This makes me feel like a failure.
Apparently, the police have compiled a list of recently parollees and are inviting them in for “conversations”. The idea is to make folks aware of the resources available and to let them know if they commit a crime, they are going STRAIGHT back to jail.
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I see the PD’s sentiment interms of reducing the number repeat offenders.
However, it comes across as too little too late.
When folks was considering three strikes, they did not take into account the psychological affect it would have on people serving time and on the overall cultures perception of prison.
Prison has become an accepted part of the lives of many brown and black men.
Now po-po wanna “intervene”.
That sh*t is damn near a perverted rights of passage for fools.
GRRRRRRRR! I have strong feelings and opinions about this… Rather than rant here, I’ll write a story about it. I’ll keep you posted.
Come on Zay.
Rant. Rant. Rant.
mrs.F:Now po-po wanna “intervene”.
That sh*t is damn near a perverted rights of passage for fools.
mb: Ah Mrs Fierce the police dont want to arrest people, its too much friggin paper work and just work in general when they can just cruise around. If you took a poll of cops I assure tiy that most of them would rather work in peaceful districs where they didnt have to arrest people. The american population is tired of crime even us black people. At this poiint in my life I would rather see a young black man in jail than have him out on the street bothering hardworking people like you trying to make a difference.
Having said that wer are going to have to set rights of Passage’s programs that guide these young men in progressive and productive direction.
But I am for a zero tolerance of crime our communities simply because black kids should not be exposed to crime more than other kids in this country.
At this point in my life I would rather see a young black man in jail than have him out on the street bothering hardworking people like you trying to make a difference.
Come to 305 Atlantic Ave Apt 2F.
We are gonna fight.
For trill.
Zero tolerance. I cannot rock with that. You know what. Ol’ boy, BL is on that sh*t too and we go at it CONSTANTLY.
Your statement presumes that n*ggas on the street are HELPLESS, HOPELESS and WORTHLESS.
Now some of ’em are.
Some of ’em not.
Whats up with the case by case basis?
BL thinks that people who commit crimes should have those same crimes commited on them as punishment.
Straight lawlessness.
Mark. Mark. Mark.
I see we are going to continue to go head to head about this n*gga shit.
Dude. Violence is the American Way.
For trill.
Kids are raised by entertainment, hood kids, suburban kids and kids in between.
Your view is myopic.
You feels me.
I told you I am a big context Ms. Lady.
I won’t discuss violence in the hood until we discuss violence in Hollywood, big hollywood as in the silver screen and lil holywood as in tv.
All that sh*t plays a role in desensitizing all people, but especially kids (w/o analytical faculties).
Now I know you gon’ have something to say to this.
Good morning.
Hummm. So we agree that violence on TV and in video games has a negative effect? Interesting. 🙂
Yeah man.
The game industry is getting a free pass. For now.
They “think” they unstoppable.
But I got another thing coming.
mrs. Fierce If not wanting to see my mother, my aunt, my cousins and good black women like you not have to suffer through crime they dont deserve makes me myopic then so be it.
I never said the Ni#gas on the street were worthless those are your words not mine. I have noticed that a lot of black people like to focus blame on everyone except ourselves. Poverty is absolutely no excuse for a young black man to rob a black women who more often than deserved is raising young black men without the help of the father.
As for violence bieng an american problem I would never dispute you on that, but the jails are packed with black people for a reason and it aint just because “the man is out to get us”, just about every negative indicator in life black people rank first in, while the positive indicators such as wealth, life expectancy, ect we rank last in.
The alternative is to do more of the same and get the same results or try something different and hopefully get different results.
So although violence in america may be a problem, our murder and incarceration rate is several times higher than everyone else. After all keeping it real the only celebrities in the country you have talkig about killing each other are the African american rappers, you mentioned the violence in hollywood yeah I can flow with you on that but you failed to mention some of the blatantly neantderhalish behavior gloryfied in rap music or the overwhelming amount of disrespect shown to black women in the videos and music.
Also Mrs. Fierce violence may be the american way, but we are suffereing from it at much exaggerated rates than everyone else. If you are one of this people who will try to context young black men being murdured at higher rates than everyone else then I wont even consider dialoging with you in that area because it will do no good and while you are trying to say the murder rate isnt as high as it is or the media is blowing it out proportion young black men will still be dealing with murder rates much higher than anyone else in this country.
At this point in my life I dont say these things because I want to hurt people, I say these things because I believe them to be true and an enormous problem. I could care less about what whitey says or does I want us to create programs and come up with ideas on how to turn the tide. I have been hearing black people blame the man and the system for the last 15 years and yet the same crazy and sad things happening to us. I dont care what the problem is, I want to identify it and them start to work to change it. Period.
@ mark
I have noticed that a lot of black people like to focus blame on everyone except ourselves.
I never said that.
you mentioned the violence in hollywood yeah I can flow with you on that but you failed to mention some of the blatantly neantderhalish behavior gloryfied in rap music or the overwhelming amount of disrespect shown to black women in the videos and music.
True indeed. Word to my seed.
I could care less about what whitey says or does I want us to create programs and come up with ideas on how to turn the tide.
I think you are making a fatal mistake here.
If you are one of this people who will try to context young black men being murdured at higher rates than everyone else then I wont even consider dialoging with you in that area because it will do no good and while you are trying to say the murder rate isnt as high as it is or the media is blowing it out proportion young black men will still be dealing with murder rates much higher than anyone else in this country.
I am not sure what you mean by this.
I dont care what the problem is, I want to identify it and them start to work to change it.
I love this attitude.
the bay is serious right now. off top. oakland gone wild mayne, those kids always instigating shit. they always out in the city startin shit, gettin’ they heads busted someyimes too. this ain’t jus a black issue either, cuz a lot of the funk is the mexican gangs. u can’t talk bout all the violence without mentioning them. keep doin’ ya thang over here mm.
Where you been and when you coming back.
Yeah, the mehicanos be on they grizzle in the town.