I don’t know sponge bob. But Lupe Fiasco is a more marketing savvy, likeable Talib Kweli. Peace to Brooklyn. Trust.But, I haven’t hear a song KNOCK this SOULFULL since Jay D’s jawn. It is the perfect begining of the summer ipod knock.
Yall know Micheal and Paul McCartney fell out over the Beatles catalogue. Well, the Times gave up the game this weekend on the entire story. I loved reading every word. Who ever talks about financing ANYTHING in the culture. Its all about buy, consume, get fat.
Mr. Jackson’s pre-expense share of the “Thriller” bounty ? including the album, singles and a popular video ? surpassed $125 million, according to a former adviser who requested anonymity because of the confidential nature of Mr. Jackson’s finances. Below I have posted an excerpt.
Those who counseled him in the “Thriller” era credit the pop star with financial acumen and astute business judgment, evidenced by his $47.5 million purchase of the Beatles catalog in 1985 (a move that served to alienate him from Paul McCartney, the Beatles legend who imparted the financial wisdom of buying catalogs to Mr. Jackson during a casual chat,[ note to self, have more casual chats with yt’s re finance] only to see Mr. Jackson then turn around and buy rights to many of Mr. McCartney’s own songs).
The Dope part about it is that McCartney apparently was the one who TOLD MICHAEL to to invest in that sh*t in the first place.
Ha. They beefin’ over Beatles cash.
Sony was worried because Mr. Jackson was the company’s partner in a lucrative music publishing business that included songs by the Beatles and other musicians. If Mr. Jackson became insolvent, his 50 percent share of that
$1 billion business would be up for grabs to the highest bidder, leaving Sony to confront the uncomfortable possibility that it would be forced into a new, unpredictable partnership not of its own choosing.[ Sony would rather deal with the eccentric artist that they know, as opposed to say, Mark Cuban with hot tempered ass. Could you imagine having an investment so attractive that your partner can bring BANKS to the table to give you LOANS when you are TENS of MILLIONS of dollars in the hole mainly because of interest on your currrent LOANS. It is a quality drug that works generic levitra usa best by boosting the sexual potential to the great extent. Evidence for the clock: Researchers know that metabolism and the biological clock are connected. order free viagra You will be able to get enjoyed by using that order generic viagra with same effect. You need to super viagra active make use of it safely. HA. I love CORPORATE FINANACE. WHERE IS THE VASELINE?]
Peace to the New York Times for writing something analytical ’bout Mike for once.
Ceo’s might wanna heed Mr. Aks warning regarding what the future holds if nigg*s don’t get decent health care.
If those at the top of the heap are really so smart, they
should start advocating some orderly increase in redistrbution- at the very least, in the form of national health care coverage.They shoud do this if only to maintain social peace- to prevent the less fortunate, in other words, from losing their heads. Because if that happens, the rich may lose theirs as well.
Daniel Aks, New York Times, April 30th 2006
Straight form the Bay. Brian Copeland in “Not a Genuine Black Man”. He apparently had SOLD OUT shows in ‘Frisco and is doing the damn thing in NYC.
Thats hella fresh.
Im tryna peep it. Who going with me?!?!!?
DR2 103
E15th 212 239 6200
Yall know I liked to call NYC Millionaire city. Well. This cat lamented, over the weekend, over the changes in The Village.
These days, I hardly recognize the student population, or at least what I hear about it.
Every few months there seems to be a tabloid scandal involving someone conspicuously identified as “an N.Y.U. student”: a young woman raised in a New
Jersey mansion arrested on charges of dealing drugs; a student accused of running a $7.4 million hedge-fund scam in Greenwich, Conn. These strike me as the transgressions of young people who act as if they can get away with whatever
they please.Even in my day, commuting students like me weren’t fashionable. We hadn’t taken part in half a dozen after-school activities by the time we were 12. We hadn’t played lacrosse in high school. But we did, I think, give an often cold and impersonal institution a soul, a grounded identity. The Olsen twins, for all the news media hype surrounding their presence at N.Y.U., do not.
MAYBE it’s just me becoming an old coot. But in my mind, N.Y.U. feels like nothing so much as an enclave of downtown elitism. Its relentless expansion has the air of manifest destiny. The Palladium an N.Y.U. dorm? It still feels like a joke.
These innernets been kinda quiet yall. Where yall at? Watchall doing?
And why is it so hot in cali and so dreary here man. This s*it is wack. ***logs off and eats trader joes tamale and scrounges around for another stella.
lol@Kweli…yeah…he needs a better PR team (and to relax his flow a bit). he needs to hire Mos’ people.
the Lupe joint is hot. i’m really diggin this cat….kick…push…….
btw: is it me…or does his voice sound like one of those dude from Camp Lo? (they were the ish).
word ’em up. Palladium as NYU dorm is disgusting!
okay I said I was staying away from blogging but decided Model Minority isn’t a blog…..it’s a little bit of education LOL…
I thought the whole michael vs paul thing was funny when it started, paul should have kept his mouth shut..that’s when Mihcael was black and you never tell a black man where to get some money LOL…
ok why have I not heard of Brian Copeland (maybe because I’m a homebody) I live in Oaktown and San Leandro is nothing like it was back then, well blacks aren’t allowed there now but that’s because it’s ran by mexicans I think Imma have to come to the NY just to check that out..LOL
He does have a cool flow. But I love that song man. Its like. I can just ride the train and lose myself.
You know what it is. It is so affirming to listen to a Black man talk, who OBVIOUSLY loves black people.
You know what DP. If the Palld dorm didn’t come we would not have a Trader Joes and Trader Joes was instrumental in allowing me to continue to study and act like I wanted to be in school so.
Whattayagonnado. (c) tony Soprano
We all sacrifice a lil bit in the name of progress.
Yeah, Sista girl.
I heard about him when I read the East Bay Express last Decemeber for my Holiday visit.
Where you at inna town?
Small world hunh!?!?!?
Thank you for calling the mm blawg a lil bit of education. I have come to realize that I like writing but I love the feed back. I think it gives us a sense that we are ALL connected in the world.
Yeah it’s a small world…I’m in West Oakland near emeryville..I’m orig from ATL but my hubby has fam down here…Next time you come through you should e-mail me we can gab a coffee or something
yeah I’m lovin the mm blog and your right about wanting to feel connected when I startd my blog I sad I wasn’t gonna try and get feedback it was supposed to be just for me but uh well…LOL
Oh Word. I lived in West Oakland when I went to school in Frisco.
My momma is on 36th and West. Thats hella funny.
We will definatly Link up when I am out there.
I love going to jupiters on Shattuck, they have the best beer, (IPA’s) and they have that bon fire in the back. Some good living, I tell yah.
what you know about Jupiters?
Ohh my boy used to work as a cook there and laced me with the free nintey-nine lunches which left more beer money!
I agree with Sista, MM is truly educational
Jupiters and Cody’s ale house is THAT shizzle.
Some good ‘ol bay area beer kickin’ it.
Thank yall for appreciating my education al blog contributions. ***smiles and sips lemon ginger tea**
BTW, about Lupe, here’s a 12 track mix that distills some of his best mixtape numbers into one easy listen. He’s definitely one of my favorites, I got a 5 page list of references analyzing just one of his songs.
Thank you fletchie. You the best. You my friend. Long live bloggy friends.