Ewwwww. Our folks, Jay, is putting out an album inspired by American Gangster.
In an hour long telephone interview, Jay-Z, 37, who has spoken of spending his early years in Brooklyn both rapping and drug dealing, said that the movie had tremendous resonance for him and had sparked a burst of creative activity that even he found surprising. He has already recorded nine tracks, almost every one prompted by a specific scene.
?It was like I was watching the film, and putting it on pause, and giving a back story to the story,? he said.
The movie, set for a Nov. 2 release, depicts the Lucas character as an underworld Horatio Alger and an innovator who, despite keeping a low public profile, rose to such power that he was able to defy the Mafia bosses who had traditionally dominated the New York drug trade before being brought down by a special narcotics task force. (Its leader is played by Russell Crowe.) Jay-Z said he thought his fans would be struck by the image of a black man reaching such heights of success, even on the wrong side of the law, much like such ruthlessly efficient Al Pacino antiheroes as Tony Montana and Michael Corleone.
Just in time for some fourth quarter good ness. “Universal Executive”
my @ss, no matter where you go, you are who you are player.
The article is replete (<<---slang delicious.
Please don?t compare me to other rappers. Compare me to trappers.
I?m more Frank Lucas than Ludacris. And Lude is my dude, I ain?t trying to dis.
Just like Frank Lucas is cool, but I ain?t tryin? to snitch.
I?m-a follow the rules, no matter how much time I?m-a get.
I?m-a live and die with the decisions that I?m-a pick.
There is NOTHING like being inspired.
Mr. Grazer, who visited Jay-Z in the studio last week and heard seven of the new songs, said he was impressed by how the movie had ?ignited all these memories of his childhood and how he grew up and the experiences he had, and the moral crossroads he had constantly in his life that were so parallel to Frank Lucas?s.?
Tracks inspired by specific scenes.
Denzel Washington.
Oeeewww Weee. This has the makings of a “Boyz in the Hood Era”
movie event.
UNKUT has this “interesting” post up about female
rappers on some Bol type imma be anti woman because
its cute sh*t. They normally do really imaginative boom
bap oriented type ‘ish. One commenter summed it up
nicely when they said:
I can?t front, this is kinda homo-erotic and yes, sausagefestish. I?m a dude who likes women, and I can appreciate a good ?chick? record by male rappers, and also I dig some songs by female MC?s- even the ones that us ?purists? aren?t supposed to like. Lance Atkinson, the arrested fake Rolex seller told free viagra tablets the police that he paid more than $2 million working with spammers to sell his products. In ED, what essentially happens is that your ability free sildenafil samples to continue in the state of stimulation and continued erection gets hampered severely. The cause of ED is due to mental stimulation and finally, those that are experienced during viagra in australia health disorders can be easily overcome by make correct choices of the medicinal drugs after the approval of the health expert. Sex, on the whole, plays an cialis on line australia important part of our life. But lately, yeah- it?s been kinda dead.
I feel like alot of us just don?t relate to songs by chicks or chick songs because most of the time, they?re not for us in the first place. But that?s like sayin? that certain types of clothes are wack just because they?re not for us. I don?t know about anyone else, but I don?t wanna mess w/ a girl who dresses like a dude- nor do I wanna hear a chick rappin? tryin? to be harder than dudes.
Besides, they don?t need to rap hard like us- two of ?em have already done more jail time than most of these so-called hard niggas.
Comment by DANJAMANIA 09.20.07 @
I can’t even beging to unpack the above statement. Women that “dress like dudes”
probably don’t want him! Lol.
Women trying to be harder than dudes? Ummmm. Some of them are.
“Black non-Hispanic females (with an incarceration rate of 199 per 100,000) were more than 3 times as likely as Hispanic females (61 per 100,000) and 5 times more likely than white non-Hispanic females (36 per 100,000) to be in prison on December 31, 2001. These differences among white, black, and Hispanic females were consistent across all age groups” (Harrison and Beck 12). These statistics raise the obvious question of why black women are being incarcerated at such alarming rates.
Ain’t no need to try. These ladies are trill.
Does going to jail equal being hard? No. Is it reasonable to say
that a portion of the women who are in prison are “hard”?
Its time for a new Jay cd, right?
Is Unkut being Anti-woman or just tongue in cheek?
I remember the first time I saw the trailer for American Gangster…and how the track “Heart of the City” just mashed perfectly with it…Classic already…plus the sexiness that is Common (aka my bff) is in the movie…ahhh
Are Black Women going to jail on drug related charges (selling or the whole guilt by association…we getting at you until we’re able to lock your significant other up)?
Dammit…it’s 5 in the morning…but its Friday nonetheless
and you know I put in a special request to the Big Guy for you!
Looka you wanna get a gmail address…uhhh huhhhhh
both of my parents have worked with incarcerated folks, my mother taught mothers, or retaught incarcerated women how to become mothers.
Most of these women, black and latina are drug mules, and women who were caught with men who were smuggling and/or dealing drugs.
that don’t make ’em hard but they still do hard time.
I have seen homegirls get out the Penn and jail time hardens people..period and any one with any sense would spend the whole of their life trying to avoid it. Anyone who brags about jail time and being hard is in denial!
I. American Gangster
i want to see this movie so bad! i agree with the minority reporter…when “heart of the city” came on, i was like…OHHHHHH SHIT! and forgot i was sitting in the theater with my momma! (i don’t curse around her…she will STILL slap me! lol)
II. women in hip hop & jail
“Is it wrong to fondly recall a time when good rap was loud, abrasive and hated by your girlfriend?”
i don’t ever remember this time. when hip hop was hated by girls. for as long as i can remember, women have been living & loving the culture, and this just sounds like some ol machimso BULL SHIT to me. *scoffs*
where is Tricia Rose when you need her?
although i’m not a fan of a lot of female rappers (or male rappers for that matter, these days), this post seemed to be overtly misogynistic in its tone. not sure if it was SUPPOSED to be tongue in cheek, because that usually requires some sort of acknowledgment of the value of the other side. and this post did little to nothing to acknowledge how DOPE women in hip hop have been. this pretty much said…”women done fucked up the game, yo!” (or at least that’s how i took it).
considering how “hard” women HAVE to be to be apart of a culture that constantly talks MUCH shit about them, i don’t think it’s about trying to be hard. it’s about trying to prove we belong…but why should we even have to? i remember PLENTY of dudes who were utterly AMAZED that i knew what i knew about music, sports, or any other “male” dominated area. like, i can’t read or spend all my time baking and shit. ummm, HELLO, we grow up in the same hoods & have to deal with way more shit sometime. ugh.
(i am moving on cuz i’m ranting lol)
the number of young women being incarcerated is alarming. have you seen the film, “On the Outs?” the chick from “Raising Victor Vargas” (Judy Marte) stars in it & it deals with how easily it is for girls to get caught up in the system. yes, many women are drug mules, but girls are joining gangs and “puttin in work” at some HIGH rates. the whole shit is getting out of hand.
recently i did a post about the number of murders that have taken place in LA county this year (639 & counting)…it’s CRAZY, yo. just when i thought gang bangin was dead…we still doing drive-bys and shit.
Every time I see that American Gangester preview, I just start rapping the song as it goes off. I really get amped, like it was playing in the club. When I first heard Blue Magic, i was happy to hear a new Jay song. But when Denzel’s voice over came on at the end, it really added weight to the song. I’m really looking forward to both the film and album!
Jay Wins.
Eh but unkut dude is right…one of the reasons I think emcees like MC Lyte and latifah were well-liked across the board was they were proud of their femininity and weren’t afraid to let you know about it..I mean I honestly wouldn’t care for a chick dressing like me and then rapping like me..when there are a thousand dudes out there doing same..*shrugs*..call that whatever you want but that’s how it is.