Well, not outright.
But his support of the statement is implicit in that HE is present and
he doesn’t correct her.
And it got caught on camera.
Here is what Andi Zeisler of B*tch Magazine had to say about
when we use the word b*tch to describe a woman,
The other thing about working for a magazine called Bitch is that you really can’t cop to being totally sick of having this conversation. But I am. Still, I’ll continue to say the same things I always say, partly because talking about the word is an occupational responsibility/hazard and partly because, despite the fatigue, I believe them.
So here goes: Bitch is a word we use culturally to describe any woman who is strong, angry, uncompromising and, often, uninterested in pleasing men. We use the term for a woman on the street who doesn’t respond to men’s catcalls or smile when they say, “Cheer up, baby, it can’t be that bad.” We use it for the woman who has a better job than a man and doesn’t apologize for it. Measuring flow-mediated dilation (FMD), an indicator of arterial stiffness, the authors reveal that a whey protein extract successfully reminds arteries to relax. viagra generic discount It works well when taken cheapest cialis look at this now an hour before lovemaking. It is viagra prescription amerikabulteni.com important to realize that you are not alone in fight against diabetes. Earlier, when ED used to be unusual health condition, sildenafil price in india http://amerikabulteni.com/2018/03/09/diplomasi-yanlilarinda-john-bolton-endisesi/ introduced as magical treatment. We use it for the woman who doesn’t back down from a confrontation.
Always had a tidbit more respect for McCain than for his cronies,
seeing as HE HAS ACTUALLY been a soldier in a war.
But this just reflects poor judgment and PR.
When was the last time you called a woman a b*tch?
For me its like n*gga. Growing up, I was forbidden to say it.
As it just caused a lot of fights. However I now use it as an adult
playfully, around my “peoples”.
I used to think when I was younger that folks that used it were ignorant
and careless. But, then again I also knew people who got shot at for
calling someone a b*tch.
Who do you think it will help raise more money for McCain or
hmmm…i can’t remember the last time i used it. it’s not a word i joke around with. i suppose i’m old school & still consider it a fighting word. most of my friends don’t joke around with it either. the funny thing is, i think i’ve called more dudes bitches than women. LOL
as far as McCain…his old ass needs to hang it up. it’s a wrap. the GOP aint even hawkin for that fool.
swear, I think the Chappelle Show had a big impact on how the word’s used nowadays. “I’m Rick James, bitch!” mainstreamed that shit to the point it was like a recurring punchline. But I’m not inured to it.
Chicana used to be a derogatory term, but it’s been reclaimed to the point that ‘Chicana Studies’ is one of the most exciting majors at my school. Queer Studies is big too. But you’re never going to see ‘Bitch Studies’ or ‘Nigga Studies’. The words can be put on the covers of albums and magazines, but they’ll always be offensive
i think i’ve called more dudes bitches than women. LOL
Ironic right.
But you’re never going to see ‘Bitch Studies’ or ‘Nigga Studies’. The words can be put on the covers of albums and magazines, but they’ll always be offensive
I think I just woke up the whole house with my laugh.
Introduction to B*tch Studies.
Advanced B*tch Studies.
Hell naw.
i suppose i’m old school & still consider it a fighting word.
Unlike N*gga, which I stand by, and will argue tooth and nail over.
This….I am more ambivalent. Partially because I know better.
On Balance, the word is used to describe women that don’t care about appear/being strong/powerful/in control. That importance of that is not lost on me.
I am also a B*tch/Bust reader.
the last woman i called a bitch was one of my family members. she was quite wicked.
I was reading some conspiracy theory website the other day and this guy was saying, being that hillary clinton is allegedly a closet lesbian, the powers that be are going to make her win so they can hold that over her head and have her make decisions contradictory to her statements so they can continue to rule the world accord to their agenda.
I found that interesting being that these same people pushed bush into office for the simple fact that hes dumb as a box of rocks and could be easily manipulated by cabinet members who are ultimately in bed with multinational corporations.
All that being said, i think it will raise money for hillary.
the powers that be are going to make her win so they can hold that over her head and have her make decisions contradictory to her statements so they can continue to rule the world accord to their agenda.
Oh Lawd.
How many High level sering executives are NOT OUT? Come on yo?
As much sh*t they may have on her, she would have on them?
WHo is to say that they wouldn’t be better served by NOT have Gooliani in office?