Out of the millions of sites and blogs out there,
there are some that we bookmark and forward to our friends,
and even write about ourselves. In that spirit, I present to you
a collection of links.
These sites either have a dope premise, amazing content
or a combination of both. Please peruse them while I go on holiday with the folks.
I have a couple of things in the pipeline for you all between
now and New Years Eve.
But until then enjoy.
Will Okun
You can always find something inspiring in Will’s posts
about being a White, empathetic, analytical teacher in Black
under resourced Chicago.
Angry Asian Man
Any blog that has ANGRY and ASIAN in the title
is alright with little Ms. Mdot. I mean, we Model Minorities
have to stick together, right.
Damali Ayo
Damali was the subject of one of my first posts.
Had to show love, “It’s the Brooklyn way”.
Unlike many writers for popular publications who write about hip hop,
Brehain actually LIKES the music and his enthusiasm pops
off the page. He is also a little less biased then me, which is nice.
Ella Baker Center
Ella Baker is an organization that I have been familiar with
every since OPD removed some teeth from my brothers mouth
a few years ago. I have committed myself to working with them
in ’08. This drug does not protect men from sexually transmitted diseases such as genital warts or ulcers, vaginal discharge, gonorrhea and HIV/AIDS. generic sildenafil tablets Fertility gains for female: For female beleaguered with menopausal and menstrual problems, taking maca tablets or pills or maca supplements on a frequent basis can assist them to get a good sexual stamina and strength that will help them to sexual strength in india viagra generic a better way. Basil, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Dashen, hibiscus etc. are a few viagra india remedies used to cure male impotence. Penegra customers have given reports of side effects ranging from headaches, stomach pain, nasal congestion, cialis order nausea, diarrhea etc. You should check for them too.
Ensure (the likelihood) that you will Rest in Peace.
On Being Adopted
Sang-Shil Kim is a writer and Korean adoptee whose blog
discusses the latter. I can hear Kims voice when I read his/her
words and THAT is a sign of a good writer.
Black Informant
A Black man gets his write on.
Many times I take a huge risk in losing readership due to some of the thoughts expressed here (and it happens); but being able to speak candidly in a forum such as the blogosphere is something that is far more valuable to me in the long run than any numbers game. I also enjoy the challenge of refining my thoughts against strong criticism versus the shallowness of thought that comes from speaking only to an ?amen? crowd.
Women. Comic. Book. Writers. ALL GOOD.
Man I must really love y’all.
I just finished packing, and wrapping, brunching and
pedicuring. I’m pooped.
Which links do you like and why? Which links could you not give a f-ck about? Why?
You tired? I’m tired.
I’m tired.
But happy.
Merry Christmas, M.
Likewise, fam.
Hey, thanks for mentioning my blog.
Hope you have a happy new year!
Sang-Shil Kim
Land of the Not-So-Calm