Threat to the White Male Power Structure

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The best thing I have read in the NY Times in a month, is a comment.

Toronto, Ontario
July 20th, 2009
6:25 am

I find it amusing that the arrival of Barack Obama and Sonia Sotomayor on the national scene has sufficiently scared some people into thinking that the White Male Power Structure is in jeopardy.

Here’s some advice, Ross: Look at the current cabinet, look at the Senate, look at the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, look at presidents of universities, look at editors of major newspapers, and indeed, look at the current slate of New York Times columnists. Do these groups seem racially and ethnically diverse to you?

Trust me: we are FAR from achieving equality in this country. The spaces of political, economic, and intellectual power are still overwhelmingly white and male.

The above comment is a response to an article about how
Sotomayor and Obama represents change.

What do you think of it?