William Rhoden Calls Black Athletes 40 Million Dollar Slaves.

This should be a good post. Rhoden essentially argues:

  • That Black Athletes have lost their connection with the community.

  • They professional and collegiate sport system is designed for them to be out for self.

Occupants of two worlds- the streets and the world of wealth, these athletes can speak from a perch of power and influence while holding the kind of “keep it real” pedigree that makes them relevent to the core black community.

  • If they leveraged their individual power, they could have an impact beyond what they could ever imagined.

…a crucial problem with Black Atheltes is that they should fee greatful for the things that they have rightfully earned, that they should come hat-in-hand in graditude for the money and power that they themselves generate. [This about as powerful as PE’s Don’t Believe the Hype, feel me?]

  • That there school athletic system is a conveyor belt of talent.

For African American Atheltes, the threat of the Conveyor Belt process goes beyond the ways in which it undermines character. The Belt is also designed to dull any racial consciousness and eliminate communal instincts. Instead the the belt cultivates racial know-nothingism.

  • Whats damaging about the proces is the lack of awareness by the person on the conveyor belt. The lack of understanding that there is a system here, and that from the time that you show any type of athletic prowess, I don‘t care if you were four years old…the moment he did something that made him different than the other kids, catch a ball shoot a basket…..he’s on the conveyor belt.

The title comes from a statement that Larry Johnson made when he was still a NY Knick.

….money has little to do with his analogy of being like a slave on a plantation, what that he was really referring to relationships- namely between owner and worker.


Now, if Holdens book isn’t enough, Brad Snyder just published “A Well Paid Slave” about Curt Flood and his fight for free agency.
I have not read this one. But, there is a review in the Times.
Um. Where is “The Curt Flood Story” Spike?


This post has been long over due. Jase. I did it fam. Where you at ock?

Reading this stuff will make yo’ brain snap.

For true.


The Flavor of Love is 2006 Visual Coonery.

How you gone go from 911 is a joke to this intolerable Coonery? I am all for poetic liscense. I don’t believe that all art should be postive. But this show crosses the line.

  • Flav’s grills, clocks.
  • Women fighting each other on screen.
  • A woman pooped on her self on screen.

Three words. Coon-er-rey. ( God I sound like one of my aunties complaining about hip hop. If I do oh well. We all don’t have to like everything).

His reality series, ?Flavor of Love,? a ghetto-fabulous spoof of the dating series ?The Bachelor,? has been a colossal hit for VH1. The show?s first-season finale in March drew nearly six million viewers, making it the highest-rated show in the cable channel?s history. More than three million people tuned in to watch the second-season premiere early August.

There is a fine line between acceptable self destructive humor AND pop culture coonery. This show falls squarly within shuckin’ and jivin’ for cream. Please belive we ALL suck and jive a lil bit in our lives. However, to get up and do it on screen for millions of people to watch has a huge impact on how brown people are seen around the world. VH1’s highest rated show. Word?!!?!?!!?


I don’t have cable so I watched 4 episodes of the wire, back to back last week. I turned around, and went to the Village to eat and I “thought” I saw a man from the Wire. I was like, oh laaaawd, I watched so many episodes I am hallucinating. I tapped him. Come to find out. He is on The Wire.

He plays our very own Al Davis. (peace to joey for the swipey).

I told him that this season is extra intense and that I enjoyed his work.
He was personable and responsive.

I like friendly well adjusted Actors!


Elephants now officially rank up there with Pandas. Who knew that there were so dope? They bury their dead and apparently humans that they kill too.

Okello said that after the man?s killing, the elephant herd buried him as it would one of its own, carefully covering the body with earth and brush and then standing vigil over it.

Their tribes have a “big momma” Aunties Uncles and god mommas.

Young elephants are raised within an extended, multitiered network of doting female caregivers that includes the birth mother, grandmothers, aunts and friends. These relations are maintained over a life span as long as 70 years. Studies of established herds have shown that young elephants stay within 15 feet of their mothers for nearly all of their first eight years of life, after which young females are socialized into the matriarchal network, while young males go off for a time into an all-male social group before coming back into the fold as mature adults.

And when the baby elephants watch they momma/daddy get killed, they grow up to be adult elephants full of rage and agression.

But in ?Elephant Breakdown,? a 2005 essay in the journal Nature, Bradshaw and several colleagues argued that today?s elephant populations are suffering from a form of chronic stress, a kind of species-wide trauma. Decades of poaching and culling and habitat loss, they claim, have so disrupted the intricate web of familial and societal relations by which young elephants have traditionally been raised in the wild, and by which established elephant herds are governed, that what we are now witnessing is nothing less than a precipitous collapse of elephant culture.


As a result of such social upheaval, calves are now being born to and raised by ever younger and inexperienced mothers. Young orphaned elephants, meanwhile, that have witnessed the death of a parent at the hands of poachers are coming of age in the absence of the support system that defines traditional elephant life. ?The loss of elephants elders,? Bradshaw told me, ?and the traumatic experience of witnessing the massacres of their family, impairs normal brain and behavior development in young elephants.?

Sound familiar???!?!?!?!?!? Trust. It is a looooooong read. But I actually learned something about Animals, Agression and People for that matter.



Awwww. The poor, poor Yankees.

All that money and cain’t win. Look at the A’s. They have a 5$ budget and THEY Spankin’ fools. You see what happen in Minnesota (I still love you James, but your team got spizzanked).


Wow. That was a fun post. Lets. Get busy. Ruf, ruf, ruf. I know that was corny. But I couldn’t help it.


—-White Men Going Crazy—


White men going craaaaazy.

HE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^killed lil amish girls.

HE shot up a school.

They Shootin’. Aww made you look.


George Michael. Well George got caught with we*ed. AGAIN.


He think he don’t have to pay child support.

And he’s a negro.

Hard out here for a pimp hunh Right Bobbie.

I think we need to start having lil white men “working out they feelings meetings” ‘fore somebody else get killed.

Oh. 10.1.06. The most PERFECT WEATHER OF THE YEAR.


Bill Clinton said "Let A N*gga Talk Real Quick".

I don’t agree with all of his politics. Trust.

How he handled the Empowerment Zones, and the transfer of folks from
“WELFARE ” TO “WORK FARE” is outta pocket.


But he said, on FOX NEWS THE OTHER NIGHT was trill, he said don’t bring a n*gga no bubbly water.

He was like “I was after Bin Laden. You ain’t gon Punk Me on Nathin’ ock”.

Bill Clinton been kickin’ it in Baltimore or East Oakland.

Oh, thats right, he DO have that office in Harlem!

Real Talk.

Peace to My homie at the perfect storm for the viznideo.


My family James, in Minn put me on to the a Cat that is running for Senate.

Peep though.

He is black.

And he is Muslim.

Awwww. Sh*t.

As a muslim, he has to play it real close.

Its not a game.

But it is a game.

It is a game of intentions and perceptions.

Peep the Article.

Ellison said he had renounced Farrakhan and his group long ago because of their “bigoted and anti-Semitic ideas.” But the issue may not die down.

His Republican opponent, Alan Fine, said after the primary he was “personally offended, as a Jew, that we have a candidate like this running for U.S. Congress.”

Fine called Ellison a follower of the “known racist” Farrakhan who is a person who “believes that Jews are the scourge of the earth.”

Ellison told the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas in a letter in May he got involved with Farrakhan 11 years ago because he cared about personal responsibility and self-sufficiency among black men.

He said he “wrongly dismissed” concerns that Farrakhan’s views were anti-Jewish.

“They were and are anti-Semitic and I should have come to that conclusion earlier than I did. … At no time did I ever share their hateful views,” he said.

State Rep. Frank Hornstein, a fellow Democrat who sat next to Ellison [meaning that he led credibility to him] in the Minnesota state legislature, calls Ellison “a champion of human rights for all.”

“As a Jew, I would always have concerns about Farrakhan, but I never felt Keith shared those views. It just never occurred to me that Keith Ellison would be hostile to the Jewish community or anti-Semitic,” he said.

If you are in the public eye, you gotta be prepared to come with it.

For trill. Especially Being a Muslim at this time in World History.


Lil Friday blog jump off for the fam.

The air is EXTRA crispy outside.

I gotta see if my tights clean.

I might, MIGHT, break out my space boots.

Them sh*ts is fly fam.

Pweter gray, low rise jawns.

Girls be like “Uhhhh, she think she cute”.


Do You Understand?

Even if you don’t buy it, got to Barnes and Nobles and touch it.

It is one of the most beautiful Homages to an artist that I have ever witnessed. And for my friends with a stable income, my burfday is coming up…****clears throat.

Times did a profile last week on Mike Thomas, a dead body collector.
Peep the article and the video.
These are the kinds of stories that THE SOURCE useta tell.

His tax forms officially read ?body technician.? Unofficially, Mike Thomas calls himself body snatcher, grim reaper, night stalker, bag man. Whatever you call it, it is one man?s life.

Detroit is an annual competitor for the ignominious title of Murder Capital. Last year there were 359 homicides. Halfway through this year, there were 220. There are about 10,000 unsolved homicides dating back to 1960.

Mr. Thomas, 34, subscribes to a simple theory: Unemployment leads to drugs. Drugs lead to misplaced passion. Misplaced passion leads to death. And that?s where he comes in.

?There?s 360 ways to die, and I done seen them all,? he said, dressed in black, waiting on a hot evening to be summoned to the latest body. ?I seen an old lady standing dead at her stove, her purse hanging on her elbow. I done picked up the pieces of a man who stepped in front of a train. I done picked up people just around this corner, here, from my house.?

Then he turned around and got FIRED FOR DOING THE INTERVIEW. Hear him tell it,

?I was just telling my life story,? Mr. Thomas said by telephone. ?This is America, right? Don?t we still got freedom of speech??

He has three children, no car and, now, no job ? a bad combination when you live in the poorest big city in America.

The body job paid $14 dollars a corpse, though it did have its drawbacks: picking body parts from Dumpsters, ferrying corpses in an unrefrigerated van.

Mr. Thomas said he hoped his recent notoriety had hatched an entertainment career. Record people have been to his producer?s Web site, he said, and filmmakers are pitching the idea of a reality show based on his life.


Speaking of dead bodies. Are more mommas killing they babies, OR, is the news doing a better job of reporting it?


Cat Power is so g*ddamn fresh. She is my new Mary J. Blige. Watching her video, touched me the way early Tupac did. Straight to my soul fam. Like I ain’t wanna see it, but the more I read, the more I needed to. Here is an excerpt…

With bizarre stage antics and aborted concerts, her erratic reputation was firmly established. Reviewing a show in The Times in 1999, the critic Ben Ratliff described her set as ?staggering for its inversion of standard rock performance ethics,? adding, ?Gone was the idea of exultation, or of showing what one can do; in its place was outrageously passive-aggressive behavior and nonmusicianship.

Still, fans flocked, some more than once, to see the singer with the long bangs obscuring her face ? and to see a train wreck. Yet despite her condition, and with the help of veteran Memphis soul musicians backing her up, she managed in three days in August 2005 to record her now critically lauded seventh album, ?The Greatest.?

About two weeks before its release in January, Ms. Marshall said, she lost her mind: ?I was looking at death. I wanted to die.? Holed up in her Miami apartment for seven days, she turned off the phone, played Miles Davis on repeat, stopped eating and sleeping. She drank to oblivion and prayed to die.

Susanna Vapnek, a painter, came over to check on her friend. Ms. Marshall was acting bizarrely, obsessively chasing ?bad spirits? around her apartment with a lighter and sage. Ms. Vapnek bathed her and stayed by her side. Eight hours later she took Ms. Marshall to Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, where she was admitted.

Confined for psychiatric treatment, Ms. Marshall recalled refusing to bathe, hiding from her reflection and wanting to be drunk. ?I asked God, I said, I?m tired, I can?t do this,? she said. ?I was asking him to just take me.? She was terrified by the other patients who screamed at night and were comatose during the day.

Who, other than DMX goes through their TRAUMA, REBIRTH and REHAB, so painfully and so publically. I commend her.

In fact her and Fiona need to go on Tour together.

For True.

This is THE BEST WEATHER OF THE YEAR. I wish I could just bottle it up and put it in my pocket. I didn’t have an coffee today. But I have a feeling imma have me some tomorrow. How yall been?
