Man. Elliot. I liked you dude. You went after the white collar cats
with a vengeance.
Bill- Clinton. Monica.
Kwame- Detroit Mayor. In fact, many of Facts about cheap levitra cialis overnight no prescription these can be performed in many different ways. Eventually, the penile organ also receives abundant blood to experience tadalafil viagra rigidity. This should not be difficult to understand by people. discount cialis 20mg Finding a Good Urologist As mentioned, there are many health problems faced buy viagra by both men and women. Had an affair with his assistant.
Gavin- SF Mayor. Really offended men by sleeping with his best
friends, wife.
Ted Haggert- Republican. Denied having sex with young boys.
Antonio- LA Mayor. Had an affair with TV news reporter.
Men and sex with women who are not their wives, or in Ted Haggerts
case, young men.
Perhaps we need more women mayors?
Just read in the paper that.
Peep game. Gavin is getting ready to run for governor.
As a politician, when you hold yourself out
to be a morally accountable, the definition of
political accountability at work, you are all the more delicious
of a target.
Perhaps like so many people, politicians an non politicians alike, he
believed the hype and got zapped.
I am uber curious about one thing.
This man has been in public life for years.
He has presumably been doing this for years.
Why the investigation now?
ha…more women mayors would be nice. but i’m sure cheating & getting caught isn’t relegated to men only.
your Spitzer post & NPRs coverage got me thinking. i used his situation as a muse to explore contradictions and hypocrisy, namely that of my father. would like your insight/comments on my post.
Then Line Between Heaven and Here
k ma.
Will do.
Birkhold don fucked my head up with his observations.
He made me feel like a “bad feminist”….and that is a feat.
At least his resignation will elevate David Paterson, NY’s current Lt. Gov, to become NY’s first black Governor.
Anonymous manaen said…
At least his resignation will elevate David Paterson, NY’s current Lt. Gov, to become NY’s first black Governor.
At that a bitch.
Cross eyed ass Patterson, Black Governer on Accident.
Bet he peed himself when he learned about this.
Mi manaen.
Good to see ya name in these parts:P