Even though they outta stock. These is hella fresh.
Talk about affirming something positive.
From 10 deep mens T’s.
Here at Model Minority, we go from hood books to super woman stamps and round it out w/ photos of Evander Old @ss Holyfield, who in fact won last night. We can’t be serious all time. Enjoy the post!
You best- protect your- er- head.
Police: Neighbor’s severed head in suspect’s car
Long Island man arrested in killing, dismembering of retired teacher.
Don’t talk about it be about it.
Juan Williams need to sit down. He act like the don e’ drank somma that Reublicrat Kool-aid.
Is Bill Cosby Right?
Help thyself, a black social critic says to the upcoming generations.
I hope they were wearing deodorant.
Help kitty or get bucked.
Bay Area Young Bucks Be Buckin’
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Look at these other stamps.
I know. I am a nerd.
This is like a b-girl’s dream charm by Rocksmith.
It started raining again.
Which is cool.
I bought 4 elephant ear plants at the farmers market today.
I am working on an OutKast post.
It was going to be mean in tone, but now I am rethinking it based on
an article in the Times. BL is doing the lemonade fast.
I am watching from a far, jealous of his will power.
DAMN! long post, but some great (entertaing and educational) links.
I normally do LONG a$$ed post.
I usta have blog homie named neo,
and he would be like, “where are the post that I hate.love.hate.love”.
Glad you stopped by.
-mz. f.
I saw Juan Williams and Michael Eric Dyson on CSPAN on Sunday talking about Williams’ Enough. Dyson had read the book and was asking Williams pointed question about different sections and statements. Much to my surprise Juan made some really good, dare I say great points. Looking past the B. Cosby rhetoric/catch-phrases- he is really trying to see a self-sustaining black community and sees education as the way out of poverty, jail, etc. Williams acknowledged the disparity in the school system and the insistutional racism that is still around, but is advocating education in the community before larger social action/reform.
As the review states he is presenting simplistic soultions for complex problems, but his soultion is not far off-base.
@ Jase.
Why you call and tell me about cspan?
Sometimes they be having lainks on the innert.
Jase issa CSPAN junkie:))))))
DUDE I am in F*****CKIN’ book Heaven.
I JUST GOT 40 million dollar slaves.
Imma try and read it tonight and tomorrow to post about it later this week.