned the hardway about keeping quiet about ‘ish.


Apparently the porn industry is mad segregated. Women are encouraged to and it is considered permissable, to be freaky, wild for the night, to rock with men, to rock with women, and pretty much anyone else inbetween.

However, when a DUDE, does the same thing, he gets boycotted by certain folks in the porn industry.

Here is the article from the Village Voice.
Below I have pasted and excerpt,

When women f-ck men and women, or do gang bangs, bukkakes, and other “non-traditional” acts on film, they’re usually applauded as super-sluts. They are encouraged to push their limits, do freaky things, indulge their wild child. But men are held to a different standard. There are no such rewards for fucking outside the box.


The double standard lives. Who knew that I would pick the hottest day of the summer to sit down and espouse sexual politics. Perhaps it IS the weather. How are you all keeping cool. I just walk really slow. I drink lots of Vitamin Water, and I continue to eat tacos.


Thank you.

I knew I wanted to write.
More importantly, I knew I wanted to write about women and hip hop and men, and sex, and primo beats, and mobb deep and 40 slang and ebonics.

A year later, I say thank you to you all.

Thank you to danyel, jase, james, for telling me to just pick a title and write.

Thank you to Santood for letting me steal the title from one of our many margarita laden conversations.

Thank you to gotty, hashim, big walt, rafi &dp and eskay for blogging and for the big ups and inspiration ‘yall have given this year.

Thank you to
all the regular readers ms. tpw, j, chidi, duane & ms. ahmad. When I write I know yall be peepin’ and there is very few things in this word like reciprocity.
Peace to Mac J.
Can’t wait to see you back fam!

We just gotta rock the archives for a hot minute.

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150 more to go:)