I have never interviewed Ghost Face.
However, the fact that he is headlining this years Brooklyn HH Fest, leads me to believe that my opporuntity may be just around the corner. <<***Smiles big.
If given the opportunity I would ask the following questions:
1. Would you ever put out a Tony Starks Greazy Love Ballads mixtape?
2. How do you deal w/ writers block?
3. Name the beat that “got away”. That one beat, that for whatever reason
you couldn’t get it cleared or for some reason you weren’y able to use it on your album.4.What are the three characteristics that make you irresistable to women?
5. What is something we don’t know about ODB?
6. Does your moms listen to your music? If so, what does she think?
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8. Seeing as you are crazy nice with the verbs, have you ever considered teaching a poetry class?
9. Any room in your life for “educated birds?”
10. Name a regret pertaining to your career.
11. Name a career altering positive decision pertaining to your career.
Dam. This was the pre 9/11 ghost.
I think you could still smoke in clubs back then.
Look at this little gem.
When is someone going to discuss the Wu’s lack of business saavy and how it’s factored in the decline in hip-hop?
There. I said it.
P.S. I’m going to have to remember that everything i say is possibly publishable. Daggummit…
P.S. I’m going to have to remember that everything i say is possibly publishable. Daggummit…
Especially when you friends w/me.
What lack of business savvy.
If anything they were the furst cats to nego a GROUP deal and SOLO deals.