10 Reasons why I got sprung on TL (The Leo).
1. He grabbed me in public.
2. We had an entire conversation about guns and this.
3. In the first conversation he told Black women,
no matter how mean that are, are little girls at heart and
just want to have that recognized from time
to time.
4. This n*gga was a card carrying member of the NRA.
5. He told me I had a _____ me face. Lol.
6. He read Feds & Don Diva.
7. Taught me the correct pronounciation of Camus. [Kam-OO]. [Not Kam- US].
8. He told me that I was treating the relationship like “work product” and that
work relationships and personal relationships were differnt. (It found it to be a
a nice way to say lighten up).
9. I knew within ten minutes of our first conversation that he was a liberterian.
10. Was full of conviction re his beliefs about justice, the government and the future of this country. Even when I didn’t agree, I felt him on the strength of his commitment to his worldview.
Then it all fizzled away. If it actually does, you can forget about appointments with your personal doctor, annoying doctor visits, losing precious time and waiting rooms. greyandgrey.com order cheap viagra There low priced viagra are six VigRX Plus ingredients which do this wonder of making anyone sexually aroused and ready for work. Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a rare type and may not produce any symptom. purchase cheap viagra greyandgrey.com Iverson was absent from most of the viagra professional 76ers regular season games; his 4-year-old daughter, Messiah, was diagnosed with an undisclosed disease early this year and has been ill for some time or for the time being when the two of them make a diet which is very healthy. Like dammmn.
But you know me. But there is another Cat, the Pet Dectective (PD), who is creeping on the creep up come up. He likes him some M.Dot, so I will keep yall posted.
I wasn’t checkn’ for PD that hard @ furst. But, you know how you think somebody is gonna be just a friend, but then the start acting like YOU MIGHT wanna take ’em off the bench.
Calling when he says he would. Making complements @ the right moments. Telling me how he likes lips and legs. LOL.
LOL. We will see more about that in May.
Mean Sexy, the educational jeanius, encpuraged me to continue to have t tunnel vision between now and finals, and I agree.
Im stubborn. But she is right. And honestly, it feels good when I know that I got up, ran, read cooked, blogged and went to sleep, so I could get up and do it again.
I was itchn to go to brunch today yall. Really itchn. Like feenin.
But I told myself, the groceries are here. Cook. At. Home.
Because, brunch was not in the plan.
Innver voice was like: take ya hot @ss to the library and outline the HEARSAY exceptions.
So, I just completed my furst 11:30-8:30 library bid.
I sat there so long my neck hurts.
And on top of that, I left the phone @ home. ON PURPOSE.
Its amazing how distracting it can be.
Can it be, that it was all so simple?
he got a brother?
Pet Dectective?
I can’t comment on all this until you get a boyfriend.
Where tha f*ck my phone @?
I thinks about him I do.
You ain’t got to lie Craig…LMAO
Ooooh nicka is on a countdown for da sopranos
lo siento
I just called.
I hate you.< <<**makes mean face gonna see ’em after M & A tomorrow. Hears mean sexy in my head< <<<**. Focus, gurl focus. AND YOU WATCHING THE SOPRANOS AND I AIN’T GOT CABLE. THATS OKAY. Imma have me a sangria drankin sopranos marathon after finals. Will see if he fot some Farrreends. LOL.
Say, ion’t care about some dude you talkin’ to… What you need to be focused on is which exceptions require a person to be unavailable and that feminist in the club piece.
THEN you can focus on dream boy.
Arrrg. The L-school lecture.
I spent the last two weekends Dolo. IT huuuurrrrrrts.
Besides. I had to work that sh*t out man.
Been a law hermit in the NYC winter is no joke.
Hearsay exceptions are the truth.
So are past recorded recollections.
So is FRE 803. COT DAMMIT.
I know…Dream boy knows my pain…he taking the July Bar…lol….
Be nice.
I went dolo almost the entire 2nd year. And long distance most of the 3rd. PLUS… i’ve been single over a year AND A HALF.
And since i’ve passed TWO bars, i can *not so humbly* claim the upper hand on this one.
The last year and a half doesn’t count cuz just sat for the texas jawn. correct?
You are right.
I passed on F*CKING concert tix dude.
Sacrifices hurt.
DANG. YOu tryna make up for the LACK OF BLACK MALE LAWYERS.
Your lecture worked.
I am in the basement of the lib right now.
I hate you by the way.< <<**says it w/ a mean face.... And thank you for the encouragement.
Good to hear. Anytime you need another lecture, let me know…
And i sat for OK July ’05 and TX July ’06, so my almost two years is legit.
Wow. I just put that in perspective. I’ve passed two bars since i’ve been single. I guess this is my “Costanza” moment.
Are you addicted to passing the bar? Lol.
AND WILL YOU BE MY tutor seeing as you keep passing them b*tches.
AND rather than lecture me, tell me ABOUT THE process that you went through.
I learn better that way.
aim hummingbyrd89.