Ummm. Yall ever peep how Tina’s I Can’t Stand the Rain, is the Grandfather of all Neptunes beats. Think about how spare the drum is, and those forshawdowy 80’s keyboards. For some reason that song popped in my head last week and it has not let go. You can tell that when she was in the studio, she got on her knees singing” Can’t stand, stand, stand, tha RA HAAAAIN”. Speaking of Tina. Can I rock like that in my 60’s. Damn. Black REALLY DON’T crack.
Let’s face it, hip hop has become focused on selling macho-ness. It is now an alpha male enterprise. “Conscious” isn’t macho.
Compare rap with rock. Rock has its fair share of macho-ness. But it has a place for non-macho stuff too.[Yes, there is a balance in Rock that is not in rap. In fact there is a balance of how white folks are represented in the Media as a whole, where there is an IMBALANCE of how non-white folks are portrayed. For instance, for a “black movie” to come out there has got to be a whole lotta coon factor. Dancin, smiling, shuckin’ and jivin. I enjoy happy darkies as much as the next, but stories that reflect the range and depth of the brown experience is not coming to the silver screen or even tv frequently if at all. Perhaps HBO/Showtime will try, but they don’t get it right all the time either. And don’t even start with how my other MM’s (Latinos, Asians, Muslims) are presented by Hollywood]. In the rock market, there is audience for both macho and sensitive (often combined) and even artsy. But in the rap world, it’s pretty much 99% macho. [This goes to my point that unless you are in control of your image and how the will be used, the money is ONLY short term pay-off].
Whites have always been the primary consumer of Black music, but I think the relationship has changed. Black men are now free to make macho music and white people will buy it. We can go into the reasons for that, but that’s a side discussion.
Back in the 1960s, there was simply a much bigger audience for
non-macho music. [I think this lets music listeners off a little bit too easy. I think that people can be smarter than this. But sex and violence is sooooo seductive. Who can beat it?] And also I think black men were also more receptive to non-macho music. I mean, how many old school artists are like “Yo, I love the new beats… but can’t take these aggressive (read: macho) lyrics.” [I don’t have anything to say to this. I think that I have to process it a little bit more.]In short, I think there is an attempt to equate black maleness with being insanely macho [re: a hypersexual, hyperviolent idiot who is only capable of singing a song or carrying a ball provided he can stay away from the ‘roids]. and I think black people and white people buy into without realizing what a bunch of idiots they are. Green Day might call them American Idiots. On that
note…how the eff did white people become the most prominent voice of political consciousness?????????
That is a good a$$ed question. Y’all tell me.
When was the last time you read a book and knew that you would HAVE to read it again? Or at least buy it. Not since Danyels or Nichell’s have I known that I needed to own my own personal copy of a book. I grew up using libraries, so if I come outta pocket for your jawn, it is special to me. That is how I felt while reading Martha Southgate’s “Third Girl from the Left”.
In the first 20 pages she tackles, the Tulsa Riots and the burning/murdering/genocide of Black Wall Street, Blaxsploitation Films, Class Mobility, The Playboy Mansion and sex in the 70’s.
It has been a long time that a novel required me to read it with an index card and pen handy because I knew that at any moment, I would have to reocrd something because it was so beautiful.
How this n*igga Randall Kennedy gon’ testify that the “N” word is used by NON Black kids all the time, and consequently, supports the inference that Minucci did not commit a hate crime. F*ck outta here ock.
If you are a white dude with a bat and you tell a n*gga, what up n*igga, you have clearly declared that you are FOE not friend fam.
Mr. Minucci’s lawyer, Albert Gaudelli, said he hoped Professor Kennedy’s testimony would convince the jury that the mere use of the epithet did notconstitute racism. On the stand yesterday, Professor Kennedy’s explanation of the modern usage of the word seemed to support Mr. Gaudelli’s claim.
“The word is a complex word,” he testified. Vardenafil ingredient tablet comes in composition of 5mg, 10mg and 20mg pills and to initially start with, 10mg is recommended as gradually increase the dose as per requirement. viagra generic sildenafil: cialis is mostly utilized by people who have serious deformities or any functional abnormalities in penis. It is available in different dosage buy generic female viagra australia 10 mg,20 mg etc. Now, SafeWay is also viagra pills for sale offering teen driver education programs online so that teens can learn driving at the comfort of their homes. Kamagra has absolutely no side effects. best levitra price “It has many meanings.”Professor Kennedy had just taken the stand in a packed courtroom and rattled off his impressive credentials ? which include attending Princeton, Oxford and Yale, a clerkship for Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and his membership in the Bar of the Supreme Court.
He said the epithet was “a word that can be put to many different uses,” ranging from a pejorative term to a friendly salutation.Mr. Gaudelli asked Professor Kennedy, who is black, about his
book on the subject.“My second book is entitled, ‘Nigger: The Strange Career
of a Troublesome Word,’ ” the professor responded. Mr. Gaudelli handed him a copy of the book, and had it entered into the case as Exhibit W.In the cross-examination, Mariela Herring, a Queens prosecutor, asked Mr. Kennedy, “Are you here to tell us the “n” word is no longer a derogatory term?” She then asked more directly, “Is it a derogatory term?” Professor Kennedy responded, “It can be.”
They called it unfair that Mr. Minucci, who they said grew up in the ethnically diverse neighborhood of Lindenwood and had many black friends, could face up to 25 years simply for confronting [in his skull with a bat], who admitted to a history of violence and criminal encounters, and to hoping to steal a car that night. [He hangs out with negros, how could he ever beat one. Right, ock].
Oh. The dope thinkers at Biochemical Slang, which allways represents lovely, has a great take on the Minucchi case.
Black boys up to no good in the wrong neighborhood. White vigilante with a bat makes a sound like “Barry Bonds.” Minucci, with racially motivated crimes on his record, is arrested.
Case closed.
But, this guy is part of the new Howard Beach.
Racism, that’s an autosomal recessive trait. We wear G-Unit, Sean John, and bump Snoop D-O-double G in our $60,000 Escalade. DWU. That’s Driving while unemployed. “What up, nigg__?” (that’s Howard Beach talk, it means I am protecting the neighborhood).
This wasn’t a hate crime. This was a white kid that grew up near the projects, with Hot 97. He’s got Black friends, too.Question for juror # 12: “Do you listen to rap music?” Then you must be familiar with the new and improved n-word. They use it amongst themselves, he grew up around them. He’s a product of his environment.
Lawyers are geniuses. The original hustlers. They’ll sell you ice in the winter.[ Hey hey hey now. Thats what they get paid to do now. Hate the game. Hate the game]. He spells it nigg_, not nigg__. He fell on
his head. Minucci loves Black people. Look, he’s reading a Randall Kennedy book, and he’s a Black Harvard professor.
Yeah. I jacked they post. Couldn’t help myself.
Umm. Oakland Spanked them Yankies. Thatiswhatiamtalkingabout!
So ‘yall, I ain’t go all Wil E. Coyote with the post. I kept it nice and light. I guess my version of lite at least. So the sun was out today. But it was hella windy. Dude. And I ask again. Where is summer? Anybody go to the Rhino show? It was so overcast and gray, I am glad I did not buy tix. It would have been nice to see The R. though.
alright this article was cool. but the thing about this whole N word thing is that we as black people have brought it to mainstream music, thus making it a public entity within itself. I used to live in a city for about 13 years, around all types of races, black puerto rican white asians, whatever whatever. and the only people that said nigga were the blacks and puerto ricans. why the fuck the puerto ricans get to say nigga, but thats alright right. they aint come over on no boats like we did, i never saw them in no video’s gettin sprayed with hoses. so whats the reason for them being able to say nigga? explain this. now, i grew up in this city with all types of races, and due to tragic circumstaces, i had to move to the suburbs, which is predominantly white. to be honest, it wasnt something i had to do, my whole family was swaying towards going there, due to my troublesome past around my fellow “niggaz”, but i could have stayed if i would have liked. i chose to move, to much hurt out in those streets. so i move to the burbs, and alot of these heads out here, had no prejudices at all. now, the heavy weight racists are the parents, who feed the racist garbage to the children, and you could definetly tell who was who out here. alot of the kids took a liking to me, and invited me to parties and whatever whatever. this was back in 7th grade. ive live here for quite sometime, not because i like white people or anything. to be honest, i love human beings, i hate people. but anyway, i lived here because of the beauty, the tree’s the fresh air, the quiet, the being able to go to sleep with my doors unlocked. people like to think im living in a facade, but this has been my reality for quite sometime, i actually think people in the city are living in a facade, due to the fact 93% of all of their surroundings are man made. man made the crack, man made the city. the system will never will never take care of you, it was not designed too. i live in the very essence of life,Nature. anyway, i graduated from highschool, and through alot of sleeping on random peoples couches, for free mind you, and these were white people, i ended up moving into an apartment in brooklyn, while attending school in manhattan. I used to go to one apartment who was rented by some white kids, and a couple dominicans.i slepted on their apartment many times. the main white kid who i quickly became friends with, was from sheeps head bay, which is predominantly white, and this kid always used the white nigga. which i was drawn aback by, but non the less, i blamed it on Dipset, who was his favorite rap group. DIPSET DIPSET DIPSET. id hear it here and there, and tho i checked him a couple times, i could really do a damn thing about it, when all his sheeps head bay boys would come to chill and be like yo nigga, not just talking to me, but among themselves. and mind you these kids werent some pussy’s, razor blade in the mouth, gold chain rockin, pounds of weed movin, stereotypical niggaz, but they were just white. and these kids would go out of their way, to chill, smoke me down, buy me beer, just in general be extra nice. but on the side they still had their grimey ways. it was an enlightening experience, because alot of people think only black people act like this but white people do also. and they also use the word nigga. they definetly use the word in more places than other, but they still used to the word. and they spell it with an “A” not an “ER” and to be honest that makes all the difference. because even when we have beef, we blacks, run up to our enemy like, “yo nigga, you got problems?” . ya know what im sayin? this whole generation is runned by hiphop. no matter the race. and whats the main word used. NIGGA!!!. Ive been in a car and white boys will totally stop their whole flow, when their singing a song they like, just not to say nigga around me. thats cool or whatever, but its not like i dont know their sayin when im not around. dont blame white kids for sayin nigga, blame the people that use the word in songs. the rappers. and im not gonna condemn rappers, cause i am one myself. and i use the word too, but i realize the more its used, the less it has meaning. and im talking about the word with an “A” not the one with an “ER”. the words nigga and nigger are like money in my eyes. the more of it you have out there, the less weight it has in the word, basically inflation. everyone says nigga, but how often do you hear someone say nigger… a young black man myself. and i realize every race is not worldly enough to speak on certain issues. ive been slept on project floors, and woke up in million dollar mansions. ive been heavily emerced in both races and their cultures, white and black. and as far as whites and blacks in the lower and middle classes are no different from each other. you only see a different when you start to be emerced in the word of the upper classes. which most of us never see, so we continually to have this lowly view of racism. now this guy up there your talking about in your blog, Professor Kennedy has attended “Princeton, Oxford and Yale, a clerkship for Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and his membership in the Bar of the Supreme Court.” Please, i would like to know what you have done. i highly doubt youve studied at 3 of the best schools, and worked under our first black supreme court judge. see, if youve done that, you probly would have experience racism on a bigger and deeper level, then some street corner, white boy black boy callin each other type shit. and second your not a professor, your a blog writer, and i dont see you writing a book to justify your opinions on the word nigga. so please stop saturating the readers with such a one sided view. thankfully this is america i am able to comment on this article, which in its own right made some good points. but you were not in howard beach at the time of the incident, so dont act like you were. and you doubt you live in howard beach, so dont go by news paper articles about, how this is the new howard beach. if your influenced by such progaganda, and take everything literal, then i would call this blog propaganda cause thats what its influenced by. i dont mean to sound condescending, you are entitled to your opinion, but its quite obvious your talking from a one sided view. i figure i should end this here i will leave you with my Email address if you intended to discuss this further. lastly, i do thank you for bringing some of the things you do to the readers. but, just pump your brakes on some things you go off about, such as professors, and things of the like, until you become. it takes one to known one, and i doubt your one.
My Email address is :
Get enlightened
P.S. Please excuse any errors i made in this response, i wrote it on my lunch break.
All I can say is wow.
Thank you for writing on your lunch break.
I will print it out and er, uh, read it and respond.
Salute fam.
alright this article was cool. but the thing about this whole N word thing is that we as black people have brought it to mainstream music, thus making it a public entity within itself.
Nope it was given TO us by people who despise us. It has allways been apart of american culture.
BP’s don’t care. We let our good our, bad and ugly hang out. There is Nare, stitch of shame in our game. Real talk.
I used to live in a city for about 13 years, around all types of races, black puerto rican white asians, whatever whatever. and the only people that said nigga were the blacks and puerto ricans. why the fuck the puerto ricans get to say nigga, but thats alright right. they aint come over on no boats like we did, i never saw them in no video’s gettin sprayed with hoses. so whats the reason for them being able to say nigga? explain this.
They say it for the same reasons that Dominicans and Prican’s got mad funk. B/c it is America dude. And Race is the Hate that Hate produced.
now, the heavy weight racists are the parents,
That raht derre fam. Is the truest sh*t you ever said. Real talk. At the end of the day we are our parents. Strenghts, weaknesses and all.
this was back in 7th grade. ive live here for quite sometime, not because i like white people or anything.
Dude, some of my “best” friends are WP’s. Real talk. Who is is going to front me for apartments in she-she ‘hoods in NYC:)
to be honest, i love human beings, i hate people. but anyway, i lived here because of the beauty, the tree’s the fresh air, the quiet, the being able to go to sleep with my doors unlocked.
Can you believe that Oakland/ Flatlands, had the doors unlocked in the 80”s. Thats that pre crack though.
people like to think im living in a facade, but this has been my reality for quite sometime, i actually think people in the city are living in a facade, due to the fact 93% of all of their surroundings are man made.
Come on fam. Cities are the future. They are the financial engines of the state economies. They serve their purpose. There is no reason to be derisive.
Man made the crack, man made the city.
Hold on fam. Where innna hell did that come from dude? Real talk. Ok. Right. Crack and the city. Are you a religious zealot? Hm? I am just trynna see where you coming from.
i graduated from highschool, and through alot of sleeping on random peoples couches, for free mind you, and these were white people,
Ok. So you know some tolerant white liberals. Don’t we all?
I am just teasing.
Can you at least give me a city name. That kinda info helps re-context.
i ended up moving into an apartment in brooklyn, while attending school in manhattan. I used to go to one apartment who was rented by some white kids, and a couple dominicans.i slepted on their apartment many times. the main white kid who i quickly became friends with, was from sheeps head bay, which is predominantly white, and this kid always used the white nigga. which i was drawn aback by, but non the less, i blamed it on Dipset, who was his favorite rap group. DIPSET DIPSET DIPSET. id hear it here and there, and tho i checked him a couple times, i could really do a damn thing about it, when all his sheeps head bay boys would come to chill and be like yo nigga, not just talking to me, but among themselves.
I would imagine that it is kinda surreal to be around mad white cats and them be using the n-word and you be like, what in the Name OF SPIKE LEE IS GOING ON?
Yeah. Interesting. It actually would be a dope scene in a movie. But I digress.
and mind you these kids werent some pussy’s, razor blade in the mouth, gold chain rockin, pounds of weed movin, stereotypical niggaz, but they were just white.
“They were just white”. Cool. I want to be “just a model minority”.
and these kids would go out of their way, to chill, smoke me down, buy me beer, just in general be extra nice. but on the side they still had their grimey ways
I am personally interested in exactly how a persons grimey manifests itself. So you were their “Happy Token Negro”. Good work if you can find it.
and they also use the word nigga. they definetly use the word in more places than other, but they still used to the word. and “they spell it with an “A” not an “ER” and to be honest that makes all the difference”.
No. It does not make the difference. The power and influence that yourGRANDFATHER HAD/HAS makes the difference.
this whole generation is “runned by hiphop”.
I currently havea post bubbling about how YOUTH CULTURE is not HIP HOP CULUTRE. REAL talk. So we are on the same page re that.
no matter the race. and whats the main word used. NIGGA!!!. Ive been in a car and white boys will totally stop their whole flow, when their singing a song they like, just not to say nigga around me.
Thats cuz they know better.
thats cool or whatever, but its not like i dont know their sayin when im not around.
Yeah. But being deferential never hurt anyone.
dont blame white kids for sayin nigga, blame the people that use the word in songs.
Nope. Nope. Never. You should have started your essay with this.
We did not asked to come here ock.
We are making due with what we have.
As a people with a very complicated realtionship with our “MOTHERLAND” and arguably an even more complicated realtionship with our “PRESENT LAND” it would stand to reason that there WILL BE AMBIGUITIES and CONTRIDICTIONS regarding how we relate to OUR NEWELY FORMED LANGUAGE. These AMBIGUITIES and CONTRIDICTIONS are manifested in the word ‘n*gga’.
i use the word too
Only negroes from the 60’s say the ‘er one.
the words nigga and nigger are like money in my eyes. the more of it you have out there, the less weight it has in the word, basically inflation. everyone says nigga, but how often do you hear someone say nigger.
Well. That would depend on how much time I spend in Texas, Alabama, Virginia, Ohio, Michigan or Oklahoma.
which most of us never see, so we continually to have this lowly view of racism.
What is an example of a ‘Lowly view” of racism?
now this guy up there your talking about in your blog, Professor Kennedy has attended “Princeton, Oxford and Yale, a clerkship for Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and his membership in the Bar of the Supreme Court.”
Are you serious dude?
Is Randy your cousin ock?
You had me until this point. I was like dude this dude just getting some shit of his chest. Thas cool.
If he is your family, then I guess you have a right to be offended.
Otherwise, you are definding a BLACK man who was a whitness for the DEFENSE in a HATE CRIME. F*ck outta here fam.
so please stop saturating the readers with such a one sided view.
Apparently you enjoyed it. It compelled you to write an, um, response on your lunch break.
thankfully this is america i am able to comment on this article, which in its own right made some good points.
Why thank you.
but you were not in howard beach at the time of the incident, so dont act like you were. and you doubt you live in howard beach, so dont go by news paper articles about, how this is the new howard beach.
Well I must say that you failed to realize that some of those lovely words were written courtesy of my good friend VIK of biochemicalslang, so you should spread some of your er-love his way also:)
i dont mean to sound condescending,
Say word!
lastly, i do thank you for bringing some of the things you do to the readers.
Thank you. I am glad you stopped by.
but, just pump your brakes on some things you go off about, such as professors, and things of the like, until you become. it takes one to known one, and i doubt your one.
I wonder what you would have done if you were in a jeep with some of those friends that like to “buy you beer” “smoke you down” and they decided it was time to open up a can of whupass on a nigga that was walking around “THEY” hood on the late late?
Who do you stand with then, my dear “J”?
swagger jacker.
ha ha. just kiddin. i’m glad you like my writin. i’m glad my two cents was worth more than that.
i’m gonna repeat somethin i said a while back, hip hop’s remorse is in a track that’ll never get airplay. damn, it may even be in the tracks that don’t get released. i love hip-hop. however, i agree with you wholeheartedly…..there is no balance.
I don even think that was a swag jack that was a body/mind snatch. real talk.
nah man. You can hit those sarcastic notes I can’t nail.
Enh…I still use the N-word periodically.
I’m trying to stop.
I don’t want other groups to use. Therefore, I picked up on the idea that first BLACK FOLK need to stop using it so freely.
The rest of that…just a tad bit too long-winded for me to get into that debate.
Dude. Gotty.
What in the name of Jesus is going on.
N*ggas is really coming at me today ock!>!>!>
Nope it was given TO us by people who despise us. It has allways been apart of american culture.?BP’s don’t care. We let our good our, bad and ugly hang out. There is Nare, stitch of shame in our game. Real talk.?
Of course there is no shame in our game, were black, were the shit bottom line. but ive definitely over heard some racist white people say,” they already call each other that so why do i need to call them that? Theyre damn near doing the job for me” or something to that effect. ive also heard them say damn near the same thing about black on black crime. “theyre already killing each other, no need for me to do it”. white people revel in the fact we degrade ourselves, though we dont see it as degrading ourselves. People like Jimmy iovine arent stupid. People like him fund and push ignorance upon us, and make us think its us embracing us. when really its the corporate white upper class thats really pulling the strings.Its alot deeper than us embracing each other on a street level. and im talking about the word nigga, not the word nigger. we gave the word nigga to each other. how many rappers do you hear say the word nigger, as opposed to nigga. theres definitely a distinction there.
Dude, some of my “best” friends are WP’s. Real talk. Who is is going to front me for apartments in she-she ‘hoods in NYC:)
Can you believe that Oakland/ Flatlands, had the doors unlocked in the 80”s. Thats that pre crack though.
Yes I do. i have a few friends from oakland that people me on to west coast life, before and after crack. Chapelle was sayin it was damn near the same in DC. me and a few others have actually talked about it with him personally. and this is ’06 and im gonna keep my doors unlocked while i sleep. Are you going to be able too? i doubt it. I find being able to do that, to be real freedom. but thats just me i guess.
I am personally interested in exactly how a persons grimey manifests itself. So you were their “Happy Token Negro”. Good work if you can find it.
Token negro.Haha, i love when black people talk about this shit. Do you think all black people should just be around black people, and white people around all white people? and if there is only one in a group of many, it isnt a good thing? also, it isnt always the so called “token negro” that chooses to live in certain places, its his parents decision. what is the “token negro” supposed to do then? explain this .Ill break it down like this. when i was younger, I had someone teach me the game of chess. the guy told me, never worry about what your opponents thinks your thinking. strategize, and stick to your plan of attack, and always be making moves towards the end result. Because when you win, its gonna quiet any and all of your opponents. basically love, i am always just making moves towards the end result.and i continually do this without disrespect to myself.Bruce lee said it best, Be water. Know how to enter any situation and make it yours. I continually practice that everyday. and how grimey manifests itself, you should watch all the documentaries on Richard “ice man” Kuklinski. hes one of the grimiest ever to me. i think its has to do with some chemical imbalances, environmental imbalances, and personal imbalances. but im just speculating.
Come on fam. Cities are the future. They are the financial engines of the state economies. They serve their purpose. There is no reason to be derisive.??————————————————–
Im sure youve read 1984.if you havent, please do so. your right,Cities “are the financial engines of the state economies”.but could you say that about states who depend on farming as a large part of their”financial engines”?. cities have also been proven to be hazardous to your health.given suburbanites drive everywhere and exercise less, their quality of life is way above that of the average citizen of a city.I said man made the crack, and man made the cities. because anything that man has made in the united states and various other countries, or lets say the white man, has always be destructive to humans. No i am not a religious zealot. i just turned 20, would it even be possible to be, this early in life? im just really into finding out how we as humans can reach our utmost peak. and i do not find Cities conducive in doing so. Maybe financial and physically. but if your a true hustler, you can do that anywhere. but most definitely not mentally and spiritually. and i dont mean spiritually in a religious sense. I think you should pick up a few books on chakra’s and holla back at me. Derisive…Good word, i like it.
Ok. So you know some tolerant white liberals. Don’t we all??I am just teasing.?Can you at least give me a city name. That kinda info helps re-context.
Haha true, i like your attitude.
Um this was in brooklyn if thats what you mean by city name.
I would imagine that it is kinda surreal to be around mad white cats and them be using the n-word and you be like, what in the Name OF SPIKE LEE IS GOING ON??Yeah. Interesting. It actually would be a dope scene in a movie. But I digress.
Uhhh to be honest, to me there are bigger things to me in this world than a bunch of ignorant white kids calling each other nigga in a room. ive definitely put them in their place several times. its not gonna change who they are regardless . im not surprised by anything. remember i told you, i went from being in a predominantly black and spanish area, to moving to an all white town. i literally went through shell shock for a year. im sure my psychiatrist would be happy to speak with you. haha. After watching the news, and seeing little kids in liberia walking around with beenie baby book bags full of AK-47 ammo, and mini rocket launchers on their arms, nothing surprises me. THATS surreal to me.
“They were just white”. Cool. I want to be “just a model minority”.
Dont be ridiculous now. you know what i mean. they had all the same traits as black males in many ghetto’s. ive seen dominicans act the same way.its a stereo type perpetuated by hip hop right now. these same white kids were getting respect from dominicans and blacks, because they werent soft by any means.real recognize real i guess, were all just trying to make it.
No. It does not make the difference. The power and influence that yourGRANDFATHER HAD/HAS makes the difference.
Actually my grandfathers never made it to this country, their off springs did. im a first generation jamaican/ trinidad american. does that make any difference in this argument?
Nope. Nope. Never. You should have started your essay with this.?We did not asked to come here ock.?We are making due with what we have.??As a people with a very complicated realtionship with our “MOTHERLAND” and arguably an even more complicated realtionship with our “PRESENT LAND” it would stand to reason that there WILL BE AMBIGUITIES and CONTRIDICTIONS regarding how we relate to OUR NEWELY FORMED LANGUAGE. These AMBIGUITIES and CONTRIDICTIONS are manifested in the word ‘n*gga’.???————————————————–
tho i do use. it doesnt mean all that much to me. I mean weve been here long enough to know how to speak with out using the word. I definitely can speak with out using the word. but i use it the same way i use any derogatory word, such as fuck bitch shit, and anything else. i think of it in those terms so i always know the true meaning behind it. actually, ive actually replaced using the word nigga, with “homie”.My friend M1 said it best “I hate callin niggaz, niggaz. so im gonna take it backwards. the song he said it on is called “ridin” on the new david banner CD if youd like to hear it.
Well. That would depend on how much time I spend in Texas, Alabama, Virginia, Ohio, Michigan or Oklahoma.??
Well obviously. thats why i said, they use it in more places than others.
and the whole lowly view thing, i didnt mean it in that way. i dont know what the fuck i was thinking when i said that, we definitely dont have a lowly view of racism. the salmon sandwich i was eating kinda had my mind running amuck. what i should say is, i think we as blacks focus on it to much. we definitely dont experience it the way blacks before us do. its more disguised. i think we should definitely be taught how to see it and combat it.but it shouldnt be one of our main focus’s. Racism definitely isnt it dead, but we, as blacks, shouldnt be keeping it alive either. let white people do that and look ridiculous for it. for some reason, the way i see it in my head, i cant put everything in to words right now. i worked a hard day. ill let you have this one.
Are you serious dude??Is Randy your cousin ock??You had me until this point. I was like dude this dude just getting some shit of his chest. Thas cool. ?If he is your family, then I guess you have a right to be offended.??Otherwise, you are definding a BLACK man who was a whitness for the DEFENSE in a HATE CRIME. F*ck outta here fam.
and i wasnt really getting shit off my chest, i just had a long break, and had nothing else to do. i think this is the second time ive ever been to your site. its cool tho. ill definitely read it more often.
and i dont wanna defend homie cause hes defending a hate crime, thats wrong. but i do defend the fact hes accomplished what he has, and his view on the word. he is right, everyone and their momma is desensitized to the sure it wasnt easy to accomplish what he has. but whatever i could careless about dude honestly. and im a firm believe in karma, if that kid really was committing a hate crime, he’ll get whats coming to him one way or thee other. and I’m guessing he already has.
Apparently you enjoyed it. It compelled you to write an, um, response on your lunch break.
Not that i enjoyed it. i just respect to fact you are a woman with a voice. and i am naturally argumentative. like i said, i am a first generation jamaican/ trinidad american. all the women in my family are naturally aggressive and have something to say.I enjoy women with a voice
Well I must say that you failed to realize that some of those lovely words were written courtesy of my good friend VIK of biochemicalslang, so you should spread some of your er-love his way also:)
Who? biochemical what? i leave the slanguistics to E-40
I wonder what you would have done if you were in a jeep with some of those friends that like to “buy you beer” “smoke you down” and they decided it was time to open up a can of whupass on a nigga that was walking around “THEY” hood on the late late???Who do you stand with then, my dear “J”?
Id stand by my fellow black man. but it does depend on the situation. dont you thin?.every black man isnt innocent. and every white man isnt either.
And i was wondering if you have an email Address could reach you at. i have a question to ask you i wouldnt wanna put out there in this little comment thing. and no im not trying to get in your pants haha
P.S. niggaz really are comin at you. sorry if i made your day a little less enjoyable. hope you have a good one tommorow 🙂 haha
If your smart. You will peep the e-mail address on allready listed on the site.
As for my comment re- dudes going at me. That just some Gotty/ blog conversation, don’t trip.
“and no im not trying to get in your pants haha”
Flattering yourself, I see.
You know MY Sag got my ‘ish sewn up tighter than Paris Hilton’s pre-nup, young.
“What up, nigg__?” (that’s Howard Beach talk, it means I am protecting the neighborhood).
This wasn’t a hate crime. This was a white kid that grew up near the projects, with Hot 97. He’s got Black friends, too.
Question for juror # 12: “Do you listen to rap music?” Then you must be familiar with the new and improved n-word. They use it amongst themselves, he grew up around them. He’s a product of his environment.”
first off this was a real good post, i’m really feelin’ it. I’m not a white kid, but I’m light skinned. Happa w/ a slight south american twist to be exact. I’m not gonna say the above isn’t true, but shit doesn’t apply to me mayne. I grew up with cutthoats my whole life, got folks in the feds, wit kids, who been shot/stabbed, nearly everyone i know been to jail [including ya boy]. n i mean jail for time mayne, not some bullshit. n they black, asian, white, latino, everything. my folks is probably the craziest n most diverse group of muh fuckas u seen. but i never use the n-word. my black friends wouldn’t care if i did, shit i’m like one of the only kids i kick it wit who doesn’t say it. but i never have. i use: “blood, brodee, bruh bruh, cuz, cuzzo, patna, homie, etc.” i already have a hard enough time talking w/o sayin’ blood or brodee, that the n-word would jus fuck me over. i’d never get a job b/c rich white people don’t take u seriously when u talk like that. if my light skinned ass was walkin’ aorund droppin’ the n-word… fuhgeddaboutit.
i don’t not use it cuz of what the word means, b/c i kno that if i did use it i wouldn’t be usin’ it like that. i jus don’t feel comfortable with that word. i always look at white, asian, mexican [particularly white] kids who use that word as kinda stupid [cept my folks of course, but that’s cuz i kno them], i don’t really take them seriously. i don’t get upset cuz why would i? i jus kinda look at the kid like c’mon mayne.
the funny thing is i find it that it’s rich black kids as opposed to inner city blacks who seem to take way more offense to other races using the n word. lemme explain… like when i was at college last year, there was a big difference between the white n the blacks. first i went to the UofArizona probably bout 90%-10% in favor of whites and they was rich OC type whites – who didn’t fuck wit me cuz i “act black”. understandable, cuz rich white kids in the city don’t fuck wit me either. and the black kids didn’t like me at all down there either, i got hella dirty looks when i danced or walked around campus in tall tee’s n baggy ass jeans. actually some black girls liked me, but all the guys were not feelin’ me at all. they’d get offended n hella brush me off if i tried to talk to them at parties or whatever… like who da fuck “this kid”? try 2 make me feel hella stupid like they exposin me as a fake since some kanye west muh fucka ain’t down with me. when really “this kid” gotta butterfly knife in his waist n will hit u with the bidness n expose ur punk ass. but i was in college n had to act rite, this much i knew. but it was the black kids [who probably from upper middle class families n shit] who really didn’t like me, while the white kids jus ignored me. yadadamean?
this pissed me off cuz of who i roll wit the city. muh fuckas could give a fuck about folks droppin the n word, when u from a cut, race don’t matter as long as u folks n in it together. shit there’s too much other stuff to worry bout, u sellin shit, u jackin folks, u funkin wit other clicks. shiiiit, no one bitchin about non-black kids usin the n-word or actin black. haha, really tho. as long as u down to ride for the homies u can say what the fuck u want n act how the fuck u want, as long as muh fuckas dont bitch up when treal shit goes down. on mommas.
regardless i don’t use the word, but i kno it wouldn’t be a big deal if i did. honestly everybody usin’ it out here, 13 year old lil white kids is runnin around sayin’ it. but i never will, i’m already tryin’ to clean up my speech for when i go back to a four-year college. it is time to grow up, i’ve been tryin’ to stay in school n outta the streets since i’ve come back n all my folks is grown now too. the days of jookin n hot shit are over [for most of us], glad i made it thru them w/ jus minor problems. but real talk this shit was a real good post, had me wantin to speak on a lotta shit like good posts should. keep ’em comin
Word, I didnt notice the address till after the fact, the top isnt really an attention getter to me. and “if your smart”. hahaha damn your vicious.
and to that kid mac jay or whatever up there. that whole baggy jeans and “ghetto gown” white tee thing has been old. Is this the only manner of dress acceptable in your mind? is it wrong to sometimes dress otherwise? or if you do, are you a herb?
@ Mac J. This is priceless.
“the funny thing is i find it that it’s rich black kids as opposed to inner city blacks who seem to take way more offense to other races using the n word”.
This my dear, may be the begining of a new post. There is somthing so subtle and nuanced and you have clearly crystalized here. It is a class issue. As usual, but knowone is framing it like that.
And here is the clincher,
“muh fuckas could give a fuck about folks droppin the n word, when u from a cut, race don’t matter as long as u folks n in it together. shit there’s too much other stuff to worry bout, u sellin shit, u jackin folks, u funkin wit other clicks. shiiiit, no one bitchin about non-black kids usin the n-word or actin black. haha, really tho. as long as u down to ride for the homies u can say what the fuck u want n act how the fuck u want, as long as muh fuckas dont bitch up when treal shit goes down. on mommas.”
In the hood, you don’t have time to trip b/c there is TOOO MUCH OTHER SH*T GOING DOWN.
See. Jay. This statement reflects that fact that academics, writers, can talk about a word, or a concept, but at the end of the day you HAVE to see how it lives. And you cannot analyze the N word until you analyze the class component also. Real talk.
While you are welcome to come and discuss you do not diss, act derisuve towards posters, ie Mac J.
I will tell you that I noticed out of Mac Jay’s entire post, the only thing that you took issue with the clothing that he mentioned.
I begining to get the sense that you are working through your problems with Black Male stereotypes.
However, I felt that it would have far more interesting if you addressed the class differences and the N-word.
Your right, I apologize to both yall
And are you gonna make a post about class issues Bossy?
she Bossy…
There is ABsolutely nothing else to be said…keep the fire going!
Fair enough.
This has actually been good defensive practice for me. I personally need to work on making arguments and providing the rationale.
@ JerseyTjej,
Thank you for stopping by.
Don’t be a stranger.
I peep you and your international swagger.
interesting article…hmm…
“and to that kid mac jay or whatever up there. that whole baggy jeans and “ghetto gown” white tee thing has been old. Is this the only manner of dress acceptable in your mind? is it wrong to sometimes dress otherwise? or if you do, are you a herb?”
look i’m not a kid n no this isn’t the only way to dress. but i’m not gonna act like i don’t dress like that. if i’m posted wit the homies i’m not finna where pink polos n khaki shorts, i’ma stay with tees n jeans. if i’m hittin’ a club or on a date, at work, i’m finna to dress appropriately [still nothin pink tho]. been old? aight mayne whatever, i’ve been rockin’ that look since elementary school as i’m sure a lotta folks have. jus like i was playin’ mac dre out before half the bay was on his hype. i don’t really care what everyone else is doing, i’ma do me.
the whole point of mentioning that was to show the difference in classes n their attitude toward the issue of the n-word. next time i won’t mention anything bout clothing.
“See. Jay. This statement reflects that fact that academics, writers, can talk about a word, or a concept, but at the end of the day you HAVE to see how it lives. And you cannot analyze the N word until you analyze the class component also. Real talk.”
there really is way too much other stuff going on to get caught up on little shit like a word. i think education has a lot to do with it too. b/c that word might be a little deal in the hood, but maybe it was a big deal for those kids i met in college. i wouldn’t kno b/c none of them really gave me a chance to kno them. up until late last fall i didn’t kno what a blog was n would never be involved in a discussion like this. i listen to my folks complaining about a lotta shit that goes down in the inner city, but at the end of the day they’re out there doin’ the same shit not really taking a stand or matters into their own hands [i’m the only one who in school n actually goes to class]. so it works both ways. i’m not sayin’ it’s a good thing that this issue isn’t being raised in the streets it might just be ignorance. and i’m not sayin that those college kids don’t have a right to get mad at the word being used. i’m jus statin’ the facts as i’ve experienced them.
if the inner city had the awareness of everybody on this forum or the folks in college, maybe some real changes could be made. you can’t just bitch about why shit’s hella bad and go back to jookin and doin’ what u kno. that’s like giving up. u actually gotta get out there and do something to improve the situation. jus like if those academics really experienced street life, maybe they could do more than jus examine shit and come up with theories n educated guesses. b/c trust me if u ain’t from a hood, no one’s lettin’ u kno everything that really goes on there. i don’t care if u kno people there, go there w/ a video camera, u ain’t seein’ how that shit works unless u from there. yameen? maybe if u a cop, as much as i hate to admit it they’re smarter than they look but still their more on a legal/fuckin’ people up tip. none of em kno what it’s like to live there. i’m from da l’s n businessmen n women walk around all day on market n shit, w/ no idea of what’s really going on around them. shit’s funny to me.
Think about it,
African American men have been in a position that emasculates them for hundreds of years—by society’s power structure, by their mothers, sisters, and lovers…Now, they’ve got this thing that gives them the facade of power–its got beautful women (of all colors) dancing and prancing half-dressed because of them and for them…They have this thing that makes whatever they are important and powerful (or seemingly powerful) why would they worry about how what they say affects anyone else–they just know it makes them “bigger and badder”…it has everyone on the planet influenced by them to varying degrees–was anyone else bothered when wall street exec’s starting saying “Bling”? Anyone that doesn’t delve too deep into the subconscious of the whole thing can’t help but want to be who ever that “hotness” is (fame is power in this country and several others)…not to mention the money that is possible..Hip hop has expanded well beyond just being a form of musical expression and a way to represent the oppressions of the ghetto…its this whole other monster, and its being taken away from its street origins by the same folk that took jazz, the blues, and rock and roll.
u actually gotta get out there and do something to improve the situation. jus like if those academics really experienced street life, maybe they could do more than jus examine shit and come up with theories n educated guesses.
True. But that depends on who you popped out of on your first birthday, more than anything,
b/c trust me if u ain’t from a hood, no one’s lettin’ u kno everything that really goes on there.
Dude. N*ggas don’t wear stop snitchin’ t-shirts for nuthin’.
Fa’ show.
i’m from da l’s n businessmen n women walk around all day on market n shit, w/ no idea of what’s really going on around them. shit’s funny to me.
That is the beauty of breathing in america. You can go bout cho bizness and not even trip of the next. At least until somethin hella crazy happens’ then fools be a ll shook and wanna “make a difference” and “teach in public schools”.
Peace Soledad.
I am glad you stopped through.
* Um. We NEVER owned hip hop nor, any of our other music expression. Except for James Brown. So there is really nothing to take away from us. We create an perform, not own.
* Hip Hops influence is pervasive and Global, however it is also potentially very deadly.
* Young bucks w/o critcal skills listen to songs as if they are the “gospel”. They consuming and not thinking and thats why it is dangerous.
Mac jay, no need to hold your tongue on clothing or anything of the like because of me. i apologized, do your thing cuzzo.
This has actually been good defensive practice for me. I personally need to work on making arguments and providing the rationale.
Same here sista, this has actually been alot of fun.continue to argue and enlighten. there will never be any hard feelings.
Um. We NEVER owned hip hop nor, any of our other music expression. Except for James Brown. So there is really nothing to take away from us. We create an perform, not own.?————————————————–
Bossy, you ever see the movie, “wallstreet”? in a part of the movie, gordon gecko, played by Michael douglas says. “i dont create, i own”. in that movie, Michael plays the epitome of an executive. do you think its more important that we own, or create?
I order that book “Third Girl from the Left”. im excited about reading it
@ J.
I am so glad you ordered it.
You are going to love it.
I hope.
We have creation ooooozing out of our pores.
Its about time we start franchising some of this ish.
bossy–I do think that we own things historically speaking, there are periods of time during the development of black music forms when no person that didn’t know it cared about it. Its not until some smart person (in hip-hop,it was Russell Simmons) sees the overall appeal that it becomes world-wide. When I say own, I don’t just mean make all the money from it, but own as in making it a part of one’s life–holding true to it, being a representative of it. During the time that hip hop was really rapping, kids still just wanted to be basketball players, like Jordan nobody was really feeling rapping…Now that a person can make a bit of money, everybody wants to be a rapper…
and for the people that feel that kind of expression in their bones, it has nothing to do with making money.
And it has been taken from us, in that the definition of what it means to do this rap/hip hop thing has changed and includes a ton of things that don’t have anything to do with the expression…and that’s what needs to be taken back.
Daaaaaam Gina – you wanted a lot of responses and you got em. The craziest part of the case to me was that the kids admitted that they were in the neighborhood looking to steal a luxury car.
Peace Jase.
I was waitin’ fa ya happy a$$ to pop through.
yeah man. The blog kinda took on its own personality.
Remember for hella months I usta be like “jase, wahcu think about this name for a blog, or this name or man, if I had a blog i would post about x or y or z”.
Wachu been up to mayne.
@ soledad
see. I thought you were being literal.
But I am mistaken.
The dope thing about culture, is that it is so elusive.
I don’t think that it can be taken back.
We have to deal with it on its current terms and conditions.
I’m chillin working hard as usual, u rolling to the Brooklyn Hip-hop Festival?
N*gga. I think I am working HARDER THAN YOU. CAN you believe it.
BK HH festival.
When, where, Isn’t it next weekend?
Its mad hot outside .
I have been bumping that my favorite ladies by Dooom and Madlid. Lyrics and bass line
Love that sh*t ock.
Where wifey.
Did I tell you I saw her?
She ain’t peep me, so I kept it moving.
No need to start MO sh*t. Right.
Its next weekend and no you didnt tell me you saw her. That’s funny, where did u see her at? You working harder than me keep dreaming son. What album is that Doom/Madlib joint on?
Nigga. I did. Actually a couple days after I saw you. Ironic right. On 6th and 14th.
I kept it moving though.
Trust ock. I am doing it. I got three joints. One on 33rd and Park, another in East NY and a uptown joint on 82nd and Columbus.
We rolling to the HH fest or what?
lemme guess…
you came outta pocket for “More Like Wrestling”?
i ended up LOVING that book. it came to me in the right time. the first time i actually missed cali.
but dont get me started on the whole Howard BEach thing. i think u hit it right on the head. if you are banging someone over the head, while calling them a nigga & you aint one…it’s for damn sure a hate crime. nuff said.
More Like Wresslin’ is beautiful right!?!?!?!!!!!
Yeah. The Howard Beach Victim just filed a Civil Suit. He ’bout to get paaaayed.
yeah, i really enjoyed that book. i let my co-worker borrow it & she couldn’t get into it. i think you had to be from cali to REALLY dig it. plus she was older & from the boogie down…so you know. *lol*
good for him, he deserves to get paid.
Isn’t it interesting how being “from” a place affects whether you can get into the art that created from that place.
For that matter, perhaps there is a special understanding of art by people who are from the region that it was created.
yes. true. but that’s not always the case. i have an intense love of east coast hip hop even though i grew up in a sea of crips & jeri curls.
just one of those things.
i think she was just used to her chick flick, sex me up, my baby daddy left me but i’m gonna survive books.
oh well.
Crips and Jeri Curls.
Hellls yeah.
I will survive “hood literature”.
My philosophy is that finding art that you love, makes you feel like you are not alone in this world.