Yes. Dear friends. This image is BEING SOLD ON T_SHIRTS. Excellent dude!
10 Things That I Have Learned about Myself Since I Have Last Blogged.
1. Failure Can Be Career Defining.
2. Bullies at work, continue to bully because no one has stopped them.
3. It is painful to watch hundreds of Black and Brown People fight eviction, without and attorney, in Housing Court.
4. I really like the Gap Band.
5. You can tell alot about a person based on how they handle a crisis.
6. People Really like to Argue over the word N-GGA.
7. Jay- Z likes to announce concerts that we can’t afford.
8. American Apparrel Dresses are really snug and sexy.
9. A diner that me and BL brunch at from time to time was in the Soprano’s Grand Finale. Deep Hunh?
10. If a man does not feel like he is making you happy, he will bounce. ____________________
Who innna h-ll is Saalam Remi and is it legal for him take haunting, Queensbridge, doing 80 on the freeway type beats.
The beauty is in the bass line yall.
Peace to for the laink.
Lady gets bucked at for tryning to rid her building of D-Boys.
This dude was posted up in Union Square train station with this. I thought it was very “Berkeley” and decided to take a picture of it. And I dontated a $1.
Washington Post done went ahead an did a whole series on Black Men. It is not as substatitive as I would LIKE for them to use their powerful resources to produce, it certainly is better than that Doom and Gloom Orlando Peterson piece in the NY Times earlier this year.
African American Men: Moments in History from Colonial Times to the Present Colonial Times, 1492-1776
1492: Among the crew on the Santa Maria during Christopher Columbus’s voyage to the Americas is Pedro Alonzo Ni?o, a black man. Africans also accompany Ponce de Leon, Hernando Cortes, Francisco Pizarro, Hernando de Soto, and Francisco Vasquez de Coronado in the early 16th century.
1623: William Tucker, the son of indentured servants living in Jamestown, is the first recorded black birth in America.
1625: A census of Virginia counts 11 black men among a population of 1,227.
1641: Mathias De Sousa, a free black man, is elected to the Maryland General Assembly. This is an economical way to get effective drugs online for your erectile dysfunction and this way you can see where the site’s been indexed and coming up. browse these guys now cialis without prescription This requires full understanding of what is known as oxidative stress, the burning up of your body and it is very much present in almost each and every part of your body. browse for more info now levitra properien Men can consume these capsules two times every day sildenafil tablet viagra for removing the problem. On the other hand, the online teaching methods. cost of prescription viagra He had come to the colony as an indentured servant.
1644: Lucas Santomee, a black physician and one of the major landowners in what is to become New York, is granted a tract by the Dutch that stretched from modern-day Greenwich Village to Brooklyn.
1700: About 60 percent of all African Americans in the colonies (16,390) live in Virginia.
1712: Though other colonies had passed laws regulating the behavior of slaves, South Carolina passes a slave code that becomes the standard for slave-owning states. It proscribes escalating punishments for rebellious acts including death for escaping, authorizes whites to punish any slave found violating the law, and prohibits slaves from growing their own crops, working for money or learning to read and write. 1729: In an early precursor to lynchings, Maryland passes a law that mandates savage punishment for slaves accused of violent crimes: decapitation, hanging, or having a body’s remains publicly displayed after being drawn and quartered.
This info was, er- procured from
I had to wade through, six or seven paragraphs before the New York Magazine article on Damon Dash got to his conflict with Jay Z. No one ever talks about power dynamics, atleast not in a transparent, constructive way. And finally they did here. Reading is confirmed that men take their friendship losses hard too.
Although Jay-Z had already spent years searching in vain for
a record deal, Dash says he was drawn to him from the outset. ?Everybody thought he was too old; they didn?t like the way he dressed: like a Harlem dude. He wore Nike Airs, which everybody called uptowns.? The class distinctions were lost on
nobody. ?The Brooklyn cats who were more dominant were known for doing things like gold teeth, much more ghetto,? and they viewed Harlem?s aesthetic as soft.
But Dash saw in Jay-Z a sort of uptown swagger. ?I was shocked. Here was a guy with the same aspirations that I had. We wanted to be known for making money.
All we talked about was making money and how to spend it, what the best of everything was and how bad we wanted it.?
?He said, ?It?s business,? ? Dash says. ?But we were always
supposed to be about more than business, Jay especially.? Dash saw his own role as the executive?s so that Jay-Z could remain an artist at all times. ?I did everything I possibly could so that he didn?t have to raise his voice. He just had to whisper something in my ear and I?d take care of it. The people I fought with to make money for him, Lyor Cohen and Kevin Liles??executives at Def Jam??he?s made friends with. He hangs out with Puff now. It?s like if your brother leaves you.?
Dame’s comment regarding the fact that Jay is now friends with the people that Dame usta negotiate with. It is almost as if Jay is parlayed his intelectual property into leverage for his career and Dame does not feel useful anymore. Men take the breaking up of menships hard too. Sometimes the thing you want the most is the thing that money can’t buy, friendship.
So the sandals are out. The two for $12 Old Navy tanks are getting rocked. I got hella competitive playing Taboo in Staten Island (which looked like the Bay, by the way) last night. Life is good. What’s cracking wi’chall?
Good morning!Hows life???
That story on the black guy getting wrongfully arrested was serious. what are your thoughts on all that?? the white guards treating the the black guy better than the black guards…and in the ATL the woman guard and the black guards callin all the black guys niggers??? and do you think dame dash is mad cause jay-z made a great business decision and it was kind of a taste of his own medicine???? and what do you think about that crack T shirt, is that supposed to be a joke or what??? i dont know what to make of the thing. some white college kid might be behind the whole site, but i dont know, i dont wanna hate without proof.
Oh and aint that new nas fire????
oh and i wanted to tell you, Hiphopgame has a great article by bumpy knuckles.
hit it up
Peace J.
I can sense the energy in your words.
It brightens my allready caffeinated day:)
Race realtions 101 hun.
a.You know how I feel about n*gga. As long as negros are here, the word will be here to stay.
b. Think about it. Black folks are the only people who were its OLDEST RESIDENTS and its most RECENT CITIZENS with the right to vote.
c. That we have a complicated realtionship with the English language and the words in it does not suprise me.
d. Oh. That Nas Song helped me get into the shower this morning. On mommas.
e. I saw that bumpy nuckles jawn over at Nah Right. Dude is nuts. He talk hella shit, but he got street cred up the ying yang akin to MOP, Fat Joe and DMX. Real talk. (That would be a DOPE LINE UP ON A SONG BY THE WAY!).
Dudes do not go at him b/c he brings like gutter a__ dudes from Richmond California.
f. The crack t-shirt is not a joke.
Most empires are built on the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Peep Iraq.
g. A white college kid may be behind what site?
h. Whats with you and the white college kids?
the fact that jay is making power moves w/o dame’s knowledge means something…dame’s thinking “hey i can’t get paid off this dude no more..damn what i’m gon’ (gonna) do”….jay handle your bidness (business) player
hey sis,
you got more aliases than wu tang *lol*
the nas joint: i love nasir & he kills it lyrically, but i’m having a hard time getting into the beat. there is some things i love, but i wish there was more…it sounds like a rough mix.
jay & dame: i think you pose an interesting point about menship breakups. i wish people would study it more, perhaps then we could get some more insight into how brovas interact.
staten isle: only been once. it seems like the burbs, but i guess i wasn’t in the wu-tang part *lol* i was by that mall (which, my friend thinks is WAAAAAAAAAAAY better than king’s plaza lol)
1st off, that dress is slamming!
On to other stuff… We Men do take our friendships way serious. I think we’re slower to make them in comparison to women, so it’s like crushing when you feel played like Dame.
“Lady gets bucked at for tryning to rid her building of D-Boys”
shit’s crazy everywhere. i’d never snitch on someone and drop a name. if not because i think it’s kind of a weak thing to do [especially when ur not involved] and i hate police, then jus because out here the way these kids are i would be scared to come forward w/ information. they got 14 year olds crazier than i ever was, runnin round poppin muh fuckas. i don’t want people even thinking i might know something if i’m not involved, b/c that enough is alone to cause trouble. ignorance truly is bliss.
but in her case it sounds like this was just b/c she’s tryin’ to make her community a safer place [which is understandable if she has a 2-year old grandson], it didn’t say she witnessed a crime or anything. this goes to show the level of ignorance in neighborhoods like this, it’s the same deal out here. when i lived in the tenderloin, so many people would fall into all the bullshit surrounding them. it was like they just gave up, if people really thought hard about this more people would be on her hype than a selling drugs tip. my advice to her would be fuck the neighborhood, b/c they’re not gonna change. worry about u and ur family and get outta there, everyone else is out for themselves that’s just how America is. i don’t see it ever changing.
I like how you start your responses with peace. sends a good vibe on many levels
yeah thats nas song is ridiculous. i wrote a rhyme talkin the back of the dollar the other day, and then boom, he talks about it in his rhyme. haha, this new album should be hot. the production line up should be start studded, but im a fan of salaam remi .
yeah bumpy knuckles was talkin alot of truths. but i listended to homies songs on myspace, and them shits were straight corny. i hate niggaz that always sound angry and way to aggressive all. actually whats your favorite style of MC??
i got nothing against white college kids. but most of the time when you read about who starts up under ground grassroots companies like these who sell T shirts like this, its usually white kids. i was just stating the obvious. i showed my puerto rican boy and my white friend, and they both said the same thing when i asked them who they thought was behind this. no one else would really waste the time with all that type of shit. but word, thats real talk about how Most empires are built on the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people
anyway, your a lawyer or something??? how do you like it.
@ Duane
Thank you. I am glad you like it.
The dress look like a box on the rack, but fits like a sock. Heeeeeey!
D should know better than to have tried to take the Publishing from an ARTIST/FRIEND who built his empire on understanding the VALUE of said publishing.
It is crushing.
I last a girlfriend a couple years ago. I still miss her. That sh*t was for the better b/c deep down I knew she would allways be jealous of me.
It was a painful learning experience though.
@ Sister/momma/wife
Girl the beauty of the song IS the minimalism of it.
And no one samples himself better than nas.
I have been thinking of a post idea.
The hip hop songs and their originals.
2pac, So many tears=Stevie Wonder, That Girl
Ice Cube, Good Day= Isley, Footsteps
You have any ideas?
Yeah. I have aliases. Gotta keep Gonzales and Ashcroft off my tail!
@ Mac Jay
The crazy thing about the Bay is that Wild wild west street justice mentality.
The Mayor of NY is working on cracking down on guns fron Virgina/Carolina etc.
They Needs to do that sh*t in the bay too.
On mommas 🙂
Kids inna bay be on some City of God shit.
Its almost Like having nothing to live for except the thrill of the kill.
The thing about it is that if you FEEL like you came from nothing, and nobody tells you that you will be something, than chasing that thrill seems normal!
@ J
Um. regarding the T-shirt companies, Hip Hop culture is for everyone.
I think there is something very subversive and appealing about the crack image.
As long is respect is paid, I think there is money available for everyone.
Thank you for sharing the blog w/ your friends. I feel blog tingles!
Am I a lawyer? No.
Will I be one one day. Yes.
Do I like it? That is a hard question to answer.
What I can say is that I am a differnt person than I was this time last year.
Hence the athority that I spoke with regarding Mr. Kennedy and the N Word.
Bumpy. Well. He is one of those cats with crazy personality but personality alone does not sale records.
However, I think I could take Ock to any neighborhood and assimilate. Except Howard Beach. har har har!
@ sarccastik
its akin to Biggie leaving puff, had he lived.
Ronin ro made that connection in Have Gun Will Travel.
Biggie made $$$$, but Puff made hella $$$$$ and look how he parlayed that into his current empire.
Sean John is one of THE dopest mens lines out right now that is RESPECTED by the fashion industry.
Oh. THAT, my dear watson would be a good blog post.
What if Bigge and Pac had lived!
I will work on that this weekend!
sadly charlie last name wilson is a drug diminished shadow of his gap band self. middle aged men shouldn’t wear cornrows. and salaam remi was responsible for the “nappy heads” remix that had be kicking my leg back and forth to school…”wind up the posse fugees headed round my way.”
drug diminished shadow of his gap band self.
I know crack kills.
That would be a dope post.
10 artist who ruined their lives with crack.
Depression actually:(
you know when I was living in New York back in the day…I mean damn, where does the time go. Jay Z was this dude kinda pulling himself up from his bootstraps, still wearing them wild ass Hawaiian shirts and shit, looking like he’d just taken a shower at his Baby Mama’s house in the projects.
He studied the game, he studied people with money the way Will Smith’s charectar did in Six Degrees of Separation which may have worked..but is suspect by nature.
I know folks love Jay Z to death, but personally I smell an impostor who probably owes more favors than he does money, and I hope he doesn’t do what his predecessors did and get himself kilt!
I over posted but you know how you hit me in the gut with this mess!
ain’t no such thing as “over posting”.
You good.
Glad to know that I resonate.
sis, u said…The hip hop songs and their originals.
2pac, So many tears=Stevie Wonder, That Girl
perhaps Ahmad Jamal ” i love music”=Nas the world is yours
Bob James “Nautlist”=waaaaaaaaaay too many to mention (think…Mary J, Sincerity RMX).
or the importance of Barry White & james Brown to hip hop.
Stay outta my head. I was thinking TODAY about how HIP HOP needs to THANK JAMES BROWN ONCE A YEAR , Publicly for what HE did for Music, Black music and for raw material to sample.
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