
If you EVER doubt that you should stop making movies.

Watch this shit and remember. #neverstop.

#BlackGirlsareFROMthefuckingFuture. Full stop.
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I cannot write about this they way I would like because to because my to do list is kicking my ass. But #BESSSBELIEVE I will this weekend.

Did David Gordon Greene Direct this? It looks like it. But I hope not.

Hat tip. Black and Brown News/ @BBN_NYC and @SaartjieProject

?uestlove’s Black Feminist Response x Sabina O’Donnell

Sabina O’Donnell and Donte Johnson photo via thebeatofphilly.com

I have been haunted by the murder and rape of Sabina O’Donnell, allegedly by Donte Johnson.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS/AP/KYW) Two weeks to the day after 20-year-old Sabina Rose O’Donnell was brutally raped and strangled to death in an empty lot, Philadelphia police have announced they have arrested the person they believe is responsible, 18-year-old Donte Johnson.”

I was in Philly May 29th for the Celebration of Black Writing Festival. It is a pretty city. An artistic city. A Black city. I can’t wait to go back.

What I also noticed was that it was an incredibly angry city. Oakland is arguably? just as angry however I think the pervasiveness and intensity of the weed acts as a major buffer in the ‘Town.

I learned about the murder of Sabina O’Donnell from a tweet from @questlove. Initially he tweeted about the murder and mentioned that Donte Johnson looked like a baby. Many Black women felt that this statement served the purpose of not holding Donte Johnson accountable for the murder that he allegedly committed.

In June, I reread Kimberly Williams Crenshaw’s essay “Beyond Racism and Misogyny: Black Feminism and 2 Live Crew” to respond to Slim Thugs (Bitches Ain’t Shit 2010 + Black Women need to do better rant) but the more I read Crenshaw, the more I realized that there was something amiss with ?uestlove’s response.

It finally dawned on me in mid August that ?uestlove’s response was in many ways a Black {Male} Feminist response.

I think this for four reasons.

The first is that ?uestlove centers his experience as a young cat who came of age in Philly, and the ways in which violence has had an impact on his life and the lives of the Black men and women around him.? Black feminist’s center the experience of Black women, men and children. He illustrates this when he writes:

i too at one point was an 18 year old black man from philadelphia. the 2 west philly neighborhoods i grew up in (to my knowledge) ? with the exception of my next door neighbor and my best bud down the street ? all the lives have been claimed in my age range. like seriously. if there were a reunion of all the kids in my age range from born from 1971-1976 that i grew up playing ball with and summer day camp and breakdancing and trading pac-man game patterns with, out of the combined 24 of us? (3 cousins included) only 3 are STILL LIVING or NOT in jail for a long time.

The second is that he focused on the conditions that would give rise to a young man, a 18 year old young Black man from Philly who could conceivably rape, strangle and leave for dead a twenty year old Black woman. He did this when he wrote:

look. i am NOT trying to be on some capn save a thug ish.

but dude. http://twitpic.com/1xageo look at him.

he is a fucking BABY.

the hell he see in his 18 years that brought him to THIS?!?!?!?!

The third is that Black feminists center the violence within Black communities.? ?uestlove does this when he writes,

this IS my neighborhood! i moved there to GET AWAY from the 3 things (robbery, rape, murder) committed a mere 138 second walk from my house! (yes i drove there 5am and tested the distance) so of course i had vested interest in finding justice served. i know many a single woman on my block. my mom and sister visit often and have to park away from my house occasionally.

Donte Johnson’s mother turned him in. Can you imagine being a Black mother turning your son in for this? #typeheartbreaking.

Fourth he alludes to how violence is a gendered act, which is a very sophisticated feminist theortical stance. He writes,

just as all the women in that neighborhood internalized sabina?s murder as ?that could have been me or any of us!!!? i internalized donte.

im sorry?.http://twitpic.com/1xageo could have been me or any of us.

this is why i said it breaks my heart. i want to know the specific conditions that drove this boy (yes i am using boy specifically) to this ugly act. i watched the tape. didn?t look like a drug addict to me the way he coordinated himself on the bike. i didn?t get a disheveled homeless drunken vibe either. ? –

The introduction to the Crenshaw essay says:

Many feminists have maintained that there is a tie between the way in which women are portrayed in the arts and popular entertainment and the way in which women are treated.~Diana Tietjens Myers

In reading ?uestlove’s post I was reminded of Kimberle Crenshaw’s feelings about 2 Live Crew. On one level she felt for them, because they were clearly being unfairly prosecuted because they were Black men. On another level Black women in their music were “all purpose ho’s.”

What do I mean by all purpose ho’s? Well she this is how she desribes hearing 2 Live Crew for the first time,

” On first hearing 2 Live Crew I was shocked; unlike Gates I did not “bust out laughing…” We hear about cunts being fucked until backbones are cracked, asses being busted, dicks being rammed down throats, and semen splattered across faces. Black women are cunts, bitches and all purpose “ho’s.”

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“the hell he see in his 18 years that brought him to THIS?!?!?!?!”

The text of the entire post is here.

Did mainstream “all purpose ho” rap music contribute to the conditions where Donte Johnson could possibly strangle, rape, and leave Sabina Rose O’Donnel for dead?

How could it not?

Isn’t it easier to kill a “bitch” than it is to kill a human being?

Who stands to gain if we refuse to see the connection between how women are depicted in pop culture and how they are treated in the streets?

Who stands to lose?

Am I saying that there is a one to one correlation between the music and street treatment? No?

I understand that many things shape who we are. Our family lives. Our zip codes. Our personal choices.

I also know that there are several things that contribute to the hood looking the way it does. White institutions, created, approved of? and maintain(ed) the hood. #nixonland.

However I am still thinking about Crenshaw, Slim Thug and the impact that the music has on reducing us to all purpose ho’s.

Am I saying that the music and how we treat each other in the street are connected in that they both can involve violence that impacts Black people?


Is his response a Black feminist response?

Had you ever thought about it before?

What do you think of his response?

All purpose ho’s?

Oh and…

Fan on Facebook. #new

Vote for my #SXSW presentation here.

SXSW Countdown: 2+ (Race, Sex and Blogging: Vote Here)

How Zora and Dilla Helped me to Claim My Crush

There are two more days of voting for my #SXSW panel, Race, Sex and Blogging, The Limits and The Possibilities. Vote Here.

Oh. And you can Like the Blog on Facebook here.

The Brilliant Ann, who did the site redesign, created these awesome buttons to promote the #SXSW jawn.
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Asher Roth and Why Rappers Need Nappy Headed Ho’s.

She also has me on Tumblr which is kinda the devil because it sucked away my ENTIRE Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.

Well, Sunday, I lied because I was marinating with my boo (one of them #all city)? and my SNACK. Snack was good. Marinated pasta with Lemony Goodness + cherry tomatoes. #ummhmm.

I got like 4 post’s coming.? Just been grinding and promoting.? I ain’t forgot about ya’ll. Plus…..The Tumblr be cracking too. Say Helooooo.

#BlackGirlsarefromtheFuture @ SXSW Interactive!

^^^This is that NY Taco Fun…I needs that Austin Taco Fun in my life.

#blackGirlsAreFromtheFuture #ForReal.

My presentation proposal, “Race, Sex and Blogging: The Limits, The Possibilities” has been accepted into SXSW Interactive.

Please help take #blackGirlsfromthefuture to Austin, so we can GET LIVE!

The more votes I get, the more likely I will be chosen. This isn’t just about me ya’ll, this is about the blog, our conversations about race, sexuality, hip hop, feminism, Errythang. Needless to say I am juiced.
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#allWeDO is win.

Please RT, Facebook and spread the Love.

Every vote counts.? Much appreciated.


Hope Is Hella Underrated: Musing on Youth Social Movements

Black Youth Rising, by Shawn Ginwright is a book that changed my life because it addresses violence, East Oakland, social movements and the need for folks to understand how the crack epidemic’s most profound impact may be the ways in which it underminded Black city residents ability to hope that shit might get better.

Given what has happened in Oakland with Oscar Grant, given the fact of how Shirley Sherrod was treated and given the fact that the New Model Minority book club is reading Nixonland, this book offers a great counter point and broader context of the above issues. Especially for folks who are interested in social movements and? young people.

I will provide quotes with comments below some of them.

Hope + Urban Social Movements

…activism in the post civil rights era has to deal with both dismantling of structural barriers to opportunities and the internal consequences of exposure to years of of intensified urban poverty. More than electoral policies, community organizing and advocating or a better public policy we concluded that the activism in the post- civil rights era should re-build hope and heal communicates from the trauma of urban violence and racial marginalization. We didn’t render electoral polices, community organizing, and civil rights strategies obsolete, but rather, we believed that healing and hope were critical prerequisites for activism and social change.

Here Shawn is saying “How you gone win when you ain’t right within” ~Lauryn Hill.

I had never thought of putting hope and healing first. This was an eye opener and I was only on page 7.

A Community of Care

…care in this sense allows young people to see themselves in a broader context of justice and liberation…

…care is facilitated by building critical consciousness among black youth and providing opportunities and space for political expression and engagement.

I like this idea of political engagement because it feeds into both online and offline activities.


Community, on the other hand, is more than networked relationships, trust and mutual expectations. Community is a consciousness of the interrelatedness that one has with others.

Care as a Political Act

Caring relationships, however can confront s and foster beliefs about justice among young people. These caring relationships are simply not about trust, dependence and mutual expectations. Rather they are political acts that encourage youth to heal from the trauma by confronting injustice and oppression in their lives. Care builds hope, political consciousness , and the willingness to act on behalf of common good…Young people must heal before they can act.

The connection between healing and hope is real.

I am not sure that healing and acting are this linear. Healing is a lifelong process. There certainly has to be a willingness there tho.

Hope and Radical Imagination

Daily survival and the ongoing crises management in young peoples lives make it difficult to see beyond the present. In healing communities, however battle scars are mended, racial wound are healed, and ruptured communities are made whole again. Ultimately hope is restored.

The central argument throughout this book is that intensified oppression in urban communities has threatened the type of community spaces that foster hope.

Hope and radical imagination are important perquisites for activism and social change.

Radical Healing

Radical healing involves building the capacity of young people to act upon their environment in order to create the type of communities in which they want to live.

We don’t create societies for young people. We help them deal with their hearts so they can create the hood that they want to live in. Awesome, no?

On Solving Other Peoples Problems

This means that we ask not so much what we can do for black youth, but more important, how relationships can recalibrate what black youth can do for themselves.

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It isn’t patronizing. It treats young people like the agents of THEIR OWN LIVES. And it allows for everybody in the hood to make a contribution, regardless of status or income.


Young people feel, if you respect me enough to tell me the truth, then I have greater respect for you.

Game for free.

Forgiving Fathers in Prison

In a section of the book on Black masculinity Ginwright explains how a young man, who had not been in contact with his father, decided to go to the county jail to visit his father and confront him on being absent from his life.

Vinces father didn’t respond with excuses blaming his mother, or blaming the system, the way Vince anticipated. What his father told him shook him to the core. …His father looked him directly in the eyes and said in a low sincere voice that he was so very sorry for causing him and his mother pain. “Nothing I can say or do will ever heal that, I did y’alll wrong and I’ll have to live with that for the rest of my life. But you, Vince, can make another choice and not repeat mistakes I made.”

…Vince realized that his encounter with his father was more than his own individual healing; his act of courage also opened the door for his father to heal as well.

I was crying when I read this. How many people WISH they could say this to their parents, but never get the courage nor opportunity?

Lord knows I have worked hard around forgiving my father. I guess this scene spoke to me, to my history with my poppi.

Systemic Change and Young People

…we must consider how structural inequality shapes young peoples lives while at the same time prepare youth to contest, challenge, respond and negotiate the use and misuse of power.

Systemic change focuses on root causes of social problems and makes explicit the ways that various forms of oppression work together. This helps counter the low self esteem that comes from youth being blamed for their own oppression.

I thought this was useful in that it reminded me of Audre Lorde’s quote that we have to teach our children how to Love and Resist at the same time, or they will not survive. #ummhmm.

Black Masculinity

Ginwright has lead a camp, Camp Akili, for groups of 100 youth for 5 days of activities.? One of these activities is the sexism ritual, which teaches young men and women about sexism. In the following excerpt a young man talks about learning about taking women seriously. He says,

” I had a real problem with disrespecting women. Bilal would always call me out and check me when i was thinking about a woman in a disrespectful way. Like if a woman was speaking or something, I wouldn’t give a fuck because I would be looking at her ass or something. I would be sitting hearing her talk, but thinking she got a big ass. But now when a woman speaks, I listen to her opinion, I want to know what she has to say….”

I found this section to be powerful because it shows how young men are socialized to look at a woman’s “ass” rather than listen to what she is saying when she is speaking. I appreciate this for its honesty. It gave me hope.

Power vs. Information

Many of the problems facing Black youth come from a lack of power, not a lack of information. The capacity for youth, for example, to sit on police review boards and participate in hiring teachers and school principals focuses more on shifting power to young people than changing behavior.

I like this because it gets at who has a say in deciding how an institution is run and who doesn’t.

In the end Ginwright makes the argument for community based healing centers, which I think is practical necessary and awesome. This came about in a study funding by Oakland’s Task Force on Youth and Safety and Violence. Ginwright goes on to say that the recommendation outlines how the impact of violence poverty and lack of access to health care have been traumatic to young people in Oakland.? The question is how to do it. #ummhmm.

Care as a political act? What do you think?

Using relationships to help young people make moves in their lives?

What would happen if hope was restored? You think this is possible? Why or why not?