This should be a good post. Rhoden essentially argues:
- That Black Athletes have lost their connection with the community.
- They professional and collegiate sport system is designed for them to be out for self.
Occupants of two worlds- the streets and the world of wealth, these athletes can speak from a perch of power and influence while holding the kind of “keep it real” pedigree that makes them relevent to the core black community.
- If they leveraged their individual power, they could have an impact beyond what they could ever imagined.
…a crucial problem with Black Atheltes is that they should fee greatful for the things that they have rightfully earned, that they should come hat-in-hand in graditude for the money and power that they themselves generate. [This about as powerful as PE’s Don’t Believe the Hype, feel me?]
- That there school athletic system is a conveyor belt of talent.
For African American Atheltes, the threat of the Conveyor Belt process goes beyond the ways in which it undermines character. The Belt is also designed to dull any racial consciousness and eliminate communal instincts. Instead the the belt cultivates racial know-nothingism.
- Whats damaging about the proces is the lack of awareness by the person on the conveyor belt. The lack of understanding that there is a system here, and that from the time that you show any type of athletic prowess, I don‘t care if you were four years old…the moment he did something that made him different than the other kids, catch a ball shoot a basket…..he’s on the conveyor belt.
The title comes from a statement that Larry Johnson made when he was still a NY Knick.
….money has little to do with his analogy of being like a slave on a plantation, what that he was really referring to relationships- namely between owner and worker.
Now, if Holdens book isn’t enough, Brad Snyder just published “A Well Paid Slave” about Curt Flood and his fight for free agency.
I have not read this one. But, there is a review in the Times.
Um. Where is “The Curt Flood Story” Spike?
This post has been long over due. Jase. I did it fam. Where you at ock?
Reading this stuff will make yo’ brain snap.
For true.