How did you find this blog?
The internet anthropologist in me wants to know.
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I am putting together a piece and knowing how you found the
blog would really do me a solid.
How did I decide to blog? Reading Hashim’s Hip Hop Blogs.
I guess that is the way I “found” it.
Bronx River Parkway
Either that or I think I discovered this blog through another blog via comments section.
My first thought is that I have no idea how I found this blog. After further consideration, I believe it was through your comments on 2830 or Glamazon Life.
BRP…got a mean link game…so that makes sense…
Glamazon…eh…Ms. AJ….
Ummm Either dallas penn or nah right’s blog roll graced you with my presence.
Through a link at Racialicious
Okay after a couple of searches, and a light bulb like recollection of the past, I remember now?..
How much free time did I have during the horrible unemployment of 2007?
Well one day after soon finding out what exactly ?Nah Right? was I decided to search the links on the site figuring ??A quality site prolly links to other good sites?
Well that thought was tested hourly as I traversed A thru L but when I got to the M?s
And Read this
I was blessed with ill words birth by intelligent thoughts and have been blessed(not a easy thing for a heathen) ever since.
I found this blog because I was read about your Rakim piece on another blog which can’t remember the name of now.
gotty used to refrence your post’s a lot back when i discovered this blog…
i discovered your blog through Brown Femi Power. I think she mentioned your blog once.
I can across a link from another blog. O like your spot.
i found your site through their links. i thought it was run by an Asian person cuz the sterotype of Model Minority.
@ Chic N.
Thank you.
@ Pathanapong…
You aren’t the first person who thought I was Asian…lols…
I thought you were Asian too.