The dope thing about spending long swatches of time
by yourself is that you can a.) get hella work done
b.) you feel like a freed slave once you get to go outside and play.
Ladies, gentlemen, and trannies.
Fri, Sat, Sun. I saw the sun come up.
Even tho’ I been in NYC for a minute.
There is been something so, regal, delish and serenity
inspiring about BK sun rises in June.
In fact, from 2-6am, it never really gets pitch black dark.
I imagine its because these are the longest days of the year.
My big sister T took me out on Saturday in her new fancy car.
I had no idea that sports cars draw n*ggas like flies t to sh*t.
Driving down Atlantic, three different sets a cats in cars tried to pop.
Its was surreal for me.
I was riding shot gun. SAWED OFF SHOT GUN HAND ON THE PUMP.
[[[[[[[[[Uh. Wiley. Lemme hold your um, Cypress Hill. That sh*t knock]]]]]]].
We finally landed at a party in Flatbush.
I heard every laffy taffy esque song.
3. BUY YOU A DRANK, which actually has an interesting arrangement.
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Only on missing was A BAY BAY!
You know what I realized? Seeing erry body all dressed
up and beautiful and dancing.
These songs are constitute a POP RAP DANCE music.
They give black people, young and old, an opportunity to kick
it in they back yard function, or at a club and dance some
worries away. I ain’t mad at that.
It is rap music. It is a certain category.
But IT IS rap music.
I mean that bass line in Pop Lock and Drop It is kidney
I like the video too.
5 Reason’s Why The Vid is Fresh.
1.] IT actually has a Concept and errie death like Line.
2.] The WOMEN ARE NOT AIRBRUSHED. They look like gurls on the
train. THEY ARE the gurls from the train. LOL.
3.] It is VIXEN free.
4.] The Free “Shonta, Monte….” T-Shirts. LOVE HIP HOP SUBVERSIVENESS.
5. @ 3:26secs. I haven’t seen such delish Zombie coordination since Thriller.
It reminds me of Juveniles, Huh? jawn.
[[[[[[[ I needs to put that jawn on my run easy mixxxx]]]]]
Dope thing about the mid west, and the south, is the landscape, housing and architecture itself becomes a character in the video.
All those wide shots panning houses, streets and alleys.
I went from Extra P to Tiggalo P.
All in the same day.
From Sean P to Tiggalo Pain.
Sounds like a Bad VH1 IDEA for a Hip Hop show.
That pic reminds me of the “Connected” cover. That album got me through the bar exam.
That pic reminds me of the “Connected” cover.
You stay outta that picture.
Ya like what ya like..